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So on a completely unrelated topic...food! Who's got the grill and what are we cooking? We need to organize some sort of feast. Maybe everyone convince grandma to make you a dish of her famous mac n cheese or pasta salad to bring with you? Do it up buffet style.

I mean I love when we all just slap our meats on the grill, but I think its time we get organized. Who's in?

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What I need to do is find someone that I can work with every time I'm at the track to help me get better and work on stuff to make me quicker.

Pay for my track day, and I'll sign up for I and tow you around and work with you all day mkay?

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Yeah dude just ask for a mentor for the day, or for the AM sessions follow him, then switch it. They will definitely do it, if you aren't comfortable asking yourself, just get with Craig, Jinu, Nick(hates beaver and loves meat, so won't be at Beaver), and have them talk to one of the guys with you next to them. I've gotten tons of tows from people at every event I go to.

Also I am totally in for the feast, like for sure. I'm a fat guy and love to eat.

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i should probably sign up for a race or two now, but i'll just wait lol

Don't wait too long, you'll be gridded in the way-way back machine. Unless you're planning to use that as your excuse for your poor finish like I did. Then by all means, wait till race day to sign up.

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So on a completely unrelated topic...food! Who's got the grill and what are we cooking? We need to organize some sort of feast. Maybe everyone convince grandma to make you a dish of her famous mac n cheese or pasta salad to bring with you? Do it up buffet style.

I mean I love when we all just slap our meats on the grill, but I think its time we get organized. Who's in?

I always pack food for the track. Wouldnt hurt to bring something extra to share. I thought the original talk was hitting the town saturday night. I know some of u have to race sunday but for us trackday/pit bitch guys a few beers must be had.

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I always pack food for the track. Wouldnt hurt to bring something extra to share. I thought the original talk was hitting the town saturday night. I know some of u have to race sunday but for us trackday/pit bitch guys a few beers must be had.

lol, we usually have a few drinks, well some of us do.

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You're gonna have to start posting from your smartphone or something and not from work. I can't handle these rated G posts from you lately.

If you look at my post times it's very apparent when I'm home or at work lol. Starting next week most of my posts will most likely be from my phone during the day, but all in all, I don't really use my phone to browse anything or post, so I think I'll just be silent during work hours.

Brandon you bringing the GF? Or do we get to snuggle?

I'm def in for bringing food, but am by no means opposed to going into town for a beer or 2. I know after the nightmare Nelson event in May, we all had a lot of beers, same with the terrible Putnam even in April...

Craig and I are planning on being there before gates close Friday night, unless his wife decides she wants to come. In that case, I'm just going to have her sit on my lap from his house to the track and we can figure everything else out when we get there.

I always have at least a 12 pack with me, really anywhere I go for a weekend trip, just in case. So yes, I will have my beer with me Friday.

Edited by madcat6183
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If you look at my post times it's very apparent when I'm home or at work lol. Starting next week most of my posts will most likely be from my phone during the day, but all in all, I don't really use my phone to browse anything or post, so I think I'll just be silent during work hours.

Brandon you bringing the GF? Or do we get to snuggle?

I'm def in for bringing food, but am by no means opposed to going into town for a beer or 2. I know after the nightmare Nelson event in May, we all had a lot of beers, same with the terrible Putnam even in April...

Craig and I are planning on being there before gates close Friday night, unless his wife decides she wants to come. In that case, I'm just going to have her sit on my lap from his house to the track and we can figure everything else out when we get there.

I always have at least a 12 pack with me, really anywhere I go for a weekend trip, just in case. So yes, I will have my beer with me Friday.

I got hammered after that saturday at putnam. Andy's dad said they were doing brethalizer tests at tech on sunday. :p

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I got hammered after that saturday at putnam. Andy's dad said they were doing brethalizer tests at tech on sunday. :p

Bro we all did, even Grey.... Hence why he took 3rd and not first. THose 2 races were awesome though. Minus the dude with the white threads hanging off his suit, that crap shouldn't be allowed.

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MadScat as of right meow I'm leaving the gf at home. She's bad luck and causes wrecks on starts every time she's at the track. So you'll all be safe this weekend.

So my trailer will be wide open. My Ninja buddy will probably be in there, but I upgraded to the double-high queen size air mattress. That leaves room for 4-5 more if we all lay nut-to-butt.

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The Madscat wants this to happen. Yes, I will refer to myself in 3rd person when I want to because that is how I roll.

So let's see, Craig and me on his cots or all 4 of us in your trailer which then we can add in RVT, R1, JCopeland, thats 7 deep... Get it? Deep.

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