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+4 Silverfish


Silverfish can live in a dark, moist environment or a dry environment such as an attic and require a large supply of starchy foods or molds. They feed on wallpaper pastes, natural textiles, books, paper, and photographs. They also feed on mold or fungi that can grow on various surfaces. They are fast moving and can travel throughout buildings. Once these insects find a good source of food, they stay close to it. Attics are a favorite place for them due to the abundant food sources such as recycled, blown in, paper insulation and storage boxes. You may see them trapped in sinks and bathtubs because they enter seeking moisture and are unable to climb a slick vertical surface to escape. Outside, they may be found in nests of insects, birds, mammals, and under tree bark and mulch. They can be found in wood shingles or siding on houses, this is also a primary entry point.

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The silverfish looks about right. WTF is it doing in my apartment? I live on the second floor in a pretty new building not near anything moist. I have no basement and no access to the attic. There is no moisture and we are using the A/C so all windows and doors are closed and sealed.

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They're actually pretty tasty, fried in some bacon grease...

If you deep-fry this keyboard in bacon grease... I'll eat it. What's your point? :D

Def. a silverfish. Creepy to see but nothing that requires hazmat teams or large caliber defense. Zombies on the other hand...

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