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See ya later Ohio


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Just letting you all know, I'll probably be leaving Ohio in the near future as I'm in the process of going back in the army. I should be in the reserves July 11th, go to school and get MOS (job) qualified and then transfer to active duty. Not sure on an exact time frame but hopefully soon. There is the possibility I might try to go full time reserves and be a recruiter for a couple years (I'll stay where I am at now), get some rank and then go back active. We'll see how it goes.

I'll try and stay on the board but riding and going to events with you all will probably be near impossible. :lol: Even though my current job keeps me away quite a bit now anyways.

I'll probably be throwing some stuff up here for sale so keep an eye out. ;)

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Thanks for your service, AGAIN. Good luck man, sucks we never met since I sorta got to know the asshole in you here :D Just hope the rest of your persona is just as fun. Hope you land where you want to be and become severely overpaid for your efforts

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Have fun, man. With the way you wistfully described your time in the Army, this isn't entirely surprising. I wish you the best, and keep your head down out there :)

Also, I call dibs on at least one of your less-expensive pistols (should you decide to sell). Be gentle with me, as I am long on heart but short on budget. :)

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Have fun

Always. :D

Good luck bro!

Thanks man. You should come in too. :lol:

Thanks for your service, AGAIN. Good luck man, sucks we never met since I sorta got to know the asshole in you here :D Just hope the rest of your persona is just as fun. Hope you land where you want to be and become severely overpaid for your efforts

Thanks man. If you weren't all the way over in Piqua, I'd go out for a beer with ya. And I don't think I'm that big of an asshole. :D

Have fun, man. With the way you wistfully described your time in the Army, this isn't entirely surprising. I wish you the best, and keep your head down out there :)

Also, I call dibs on at least one of your less-expensive pistols (should you decide to sell). Be gentle with me, as I am long on heart but short on budget. :)

Thanks dude. And chances of me selling my guns are slim to none. My dad'll hang on to them until I can get a couple out my duty station.

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Don't be a stranger!


Who's gonna dig up old threads now?

I'll still try to hang out on the board, but may end up being less than I do now.

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'll have to see who can faithfully and dutifully carry on the role of grave digger. :(

I've actually tossed the idea around of selling the FZR and getting a cruiser. Would suit me better while I am in.

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Keep your head on a swivel and a lookout for the right kind of MOS that you'll enjoy for the long haul.

And stick it out until you can retire (my only regret with respect to the military, not getting my 20+).

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If you pass through Ft Campbell, say hi to my boy! Good luck!

My brother in law is at Campbell. He's CO but not sure what unit. Heading to Afghanistan in August.

Good luck man! I call dibs on any magazines and ammo can you come upon.

also *cough Eclan, ACOG, PEQ cough*


So you're saying he's schizophrenic? Wait....now I'm thinking "asshole" is more of a compliment:lol:

Wow, I feel the love around here. Lol

Keep your head on a swivel and a lookout for the right kind of MOS that you'll enjoy for the long haul.

And stick it out until you can retire (my only regret with respect to the military, not getting my 20+).

Yeah that's bothered me. I would be at 9 years now. I'm thinking I wanna try MP since I have LE experience now. Id like something combat arms related, would love to go airborne or air assault. I wanna have more fun this time.

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