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anyone here make bbq?


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So I'm not normally a gadget guy, but my wife bought me the coolest bbq gadget to date. Its a thermometer that connects to your phone via bluetooth. Its dual temp and allows you to check temps of your smoking via an app on your phone, instead of being married to the smoker, watching the thermometer.



Edited by oldschoolsdime92
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Sorry no. As hard as I try I can't remember ever snapping poloroids of my food back in the day. I guess that lack of photophilia followed me to this day. I did enjoy eating the bird with my family, if that counts for something. I have some leftovers. ..I could post pics but I just ate the last of them.

So in conclusion I get shithouse wasted and devour turkey day lefties like it's my fuckin job son.

Thanks for playing.

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  • 5 weeks later...

It's funny the shoulder almost turned out like a smoked ham. The loins were good, kids came back for seconds.


Higher heat and shorter cooking time by chance? That pork looks interesting, but it also looks good. :)

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They soaked for about 20 hrs in a spice salt brine, then i did a dry rub over night. I smoked it for about 5-6 hours. Temps were spiking as i was having problems with it being so cold out and the temps dropping. They were ranging from 150-250 lol i gave up and put it in the oven at 270 for 45 mins in a roaster pan with apple juice and a little apple cider vinegar under a grate and let it steam covered.

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  • 5 months later...

10340170_10203013397990830_5657088374936 10385309_10203013395630771_6414983378477 10468686_10203013393990730_5486284392060


Forgot to take "before" and during pics.....got the Brinkmann smoker for Father's day.  Ran through the seasoning steps on Saturday, and spent Sunday afternoon/evening cooking!


Seasoned the pork ribs with Montreal Steak Seasoning, the pork chops with the same plus minced garlic, and the bacon was uncured but I seasoned one plate with paprika + salt, and the other with black pepper + salt.


Used oak lump charcoal with a little mesquite hardwood charcoal.


Ribs - 4 hours - meat peeled from the bone perfectly!  

Chops - 2.5 hours - meat was still moist, and damn tasty (probably should have stopped these 1" thick chops at 2 hours for slightly more juice)

bacon - 1.5 hours - top rack wasn't as crispy as the bottom rack, but a couple seconds in the microwave fixed that up


Kept the temp at 225-ish, never got over 240 or below 220(except when adding the next shelf of meat).  Had the water pan loaded up, and it did not need any extra water.


Not the easiest to clean out the ash, but since I have fireplace equipment, it's not too bad.  Would highly recommend this smoker for folks who don't want to spend more than $300 for a quality wood smoker.

Edited by redbarron77
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  • 2 weeks later...

Last Sunday:




 leg of lamb on the left(Montreal steak seasoning + garlic), pork tenderloin on the right(garlic + salt + sugar)




since the lamb has a bone, it went closer to the heat




I did add in a couple pieces of plain oak wood for extra smoke.




 4 hours later, still tender and juicy!




Same for the leg of lamb




More Paprika + Salt bacon




And Bacon with Tony Chachere's Creole.  This came out a lot better than I thought it would.

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I have a decent sized gathering coming up next month, going to be doing some pulled pork, brisket and some ribs.  Probably around 50 pounds of meat.  I will be coming back through this thread for some possible fresh ideas!

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I did a quick and lazy pork butt the other day. Took it off the smoker too early but ended up being a blessing in disguise since I had to reheat the whole batch for a party Sunday. Turned out to be one of my better ones yet

I also made ABT's. If you haven't had them you HAVE to make them. Sooooo good

Edited by Bad324
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  • 4 weeks later...

I did a quick and lazy pork butt the other day. Took it off the smoker too early but ended up being a blessing in disguise since I had to reheat the whole batch for a party Sunday. Turned out to be one of my better ones yet

I also made ABT's. If you haven't had them you HAVE to make them. Sooooo good


I have been seriously thinking about making some ABT's.  Meijer had a nice rack for cooking them that I might have to go pick up.  How did you do your ABT's?  


The "Big Smokeout" that is becoming a yearly thing for us will be in a couple weeks.  Briskets, Pork Butts, and Ribs.  I'm even taking a day off work just to do everything!  I should have time to post more BBQ porn this time!  :)  


If anyone seriously wants to come out here to Johnstown for some BBQ and social time with friends and family, let me know.  Family event, on Aug. 15.

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The way I do mine is labor intensive but always come out great

*Get nice fat jalapeños and cut them down the middle to make 2 boats. Core them and remove the seeds

*make a mixture of cream cheese, already made pulled pork and your rub du jour

*spoon in your mixture and wrap with a half slice of thick cut bacon secured with a toothpick

*smoke for an hour or so in a foil pan

*enjoy and be ready to make a shit ton more in the future

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The way I do mine is labor intensive but always come out great

*Get nice fat jalapeños and cut them down the middle to make 2 boats. Core them and remove the seeds

*make a mixture of cream cheese, already made pulled pork and your rub du jour

*spoon in your mixture and wrap with a half slice of thick cut bacon secured with a toothpick

*smoke for an hour or so in a foil pan

*enjoy and be ready to make a shit ton more in the future


The "kit" I referenced in my previous post has a rack to cook them in, pointy end down, and a tool for coring the peppers.  Really, that doesn't sound all that labor intensive, especially if you're doing some BBQ anyway!  I think I could work them into the mix pretty easily for the "Smokeout" that I'm having.  I plan to do the pork Friday (since it reheats well) then throw the briskets in late Friday night.  They should finish up in the late morning to early afternoon, just in time to toss the ribs in.  The ribs should be done in time to have do some ABT's before people start showing up around 6:00.  Sounds like a plan!  :)

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