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14 dead at dark knight premier

kawi kid

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So in a home invasion situation people should...

A. Sit and watch, maybe lend a hand.

B. Pull a Chuck Norris Moment and get shot by the criminal.

C. Bend over and take it like a liberal.

D. Have a plan of where to make a stand and have a loaded gun available.

E. Call magley to come rescue them by talking the criminal to death with peace and love.

Because as we know, if I don't have a gun the criminal will throw his away. Your view = skewed. :rolleyes:

You forgot that Magley will be prepared to throw elbows and hammer fists down on the evil tyrants. That is very effective against armed crackhead fucksticks that are trying to ruin your life.

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I votet option A, although I'm sure homeowners/renters insurance would go through the roof... Fuck it, take what you want, shits replacable.

Newsflash.......now you have seen the perps face "oh fuck", what are your honest chances that you are going to see your shit get replaced? Oh I almost forgot, no guns are allowed in your home, seems this may not play out well for you. Having a choice can be a bitch sometimes, I choose to be armed in and out of my home. You know the risks of both, once again your choice to make.

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bands lol no comment , and dam this has really became quite the debate i am not going to take any more chances and go get another gun and a ktm super duke r just in case may even get my girlfriend a gun and a lil duke you can never be too prepared,( there is just as many reasons to ban sport bikes as there is guns, both are life threatening in the wrong hands) that part was a joke so plz dont get upset but the rest was fo realzz and if you aint first your last and,and,and if you aint pro gun than fuck you!!! ted 2012

Edited by burnout_boy
i could not read my sons crayon scribbles
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yeah, keep blaming islam, which is also "peaceful" :rolleyes:

It is what it is, you think the middle east is peaceful, you think guns preserve life, and you believe that a fairy in the sky causes natural disasters as punishment for gays...

obviously it's MY pov that is skewed... :rolleyes:

So for the fourth time you refuse to address why Switzerland and Israel's violent crime rate with guns is negligible even tho they have easy access to assault weapons and guns, and high rates of ownership.

It completely, utterly destroys your argument, so you won't face it or even speak to it...you change the subject every fucking time.

That's because you're a coward. When faced with an uncomfortable obstacle, you just ignore it like a petulant child.

You've been exposed, and most of us would be embarrassed to keep marching and making it worse on ourselves. Take your ball, and go home.

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You've been exposed, and most of us would be embarrassed to keep marching and making it worse on ourselves. Take your ball, and go home.


Now what Magz? The gauntlet has been thrown down! You gonna drop him with an elbow? Or are you gonna calm down, shut up and hand the full retard duties back over to Exarch?



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Now what Magz? The gauntlet has been thrown down! You gonna drop him with an elbow? Or are you gonna calm down, shut up and hand the full retard duties back over to Exarch?



That is just wrong.:lol:

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So for the fourth time you refuse to address why Switzerland and Israel's violent crime rate with guns is negligible even tho they have easy access to assault weapons and guns, and high rates of ownership.

You keep deferring the blame, on "ifidels" in israel and on "boyz in the hood" here

Keep telling yourself that israel is peaceful...

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You keep deferring the blame, on "ifidels" in israel and on "boyz in the hood" here

Keep telling yourself that israel is peaceful...

If this were a street fight, I'd have your blood and teeth all over my shoes.

Ignore Switzerland, AGAIN, ignored that the only real meaningful violence in Israel is from outsiders, AGAIN.

You have nothing, but emotions and the crude arguments of a child.

You have self-destructive tenacity tho. So, Bender, would you like another?

I can keep kicking you, if you'd like some more.

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You keep deferring the blame, on "ifidels" in israel and on "boyz in the hood" here

Keep telling yourself that israel is peaceful...

Israel is a state surrounded by other states that hates their fucking guts! The source of violence in Israel is not Israeli on Israeli, its from outside sources. And I bet its safe to say that if Israel had less guns the violence would be at a lot higher level.

Edited by kawi kid
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If this were a street fight, be honest, you'd have bitched out already and pulled a gun:D

Anyone else would be humiliated at having their own argument turned against them, and beaten with it.

All you can do is keep ignoring it, deflecting, and trying your best to show you have gamesmanship and hope no one notices how desperate you are. Well, that ship sailed long ago.

The only person who agrees with you on this with any degree of fervor is serpent, and he's functionally retarded.

You're starting to get my pity.

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charged with 141 counts

12 1st degree "Murder With Deliberation"

12 1st degree Murder of "extreme indifference to the value of human life"

116 attempted murder

1 illegal possession of explosives

edit: Yahoo reports that there are 142 charges filed, I don't know what the last one is...

Edited by magley64
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I don't get two counts of murder per victim... Unless they only intend for him to be convicted of one per victim and the two charges relate to two different mindsets. One may be more serious than the other, with the lower charge a "lesser included offense" that the jury can find him guilty on even if they don't agree with the more serious charge...

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk 2

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Same line of thinking here scruit. I think that they may have the "reckless disregard" charge as a back-up in case the defense convinces the jury that his motive wasn't to intentionally kill those specific people.

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