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Best gyms in the Columbus area?


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Due to a new job, i'll be staying in the Columbus area for the most part. I'm just not too familiar with the area.

So, can anyone name decent places to workout, train, etc? Not really too big on gyms that solely focus on crossfit style fitness, but depending on reviews i might give them a look.

Just looking for a place that i can go to, workout for an hr or so (weights, cardio) that's not filled with a bunch of affliction wearing wannabe ufc fighters or 16 year old kids.

Does anyone know anything about Beyond Limits Training on E Long st?

Thanks for any suggestions!

Edited by NightRider
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I train at old school gym on the east side. Mainly power lifting but there is a lot of cross fit stuff there too. Good guys and no douche bags since I've been there. They all come to train hard and not do bicep curls and bench press before a night on the town.

There are a lot of crappy gyms in Columbus so be careful. Any type of 24 hour commercial gym will pretty much suck.

I could start an entire thread on the shit that makes me want to vomit into my hat and put it back on that I have seen at gyms. Trainers getting butthurt when more that 4-45's are on a bar, no grunting sirens, flat billed wannabe fighters shadowboxing like they are Rocky, 90 minute arm workouts, overbearing dad's almost hurting their kids with weights, and I've only been in 3 gyms since January.

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Good luck.


There are a lot of crappy gyms in Columbus so be careful. Any type of 24 hour commercial gym will pretty much suck.

And this.

I go to the community center in Westerville and it kinda sucks. Fitness area is small and sometimes it gets pretty crowded but there are less douchebags than places like Fitness 19/Urban Active, etc. Unfortunately it's the only gym close to me that isn't filled with clowns in Affliction T's that carry around gallon jugs of protein shake. Maybe try going to the YMCA? That's what I did when I lived in Canton and it wasn't too douche-y.

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Good luck.

Thanks lol.

I train at old school gym on the east side. Mainly power lifting but there is a lot of cross fit stuff there too. Good guys and no douche bags since I've been there. They all come to train hard and not do bicep curls and bench press before a night on the town.

There are a lot of crappy gyms in Columbus so be careful. Any type of 24 hour commercial gym will pretty much suck.

Is it open to the public? I'm not small by any means, but i'm not huge either

(muscle wise) and have wanted to try and work my way up to power lifting. I've lifted on and off for about 9 months with the Select Tech Bowflex dumbbell system. I maxed out the weights the last 3 or 4 months, and made sure to start off with 5 or 6 sets of bench press for 10,200 lbs or so. Followed by various other exercises for an hr. But, in my opinion pretty limited on what i could do with just the dumbbells and weight bench. So, finally...i'm able to join a gym and would definitely like to add more muscle.

I know some, but have a lot to learn. I just did what i could with what i had and want to continue to improve.

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The wife and I train at Fit Club downtown. The owner is a great dude, and everyone there is friendly and motivates each other to do well. If I'm the last one working on the daily workout, I've got people shouting to keep with it and stay focused, etc. I'm very happy with my results so far and our choice in gym.

I know you said you weren't interested in strictly CrossFit, but Fit Club has olympic lifting on Sundays, Running workouts, swimming workouts (outside of Fit Club, because they don't have a pool there) and is actually hosting their third annual Summer games this Sunday at Arch park. come check it out if you have the chance, you will see the camaraderie and positive attitude.


P.S. - Fit club offers a free training session to see if they would be a good fit for what you are looking to achieve. It might be worth the hour of your time to see if they would be a good fit or not. Give them a call, 614-500-3883 as for Mitch, he's the owner.

Edited by Goldie
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P.S. - Fit club offers a free training session to see if they would be a good fit for what you are looking to achieve. It might be worth the hour of your time to see if they would be a good fit or not. Give them a call, 614-500-3883 as for Mitch, he's the owner.

I might have to do that. I'm not completely against crossfit, just wanted to get back into the swing of things, lifting, running, etc before i jumped balls to the walls into something like crossfit. Thank you for the info.

i live in columbus I could give you a work out.... ;)

You are reading 50 Shades of Grey again aren't you?

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I did about a month :D

You could always check out planet fitness. I'm not sure how many locations they have but they are fairly cheap and not Lifetime.

I love to read. Have you read, i think the other 2 books in the series? We could start a small book club. ;)

I would pay more not to deal with clowns, and less crowded gyms.

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I work out at Urban Active (grandview)... I don't find it to be filled with d-bags. Although, I don't pay a lot of attention to other people while i'm there working out. I kinda love watching movies while running/ellipticalling - so thats mostly what I use it for.

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I will let you answer your own question

Did she use the cliche and stupid "ghost of a smile" through all 3 books?

I work out at Urban Active (grandview)... I don't find it to be filled with d-bags. Although, I don't pay a lot of attention to other people while i'm there working out. I kinda love watching movies while running/ellipticalling - so thats mostly what I use it for.

I don't either. Promise! lol. I've just had some interesting experiences. These are the recent ones. All free trials.

Not sure what his problem was, but i had a guy grab a 70 lb dumbbell next to me, trying to stare me down, as it's taking everything in him to walk it back to the bench...almost tripping in the process.

Another gym, again doing bench press. As i was pushing the weight up, i had a guy bump into me. "Really"? "You have all this fucking room, and you can't walk around!?". :wtf:

So, anyone else have interesting experiences?

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You still live in Lancaster? There's a few places depending on where you'll be working. Get me more info and I'll get you more and give you a breakdown of what to expect.

I've worked out at Metro Fitness's all over Cbus, private gyms, Rec. Centers(there are 2 within 5 mins of 33), Planet Fitness's, etc.

Get me more info and I'll give you what I think's the best option based on being able to use it not just for weights but crossfit etc.

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Old School is open to the public and it's pretty reasonable price wise. They do month to month too. The place looks like a dungeon and there are hardly any women there which I believe cuts down on the assclowns trying to peacock for the ladies.

A good gym story......

I was at a commercial gym doing rack pulls with 400lbs and as I worked up the little 105lb trainer girl kept getting closer to me. When I pulled 400 she stepped behind me to "spot" me. 1st problem is she would get crushed by 630lbs falling back in her and I didn't ask. 2nd problem is it's a rack pull and you don't need a spotter for dead lift type movements.

Again most commercial gyms get butthurt when anything more than 225 is on a bar.

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I read the entire trilogy in 3 days. My friend sent me the PDF's for free so I read as much as I could util they were done

they are written at an 6th grade reading level, so it really shouldnt be a problem to read them in a couple days lol

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My biggest problem with commercial gyms is billing practices on long contracts. Let me go month-to-month, or I'll train at home. Don't say; "Sure, we'll cancel your contract" over the phone then keep billing me because I didn't cancel in writing...

If the contract automatically goes to month-to-month after the initial term then walk away. If they give you crap for wanting to start month-to-month then walk away.

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You still live in Lancaster? There's a few places depending on where you'll be working. Get me more info and I'll get you more and give you a breakdown of what to expect.

I've worked out at Metro Fitness's all over Cbus, private gyms, Rec. Centers(there are 2 within 5 mins of 33), Planet Fitness's, etc.

Get me more info and I'll give you what I think's the best option based on being able to use it not just for weights but crossfit etc.

No. I'll be staying on the eat side of Columbus. Close to Whitehall. Just the quick search i did, Beyond Limits came up as the best reviewed. Was hoping someone here had been there, or had experiences with the place. It's less than a 20 min drive from where i'll be.

I appreciate it! Thank you.

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No. I'll be staying on the eat side of Columbus. Close to Whitehall. Just the quick search i did, Beyond Limits came up as the best reviewed. Was hoping someone here had been there, or had experiences with the place. It's less than a 20 min drive from where i'll be.

I appreciate it! Thank you.

Like i said earlier you could try Aussie Fit its off of 270 on E Main. Never had any problems with them. You can do a free trial then decide and its not far from whitehall at all.

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