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A turtle tried to ruin my ride!!


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I was out for bike night last night had a great group ride on the way home my friends and I were riding behind this cager when they hit the brakes and swerved. The cager strattled a turtle in the middle of the road my friends missed it I was not so lucky. I ran the turtle over the whole bike shifted and almost put me on my ass. I've had some dumb shit happen to me over the years of riding but this is a first. :wtf:

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I had a big turtle come on the road when I was driving my cousins vette. Had to swerve cause there was no way I was going to straddle it with the vette being lowered and what not. I just remember seeing it and my GF and I yelling "TURTLE!!!" swerving then laughing so hard :lol:

Glad you didnt have to lay it down :cool:

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I had a big turtle come on the road when I was driving my cousins vette. Had to swerve cause there was no way I was going to straddle it with the vette being lowered and what not. I just remember seeing it and my GF and I yelling "TURTLE!!!" swerving then laughing so hard :lol:

Glad you didnt have to lay it down :cool:

Thanks, After it was said and done my friends had a field day laughing at me and the turtle lived that I couldn't believe.

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After riding through Dayton on 75 a few years back, and following a semi through the curves, I hit a big chunk of iron that the truck had straddled.....!whew!, made the whole bike jump while going over 70 mph....now I stay way back behind traffic. Course on 2 lanes its a different story.

Glad you didn't take a spill....

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A good question to ask is why were you unable to avoid it? Too close to the vehicle in front of you? Overriding your headlights? Inattention?

We were riding in a group of 6 it was a 4 lane highway and I was on the inside of the lane with someone to my left and a curb to my right going about 50mph.

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One of the main reasons to never ride side by side....always stagger the bikes so that anyone could swerve without taking their fellow riders out. The ONLY time I will ride side by side is when I am on a tribute run at low speeds. Even then, it's heads up the entire route and only if I know the rider next to me. I've seen idiots out there lose control of their bike on some of these runs and take out 1-3 bikes in the process.

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One of the main reasons to never ride side by side....always stagger the bikes so that anyone could swerve without taking their fellow riders out. The ONLY time I will ride side by side is when I am on a tribute run at low speeds. Even then, it's heads up the entire route and only if I know the rider next to me. I've seen idiots out there lose control of their bike on some of these runs and take out 1-3 bikes in the process.

I know of a rider or two that need to learn this.

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Riding 2 abreast is actually illegal in Ohio.

(B) Persons riding bicycles or motorcycles upon a roadway shall ride not more than two abreast in a single lane, except on paths or parts of roadways set aside for the exclusive use of bicycles or motorcycles.




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