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Just got a call from "Mastercard"


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A computer-generated voice that said "Hello, this is Mastercard. Your card has been deactivated, to reactivate press 1".

Went direct to VM because i have a call blocker app.

Do people actually fall for stupid crap like this?

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk 2

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You gave them the credit card number, right? I mean, I'd want my card reactivated.

Of course. And my name, address, ssn, pin, three-digit code etc. I offered my bank account numbers and other credit card details too, to avoid seeming unhelpful.

But when be asked if he could come to my place and slide his tube steak into my sister, i had to put my foot down.

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk 2

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I constantly get spam calls on my cell phone from a company that identifies itself simply as "Card Services". It's always the same automated message saying... "there is nothing wrong with your credit card but we can offer you a better deal blah blah blah press 9 if you'd like to have your number removed from our contact list or press 1 to speak with a representative"

Well, as you can imagine, pressing 9 does not remove you from any list since I still get the calls. And pressing 1 to speak to rep is always fun, it transfer you to what sounds like somebody sitting at their home talking on a cheap ass headset, they usually sound surprised that you actually pressed 1, and then when you ask them questions about who they are or ask to speak with a manager they say nothing and just hang up. Usually if you call the number back that showed on your caller id its some poor smucks cell phone number that the company spoofed his number using their crooked illegal dialing equipment. I don't know how these people sleep at night. :nono:

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Add your number to the do not call registry and report them to the attorney general's office....about all you can do....

Do Not Call List, :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Dude that shit is a joke. The idea was fine when it came out, until the

phone spammers/solicitors realized no one was enforcing it!

If you call the AG they'll laugh at you. There is no way to trace the caller,

they use expensive autodialing equipment to spoof the number they are calling from.

And for the record, ALL my numbers are on the permanent DNC list. Doesn't stop anything.

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SWing'r if you have verizon you can block the numbers calling you.

The numbers are different every time they call. The number that shows on

your phone is not really their number, it's some poor smuck that will now have

to get his number changed because they jacked it. Similiar to when a spammer

uses your email address as their "from" address. You get blamed even though

you had nothing to do with it.

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GV isn't going to protect your cell phone from a random number generating dialer program.

I suppose the only real answer is to just to never answer calls from numbers you don't recognize.

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