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Road Rage Shooting


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Another piece to the puzzle:

"Witnesses said they actually heard gunshots coming from U.S. 23 before both drivers exited off William Street and then pulled over. That's when more shots were fired."
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But do you spit dip and curse those damn Jap bikes? If not then you are on our side!

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I don't dip. However, if you're being a fucking douche bag on the bike.... Yea I'm gonna play too. I don't take sides. I also don't wave to other bikes, that's just gay. I don't wave to every other guy in a Dodge truck so why wave to every bike? This situation is dumb and they should both do time. I don't know the whole story and don't need to know the whole story to know they are both fucktards and should both go do time. One on a bike one in a truck and lasted 14 miles??? Yea both are guilty.

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Another piece to the puzzle:

as I started reading the thread (didnt read the article) my first thought was did anyone think this might not actually have been a road rage but something that transpired before the chase?

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Ricochet off the skull, a shot in and out clean through the cheek, or a hit to the jaw. Not as uncommon as you think. As someone said earlier, bullets love to bounce off things.

I'd say the truck driver caused the incident. Likely the driver got agitated at something the biker did ("Oh no, he passed me. Now I'm mad enough I should kill him") and chased him until he was boxed in, and then tried to run him over. Eventually the biker had enough and found a safe place to stop to confront the driver, and the driver pulled a weapon. Good thing the biker was faster on the draw.

Based upon what?

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Where did you find this piece of info?

It was reported by the news the bike was "chasing the truck". I am no law expert but when YOU are chasing someone down to shoot them, I don't care if they ran you over. You were no longer in imminent danger and were no longer justified to claim self defense. As a citizen you have no right to shoot someone unless it is in defense of yourself or another who is in imminent danger.

So unless the news report was wrong and the biker was the one chased into the parking lot by the pickup he was no longer in imminent danger and should have called police. I defer actual legal analysis to the internet professionals but this is how it was explained to me by a CCW lawyer.:rolleyes:

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They're both idiots. There should be charges for both of them.

Of course the shooter needs to go to jail for a long time. IF the pickup dude guy was a willing participant in the stupidity for 14 miles then he needs to get charged with reckless op, disorderly conduct, assault etc, and then banned from driving for a year. The biker needs to get all the same charges, plus felonious assault with a firearm specification.

One question: Why would the guy get out of his truck if the biker is already shooting at him? Did he not know? If I'm in a cage and a biker is shooting at me then they'd be roadkill in very short order. I'm not going to get out and approach him.

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It was reported by the news the bike was "chasing the truck". I am no law expert but when YOU are chasing someone down to shoot them, I don't care if they ran you over. You were no longer in imminent danger and were no longer justified to claim self defense. As a citizen you have no right to shoot someone unless it is in defense of yourself or another who is in imminent danger.

So unless the news report was wrong and the biker was the one chased into the parking lot by the pickup he was no longer in imminent danger and should have called police. I defer actual legal analysis to the internet professionals but this is how it was explained to me by a CCW lawyer.:rolleyes:

You can't shoot someone to end a confrontation that you are a willing participant in.

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Bike looks pretty farkled out. What are the foil bags attached at the back? Looking at the bike I bet he is over 50.

I've seen them, but can't quite remember the brand. They are expensive solid aluminum adventure touring luggage. A set of those might cost more than my motorcycle.

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From what I've read, I don't believe this is going to end well for either party....

I was first on the side of the rampaging trucker vs innocent biker theory but its not looking like that's the case now.

How long after steroid use can you claim 'roid rage...?

The truck driver checked himself out of the hospital last night.


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The court website uses POST fro its forms so I had to convert the URL to a GET style and plug in the right parameters to make this work... Works for me, let me know if it works for you too...


This is his case in Delaware Municipal Court. It won't stay here long - it will be dismissed w/o prejudice upon the grand jury returning a true bill indictment. Once that happens check the Delaware County Common Pleas Clerk of Courts website for the court record of the actual case. I like the Common Pleas website - they actually post the documents, not just an entry referencing that the document exists. I'll post a link once I find it up there.

He was charged with Felonious Assault - Felony 2. Sentencing range for F2 is 2-8 years (http://codes.ohio.gov/orc/2929.14), but there is a 3 year gun specification for using a firearm (http://codes.ohio.gov/orc/2941.145). OR, in this case, if the firearm was fired while he was on the bike then it's a 5 year "Drive-by" gun specification (http://codes.ohio.gov/orc/2941.146). (mandatory jail term in addition to anything else he gets) So if convicted he could get up to 13 years in jail, which would probably be a life sentence at his age.

Edited by Scruit
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