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65 degree Saturday spirit


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Really sorry to hear that BikerBoy.

I just made it home. Glad I peeled off early, and I hope everyone else is able to make it back before dark. Other than the incidents, it was a fun ride.

Also, when Nivin says 'slow' or 'moderate', he lies.

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Sorry I didn't make it guys, I wrecked on the way, nothing major just in hospital for a check up, enjoy your ride guys, keep the rubber side down, fuck cold tires or frost spot.

Glad you are ok. I learned to beware of the cold the hard way too.

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Sorry I didn't make it guys, I wrecked on the way, nothing major just in hospital for a check up, enjoy your ride guys, keep the rubber side down, fuck cold tires or frost spot.

Hey man glad your ok.

It was nice meeting everyone today, I just got home a bit ago. Big thanks to the guys that ran sweeper behind my slow ass today, I really appreciate it. Sorry for being the slow guy out of the group.

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Slow and easy wins the race. You can only ride as fast as your comfortable with.

I just walked in the door 15 minutes ago. At last count my total for the day was 453 miles start to finish. My ass hurts and it it started raining about 15 miles before i made it home. Im far less in pain then others. Im glad to hear that those who didnt make it back with their rides at least have their lives.

Crazy good looking out when you come back on my mistake. Thanks man it means a lot

Edited by Gunner75
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just came in, i just went into cruise mode once we hit 799, and it took a long time to get home. But the temp was just right this night to just ride around like a harley.

Anyways thx for every one coming out, Would have liked every one to go home riding, but crap happens.

Tim did excellent considering it was his first twisty outting. Respect him for not riding above his limit and keeping it cool. You didnt hold any body down. Thx to jerry and others who ever volunteered to sweep behind him. Helped him keep his cool.

Nice to meet lot of new faces, would have sticked to the plan, but all those who showed up were seasoned twisty group riders except for tim and may be sam ( not sure havent seen him out much this year) . As for the rest it would have been boring for them to do our usual paced ride and i felt every one would be comfortable hitting them curves hard. We didnt speed much, just on the good sections. Had lot of fun.

821 was beautiful, new surface. 313 and 513 turned out to be lumpy bumby crappy. if the surface was great those roads would be awesome (paul might add here "what bumps") good thing we went down all the way to 78, those were the best section to ride.

if lot more new riders showed up definitely would have kept it the "moderate" pace. As of now i hope every one had a good ride today, today was too good of a fall day to miss out on riding in ohio.

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I had a great time. Was definitely a harder ride than I'm used to. I'm familiar with most of those roads and was trying to stay caught up. My little 650 just doesn't have the raw power the rest of you have when exiting the corners. With as much fun as it was i think it will be my last long ride in state for the rest of the year. Those cold mornings are definitely taking their toll on my body. Was good meeting all of you from up that way

sent from my galaxy s 3 using tapatalk

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Sorry I didn't make it guys, I wrecked on the way, nothing major just in hospital for a check up, enjoy your ride guys, keep the rubber side down, fuck cold tires or frost spot.

Not happy to here this. Glad no major medical issues. I had frost on my roads when I left.

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Good riding with you guys. Nice to meet some new guys as well. Glad you came Tim. I had a good time following you. You didn't ride slow at all. You road smart. Looking forward to riding with you again. Not too many more days like today gonna come our way---I sad!!

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That's the first time I wrecked sober. I was feeling confident in my skills after carving some tricky stuff on the southbound leg and keeping up.with the cool kids. 10 mph slower and a back tire that wasn't bald and I would have made that turn. Oh well, hard lesson.

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Good riding with you guys. Nice to meet some new guys as well. Glad you came Tim. I had a good time following you. You didn't ride slow at all. You road smart. Looking forward to riding with you again. Not too many more days like today gonna come our way---I sad!!

Thanks man, I had a great time, I know I'll be sore tomorrow.

That's the first time I wrecked sober. I was feeling confident in my skills after carving some tricky stuff on the southbound leg and keeping up.with the cool kids. 10 mph slower and a back tire that wasn't bald and I would have made that turn. Oh well, hard lesson.

What happened? Did this happen after I split off?

Sent from my iPhone

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