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Girlfriends Nephew wants Busa for his first bike.

DTM Brian

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He's 17. The word "practical" hasn't entered his mindset. I can guarantee he'll say "I can afford that" to the insurance deterrant. You have to speak in dumbass to get through.

Tell him only fat girls dig guys on Hayabusas. Show him a few pictures as evidence. Hot chics like guys with bikes the girl can actually ride on. Show him a picture of a hottie riding on the back of something like a Bonneville.

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Sometimes I wish I would have gotten a bigger bike to start on but I think about the times learning to ride and I come in to hot on a corner or have to steer quickly away from a driver that didn't see me or hammer the brakes when a dog decides it wants to bite my tires and I just know I would have dumped it all of those times if I had a bigger heavier bike. Starting on a lighter bike that I feel I have control over has helped immensely. Plus I never feel the urge to hammer it. It's going nowhere fast lol. Keeps you grounded and using your brain.

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You know, i personally don't see the problem to have Busa as your first bike. My first bike was GSXR 1000 and i loved it much more then my girlfriends Ninja 250, i really was feeling unsafe on this thing, GSXR was much more balanced, feels much more comfortable riding behind trucks. Steering on 250 was so sensitive that i noticed some times a slight waving on the road. If person is a crackhead on the road, it doesn't matter what bike he'll take, he will be dangerous. You don't have to open the throttle full the way on the bigger bike. I think the best help to your nephew, is to pay for he's basic riding class. :)

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Having sold this bike when they first hit the market, I can tell you first hand the number of 1st timers that HAD to have it. Then waiting about an hour for the phone call from them that they had either eaten a guard-rail, or were standing at a traffic light after winding it up, dumping the clutch and watching the bike go skipping down the pavement ass over end without them on it. Yeah, no way, no how.

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You know, i personally don't see the problem to have Busa as your first bike. My first bike was GSXR 1000 and i loved it much more then my girlfriends Ninja 250, i really was feeling unsafe on this thing, GSXR was much more balanced, feels much more comfortable riding behind trucks. Steering on 250 was so sensitive that i noticed some times a slight waving on the road. If person is a crackhead on the road, it doesn't matter what bike he'll take, he will be dangerous. You don't have to open the throttle full the way on the bigger bike. I think the best help to your nephew, is to pay for he's basic riding class. :)

It's not that it CAN'T be done, it's that it's unnecessarily risky.

Without expounding upon the issue a ton, a more powerful bike adds more ways to screw up.

- you will never accidentally power-wheelie a 250

- you will never accidentally spin the rear on a 250

- it would take a LOT of effort to endo a 250, and that's pretty easy to do on a 1000

- a 250 will never have to brake from 160 to 60 when someone changes lanes in front of you on the highway, because it's not capable of such speeds. Granted, the choice to do 160 isn't a smart move to begin with, but taking away the potential reduces your stopping distance exponentially if you make the same poor decision on the smaller bike.

In general, everything on a liter bike is "sharper." Throttle response, braking response, etc.

The 250's mechanical inferiority provide a welcome margin for error. You can whack open the throttle or grab a handful of brake, and the results are far less dramatic.

Again, I'm not saying that it's impossible to get a liter bike or a hayabusa as your first bike and come away unscathed, it just increases the likelihood of a crash by adding to the litany of ways a new rider can already end up on the ground.

Edited by redkow97
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I really hope this kid has parents smart enough to not even think about letting him make this purchase. Lets see,


- 17 yr. old easily influenced kid

- Hayabusa

- Probably never heard of body position

= A totaled bike in 2 weeks or less. A few days if a girl or camera happens to be present.

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It does not take muck twist of the throttle to shit your pant when hitting a turn if you dont know what you are doing with a bike that has 180hp in the rear wheel. And after mods it jumps to 200hp. It just becomes spare parts for the older guys which we pick them up cheap.

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Just show him all the numbnut rookies on YOU TUBE crashing their too fast for their weak skills motorcycles.

My all time favorite was a kid learning on his brother's 750. Never even got his feet off the ground. Shot the bike out from under himself and launched it across the parking lot.

Kid got up saying "I don't wanna ride no more" in a Boston accent. I love it.

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