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Cornering is both a science and an art. The science is true, but it's dynamic, not static. So results will vary. Hard loading of the front will have to maintain speed, angle, surface coefficient, etc. And it's not likely to be that way on the street. Toss in the human element, and the unknown variable inputs, and it becomes a free for all of artistic talent to get out of self created conditions. It's also why some say ride at 80% or 90% max and leave some wiggle room.

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A friend has Celiac Disease, which is a form of Gluten Intolerance. She got put on a med by an OSU doc that has really helped and she pretty much eats whatever she wants......but its 400 a month for the script.

One of my friends opened a gluten free store last year, the products weren't too bad. Beats paying $400 a month for some pill for the rest of your life when you can just eat healthier and not spend $400. Chances are that insurance/job will change, a new healthier life style won't and its cheaper ;)

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One of my friends opened a gluten free store last year, the products weren't too bad. Beats paying $400 a month for some pill for the rest of your life when you can just eat healthier and not spend $400. Chances are that insurance/job will change, a new healthier life style won't and its cheaper ;)

seriously? where did she open the store? I might be interested in taking a look.

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I personally go as fast as I can in the rain, especially during the current season: fall. When all the leaves are on the roadway. If u fall over, just pick ur bike up and get right back on. This is how you will learn not to fall. Don't mind the broken plastics, that's whats duct tape is for. Also, you may have to get a couple of skin graphs, but hey you only live once right?

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I personally go as fast as I can in the rain, especially during the current season: fall. When all the leaves are on the roadway. If u fall over, just pick ur bike up and get right back on. This is how you will learn not to fall. Don't mind the broken plastics, that's whats duct tape is for. Also, you may have to get a couple of skin graphs, but hey you only live once right?

You would Thomas!!!! BTW when are we gonna ride together? I wanna ride!!

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I personally go as fast as I can in the rain, especially during the current season: fall. When all the leaves are on the roadway. If u fall over, just pick ur bike up and get right back on. This is how you will learn not to fall. Don't mind the broken plastics, that's whats duct tape is for. Also, you may have to get a couple of skin graphs, but hey you only live once right?

Before you go out in the rain with leaves on the ground, I suggest Armor All on the tires and brake rotors. Keeps 'em shiny and clean looking. It's all about the bling, you know...

Reminds me of a crash on a moped I had when I was 15 years old. POURING down rain and I decided while chasing a buddy who was 16 driving his dad's Blazer that I would catch up to him by blowing the stop sign he was rolling to. I was PLANNING on timing it where he was starting to roll away and I would buzz bomb him by blowing the intersection...

Well, he stopped and stayed stop longer than I anticipated. Locked the front, tucked the front and lowsided and slid that beotch right up under his bumper. Busted the petcock off and gushed gas everywhere and ripped my jeans wide open.

It was awesome!

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