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You bought WHAT on eBay?!?


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depends on the person....people pay a lot more than that for shit a lot more lame, like paintings....some people could flush 3.7 million down the toilet and not even notice

i wouldnt spend more than $50-100 on a painting, no matter what famous dead guy painted it.....some people spend that many millions on paintings

somebody could offer me an authentic picasso painting worth x many millions, for $1000 under the conditions that i could never resell it to profit, and i would laugh and tell them to piss off.

Those paintings retain that value. She only has one virginity - and by putting a dollar figure on it she's just become a prostitute.

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Who would pay to pound a virgin? Non-experienced, bleeding, squirming, crying, guilt trip is all that is :nono:

Yeah and then they fall in love with you and next thing you know they are sitting on your front porch crying, rocking back and forth when you come out to go to work in the morning. Fast forward 3 weeks and your car and bike tires are slit and you're getting phone calls at 3am asking you if you ever really loved her.

3.4 Mill, nah I'm cool.

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Those paintings retain that value. She only has one virginity - and by putting a dollar figure on it she's just become a prostitute.

My thought exactly.

I still go along with Carlin's view on prostitution, "Why is it illegal to sell what is legal to give away free?"

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