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wrecked bike


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I am still trying to wrap my head around how a bike,let alone a mirror can be worth more than the man that raised,clothed,fed you and payed for damn near everything you wanted/needed for 18yrs of your life? Now you had a bike granted it was a 250 what was wrong with riding it for another season or two until you had the funds? Did you get picked on for it or did you feel youhad to have a bigger bike to fit in. If you really had any passion for this hobby you would realize it isnt about what you ride,its the fact that you ride and enjoy it. just my two cents but maybe you should take some advice from this thread and man the fuck up put on you big boy pants and take care of your family and debts then think about getting a bike if it is in the cards...if not move on to a more affordable hobby.

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Yes, there's something to be said for respecting your wishes. There's also a proper way to deal with these things, and that's to take it the fuck off the internets and handle your business like a man, not a petulant child.

Petulant child was my insult first. Get your own!

Say engage full retard or something to that effect... he loves it.

Edited by kawi kid
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He was about to file bankruptcy and didn't want them to take it from him.

5k on a bike plus 300 a month on smoking and energy drinks and he's talking about bankruptcy.... Priorities need some adjusting

Basically, everything he is saying is total bullshit then. Two jobs, $300 on crap a month, GI Bill paying for college, etc. How the hell are you blowing two jobs supposedly good paying jobs?

He doesn't have money, spends like a tool bag, asks daddy to buy him a toy he shouldn't be using anyways.

Here's the drill bankruptcy or not. You have someone pay for the bike, register the bike and pay for the insurance? It isn't your bike. If you are trying to pull a fast one on the government and hide assets, you probably should pick someone that you trust instead of having a bad history and thinking you can go there vs. someone else.

Long story short, if the guy is older than 21, he's as immature as a 14 year old. He's done a military tour, been working two jobs, married and has kids? I know a SHIT LOAD of people in that same situation or even worse and they work things pretty damn good. Oh, wait... They are grown ups and understand responsibility.


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1. If it's in your dad's name, he has the insurance and Registration, and it's parked in his garage... it IS his motorcycle legally...

2. If you weren't scamming the DMV, and insurance companies by illegaly registering it to get around your own record regarding insurance, then you wouldn't have this problem.

3. If you were to grow up and build a garage at your own house... you could park it there, and your dad wouldn't have access to it in the first place.

4. "wrecked"... a broken mirror is not...

5. This sounds like an easy problem to fix, grow up, put your own shit in your own name, and park it on your own property...

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Gentlemen, after giving this a little thought, I think we're being trolled. It's just too perfect with the Dad on here sparring, he being so eager to put up texts, no pics of the damage, etc. I have absolutely zero evidence to back this up, but my spidey senses are tingling a bit. Unless someone's got some proof, I'm officially calling complete bullshit.

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Gentlemen, after giving this a little thought, I think we're being trolled. It's just too perfect with the Dad on here sparring, he being so eager to put up texts, no pics of the damage, etc. I have absolutely zero evidence to back this up, but my spidey senses are tingling a bit. Unless someone's got some proof, I'm officially calling complete bullshit.

I thought that but I think we should call the dad out and have him post a video of how long the engine can be held at redline while in neutral. I've always wondered that but never been squid enough to test it out.

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I thought that but I think we should call the dad out and have him post a video of how long the engine can be held at redline while in neutral. I've always wondered that but never been squid enough to test it out.

if it's anything like a Kawi... it'll eat up the exhaust and boil all the coolant out, but still purr like a kitten the next day



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if it's anything like a Kawi... it'll eat up the exhaust and boil all the coolant out, but still purr like a kitten the next day



Pretty cool write up but this requested video would be epic especially of we could get exarchs reaction to the video filmed also.

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