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Good Bye Ohio :(


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So the match result came out today, and looks like i will end up in wayne state Detroit. Will be moving by june 2013. I am happy on one side that i got into higher studies :), but on the other side, very depressed that there will be no more twisty riding for me from next July onwards. :cry: will miss all the friends in OR and the beautiful Ohio roads. My one goal was to ride as much miles as possible, to meet and ride with as many ORians as possible. Met a lot of awesome folks and still have to meet a lot of the regular active peeps. wish i could have made it to the gap trip where most of the folks show up. Anyways, next year before july will try to ride as much as possible even if it means riding without 48hour sleep lol

Hope to meet the rest of you soon, and put on at least another 7-10k with my riding best friends before i leave, and hopefully i can finish my "secret" dream OR video before that.

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Well, detroit isn't so far away! Good luck :)

thx Mj, still got to meet you and ride with lots of folks from C bus side.

Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo this news sucks. I've always enjoyed riding with you!

Definitely need a big ass dream ride in the spring before you go

have to thank you for the VFR choice, and always enjoyed our neo rides. Hopefully one more big ass dream ride in 2013, and unlike the last two, plan in good weather hehehe

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Buy guns lots of guns and kevlar vests before you move to Detroit

hahaha somebody suggested getting a tank :lol:

It's detroit, not afghanistan...

you can still ride with us dude... and I'm sure detroit has their own fun roads.

cheer up, it'll be a new adventure for you.

hopefully i can get a trailer or something and make a trip once in a while down south to ride. Detroit has lot of good tourist rides but no fun twsity ones like ohio. I think ohio can only be beat by cali and NC in terms of riding, prolly thats why we have second largest motorcycle population in the states.

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Congrats on being able to keep your education going! Youngstown to Detroit, not sure that's a positive move and that's saying a lot right there. :) On the bright side you now just a short drive from the Canadian National Ballet ;)

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If you're not familiar with D'town try hitting up Inyazz. He's from there unfortunately. :D

I think he's made day trips from there to here to ride.

Good luck on your studies!

PS - You're close to some tracks still...sssshhhhh...you didn't hear that from me.

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Congrats on being able to keep your education going! Youngstown to Detroit, not sure that's a positive move and that's saying a lot right there. :) On the bright side you now just a short drive from the Canadian National Ballet ;)

hehe i liked youngstown, small town. Pretty calm and quite if you avoid certain areas. am not much of a social outgoing type, so makes no difference for me i guess. safety is gonna be one big concern in detroit. when i went for interview there, they said not to park outside the campus and not to talk to strangers on the street. lol felt like kindergarten all over again :)

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If you're not familiar with D'town try hitting up Inyazz. He's from there unfortunately. :D

I think he's made day trips from there to here to ride.

Good luck on your studies!

PS - You're close to some tracks still...sssshhhhh...you didn't hear that from me.

i was looking up tracks as another option, grattan close to detroit? like 2.5 hours i guess might turn to that if no good twisty rides

Exactly. Only a couple hours away. Easy ride. :)

met you in iron pony, didnt have camera with me since they threw me out with it lol when we goona go for a ride in ohio with your new amazing awesome beautiful 675R,

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I work with a dude from Detroit, he says It's pretty bad. Average response time for a cop is 'a day or so'. Some areas the cops don't go into because they won't make it out.

In the words of eminen: this ain't Detroit, this is motherfuckin hamburger hill!

Was a pleasure to get to meet you and ride with you.

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Congrats man, you'll always be welcome here though as an Ohio Rider! What program are you doing again? Didn't get as much time to chat with you this year on the dream ride, but it'd be great to keep in touch as I head into the match in just a few short years. There are some good hidden gems in Detroit as far as places to eat/drink, I usually head up there for the auto show so maybe I'll see you sometime. Good luck!

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Sorry to see you go, Nivin, but I wish you all the best.

Detroit is one of my least favorite places to visit, but Ann Arbor is pretty nice. Once you make the move, definitely look into some of the riding in North~Northwestern Michigan. It's beautiful up there, and there are some genuinely good roads, plus Gratten and Gingerman will be closer.

Definitely agree about the sendoff ride in the Spring. Just let me know when and I'll be there.

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So the match result came out today, and looks like i will end up in wayne state Detroit. Will be moving by june 2013. I am happy on one side that i got into higher studies :), but on the other side, very depressed that there will be no more twisty riding for me from next July onwards. :cry: will miss all the friends in OR and the beautiful Ohio roads. My one goal was to ride as much miles as possible, to meet and ride with as many ORians as possible. Met a lot of awesome folks and still have to meet a lot of the regular active peeps. wish i could have made it to the gap trip where most of the folks show up. Anyways, next year before july will try to ride as much as possible even if it means riding without 48hour sleep lol

Hope to meet the rest of you soon, and put on at least another 7-10k with my riding best friends before i leave, and hopefully i can finish my "secret" dream OR video before that.

So the match result came out today, and looks like i will end up in wayne state Detroit. <-- What exactly does this comment mean.

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So Detroit is a little less then 3 hours away, when I ride with you I ride about an hour and a half away to meet you, not we can both make that run and meet halfway and go for rides. I've only met you once, but you put quite the impression on me, hate to see you go hood on us, but I think even after your move we will keep riding together

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Nivin, I better see you at grattan next year (shiiiieeeet, I hope I get to see grattan at least once next year). I pledge to ride with you at least once before you head for the innermost circle of hell.

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