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2013 Assault Weapons Ban Summary


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Just go this from Bill Johnson.

January 4, 2013

Dear Mr. Frantz,

Thank you for contacting me to share your thoughts on regulating the sale and possession of firearms, particularly in light of the recent tragedy in Connecticut. I appreciate having the benefit of your views on this very important issue.

I can't even begin to process the emotions I feel because of the actions of a disturbed young man who senselessly took the lives of 20 innocent children and 6 loving teachers. As a father and a grandfather, my heart is broken – for the victims, their families, and for those first responders who will never get the images of that dreadful day out of their minds. While some will try to politicize these events by using their First Amendment rights to attack the Second Amendment rights of others, right now we should be focused on mourning for those who were lost, grieving with their families, and coming together to heal as a nation.

In the days ahead, we all, as Americans, will have a national conversation about how to reduce the violence that seems to permeate our culture, as well as how to ensure those with significant mental challenges are being appropriately identified, diagnosed, and treated so something like this never happens again. Please be assured that I will keep your comments in mind should the 113th Congress consider reforming gun regulations, or legislation addressing school safety and mental health treatment.

Again, thank you for sharing your views with me. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any additional questions or concerns. I also encourage you to follow me on Facebook, Twitter, and at www.billjohnson.house.gov, so that you may keep track of my most recent work in Congress. I look forward to hearing from you in the future.

Ask him specifically where he stands on your 2nd amendment. Thats what I did and got the response back from Portman that I posted. I don't want to hear their political ramblings. I want answers on if they are going to keep my 2nd amendment intact.

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Ask him specifically where he stands on your 2nd amendment. Thats what I did and got the response back from Portman that I posted. I don't want to hear their political ramblings. I want answers on if they are going to keep my 2nd amendment intact.

Done, still waiting from the other 2 emails I sent out.

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Does anyone else find it odd that to get a hunting license you must attend a hunter safety course which is free and primarily about gun safety and operations but to buy a gun you need nothing.

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Does anyone else find it odd that to get a hunting license you must attend a hunter safety course which is free and primarily about gun safety and operations but to buy a gun you need nothing.

You don't have to do the hunter class. Just tell them you took it and that's it.

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