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2013 Assault Weapons Ban Summary


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It was on a motivational type poster on FB. :D I'm shooting my assault weapon, ill research later.

When you say "shooting my assault weapon" you mean "practicing to murder people", don't you? :nono:

:D I was at blackwing with my scary black rifles couple weeks ago. Would go more often but 5.56 is too expensive these days. :mad:

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It was on a motivational type poster on FB. :D I'm shooting my assault weapon, ill research later.

Found it:


Obama promised them the hardware in 2010 while US-Friendly Mubarak was in charge. Not been decided yet if the new Morsi-led government will get them...

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It's Egypt. They have the cash. (With some US aid.)


Lockheed Martin Corp. in Fort Worth, TX receives a $563 million contract modification for 20 F-16 Block 52s: 16 F-16Cs and 4 F-16Ds.

General Dynamics Land Systems in Sterling Heights, MI receives a $37.6 million cost-plus-fixed-fee contract modification for services in support of the M1A1 co-production effort at the Egyptian Tank Plant in Cairo, Egypt.

Egypt actually has their own Abrams M1A1 production facility. But it requires support from US production.
The country began a co-production program for M1 Abrams tanks in 1988, which involves kit assembly in Egypt but outsources sensitive functions like adding the M1′s special armor. By 2007, this program had produced 880 tanks, a total that will rise to 1,130 M1 tanks as the latest contracts are fulfilled. This gives Egypt one of the globe’s largest M1 fleets.
edit: the support bid for the M1A1s is renewed every January, from what I can tell. Edited by ReconRat
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I'm sorry Daddy Gubmint, I sold all my scary guns to a shady character in a gun show years ago. His name? Hmmmm....well, legally I'm not required to collect that information, but I seem to remember that it was Chuck U. Farley. Yeah, that sounds right. You're welcome.

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This is what Portman sent me back today. Have wrote him 3 times, got two responses back.

Dear Adam,

Thank you for contacting me about our Second Amendment rights. It is good to hear from you.

I am a gun owner who believes in the right to bear arms in defense of self, family and property. During my 12 years serving in Congress, I received an "A" rating from the National Rifle Association for defending our Constitutional Rights. I opposed the so-called "assault weapons ban" and opposed the Brady Bill. I supported repealing both the Clinton gun ban and the Washington, D.C. gun ban. I voted to protect the private information of gun owners; to protect state gun laws; and to protect firearm and ammunition manufacturers, dealers or importers from lawsuits and damages related to criminal misuse by a third party.

As a life-long hunter, I also believe the rights and freedoms of hunters must be guarded and I developed an executive order that the president signed to enhance hunting and fishing opportunities at wildlife refuges and national preserves. As your Senator, I will continue to protect our Constitutional freedoms and will be a strong advocate for preserving these rights and traditions for future generations.

Thank you for taking the time to contact my office. For more information, I encourage you to visit my website at www.portman.senate.gov. Please keep in touch.


Rob Portman

U.S. Senator

Just got the same response. Not that anyone would think anyone would have time to personally respond to thousands of emails.

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Just got the same response. Not that anyone would think anyone would have time to personally respond to thousands of emails.

I just got the same response today for a letter I sent to Portman on Friday, 12-28-2012.

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Response from Brown. I sent him a return email pointing out to him that all the places that were mentioned in the email where usually CPZ...

Dear Adam:

Thank you for sharing your thoughts on the tragic shooting in Newtown, Connecticut.

My thoughts and prayers are with the victims, their families, and loved ones grieving in the wake of this merciless and random act of violence. No words can describe our horror at the murder of these innocent children and their educators, just as words fail to express our gratitude for the heroism of those teachers and law enforcement officers who responded in the morning hours of December 14, 2012. The school shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary demands that we engage in a serious national discussion about gun violence, not just in terms of weapons and bullets, but also including mental health access, public safety officers, and our responsibility both as individuals and a society. We can and must act to make such tragedies less likely in the future.

This is a complex issue and we must work together to uphold our Constitution while at the same time ensuring that our communities are safe. When our children and families are no longer safe at our schools, in our malls, and in our movie theaters, then we as a country must take action.

Many Ohioans have already written in with comments, suggestions, and concerns. I will continue to pay close attention to each of your letters, calls, and emails, and on behalf of all Ohioans, I offer my continued prayers and condolences to the Newtown community. Thank you again for writing.


Sherrod Brown

United States Senator

Dear Adam:

Thank you for sharing your thoughts on the tragic shooting in Newtown, Connecticut.

My thoughts and prayers are with the victims, their families, and loved ones grieving in the wake of this merciless and random act of violence. No words can describe our horror at the murder of these innocent children and their educators, just as words fail to express our gratitude for the heroism of those teachers and law enforcement officers who responded in the morning hours of December 14, 2012. The school shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary demands that we engage in a serious national discussion about gun violence, not just in terms of weapons and bullets, but also including mental health access, public safety officers, and our responsibility both as individuals and a society. We can and must act to make such tragedies less likely in the future.

This is a complex issue and we must work together to uphold our Constitution while at the same time ensuring that our communities are safe. When our children and families are no longer safe at our schools, in our malls, and in our movie theaters, then we as a country must take action.

Many Ohioans have already written in with comments, suggestions, and concerns. I will continue to pay close attention to each of your letters, calls, and emails, and on behalf of all Ohioans, I offer my continued prayers and condolences to the Newtown community. Thank you again for writing.


Sherrod Brown

United States Senator

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Sounds simple to fix, the enemy has a stationary and well identified target.

Either defend the CPZ territories at the target point, and/or take down the CPZ signs to conceal the target.

Nothing else is acceptable for response.

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...Obama promised them the hardware in 2010 while US-Friendly Mubarak was in charge. Not been decided yet if the new Morsi-led government will get them...

who put the Brotherhood in office?

if you didn't answer "DearLeader', you're wrong.

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I just got the same response today for a letter I sent to Portman on Friday, 12-28-2012.

At least you wrote!

I can't say what I want to say to some of these pantywastes and my fears aren't really for my guns, it's for my childrens childrens guns and the culture and heritage that goes along with it.

Edited by Gump
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who put the Brotherhood in office?

if you didn't answer "DearLeader', you're wrong.

:rolleyes: You really think our current administration has that big an influence over Egyptian politics? Lemme guess, you probably think the Libya campaign was his doing, too?

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