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Ride Sunday 4/6/08


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...We conjugated at that Shell station you speak of too. :)

:takeit: Congratulations on your conjugations. :D That might explain your "Bar Tab" -- I just don't remember "sex at a gas station" being one you get $$$ for...



Just messin' -- I'm the asshole here for being the grammar police. Just thought it was funny. As you were.

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:takeit: Congratulations on your conjugations. :D That might explain your "Bar Tab" -- I just don't remember "sex at a gas station" being one you get $$$ for...



Just messin' -- I'm the asshole here for being the grammar police. Just thought it was funny. As you were.

:lol: OH SHIT! That is funny! I didn't even realize I typed the wrong word. I was meaning to say "Congregated"! *oops*

I bet that WAS funny though on your side since I didn't even notice it. :lol:

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All of it from 10-the shell station in falmoth

Ah so you don't ride the other side? Which is the side I prefer...

At one time it was paved from Williamstown for about the first 6-7 miles then the last 4-5 was rough, but good the last time I was on it.

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It was the first time I joined this "Sunday ride", and I had a great time. I've never been on those roads before. I was amazed with the turn out...about 23 bikes.

Once again, I was the only standard bike in a sea of sport bikes. I pretty much stayed at the back of the pack...just wanted to say "thanks" to the guy who stayed behind me to make sure I didn't get into any trouble and/or get left behind.

Although I had to leave right after Willow, it was a fun time.

What was the mishap at the end of the ride?

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I couldn't believe how many groups were out... I know I may not head back there this year, that is just too many bikes in one area riding back and forth..

I know that Shell Station in Falmouth must like it though :D

Brandon I had been at the station for few after coming down 17 to 27 from 275. Then we hit 22 out to 10 on way to 165... I figure if all the groups are at Falmouth 22 is somewhat clear and good to go.

I do not like the front end on my Gix 1k Street bike at all. I hope throwing some new tires will settle it down, but dang is it a flighty feeling mid corner.

Yeah I had one close call on on 10 heading back to 22. (couple corners from the 22/10 intersections). That blind right just over the hill. The 25mph suggested is BS I was at 35mph and no way in hell to make it witht he suspesion extended and on the brakes...

The one guy behind us had awesome save. He launched into the field, but never went down.

Do you guys just run the Falmouth to Rt 10 back and forth?

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We normally ride a diff rout,but i knew the roads were bad so we focused on 22. It was a blast,but we did have a crash ath the very end of 10 like 4 miles from 27.







Both riders were ok and the bikes rode home. Was all because of gravel/dirt. Couldnt be avoided.

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I don't know anyone there, but the only girl stands out in a pack of dudes. From the CBR in front and the tats on her arms. Is that the new Jess member in the white suit on the right of the 1st picture?

That almost looks like too many bikes at once though to enjoy good twisties. I'm happy with 4 MAX!

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