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What is up with my leathers?


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So I picked up some 1-piece Dianese leathers after I went down early last summer. I really have only ridden once with them and they are relatively comfortable when I'm on the bike. However, when I stand up and walk around its horrible. On the suit the distance from my neck to my crotch is too short so when I'm in a crouch on the bike they are comfortable but when standing up the seam is right on my nuts and it F*CKING hurts! Everyone else I've ever seen with 1-piece leathers doesn't seem to have this problem, but the salesperson said that this is how they are supposed to fit. Anyone else go through this?

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Race suits are not supposed to be comfortable when standing. If you get into a baseball catcher position for example and extend your arms forward, that should be comfortable. Basically, in the attack position on the bike, it is to be good. Standing, sucks...

If they are too loose, you will also have serious issues. They need to fit tight and snug almost everywhere...

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yeah, get used to pulling your arms out of the sleeves and letting the top half hang.

I have a green bungy cord that is the proper length to be a decent 'belt' at the track.

I can sit pretty comfortably in mine, as long as I have shit posture, and am in one of those nylon folding chairs.

But you'd rather they be too tight. If they're loose enough to be "comfortable" under normal walking conditions, there is likely enough slack that a stretch panel could twist or bunch into a place where it would NOT be good...

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On the suit the distance from my neck to my crotch is too short so when I'm in a crouch on the bike they are comfortable but when standing up the seam is right on my nuts and it F*CKING hurts!

So get your balls cut off. All the bike racers do it.

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I feel your pain. I just recently bought a suit myself. I quickly checked out, money exchanged hands done deal. A couple days later I'm home alone and thinking I need to check those leathers out a little better. I pull them out of the closet and try the suit again.

Its not a bad fit and wondering if any other wierd issues could vome up I put gloves and boots on. I get a kink in one of my forearms kinda annoying, but I will live.

So doing some of my best Elvis karate and general buffoonery. I stop to to stretch. Twist to the right golden. Twist to the left and I get my balls pinned to my leg by the seam. Before I could react the pressure from the squeeze blasts one nut off my tonsils. The other is luckily stopped by my liver. I hit the ground in agony. Holy fuck that hurt! As I lay on the floor I can only wonder what anyone would think if the walked in the house at that moment.

I am now on the same page as everyone else. Suits are meant for riding in not walking around or for fashon.

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