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The EPIC Ohio Group Ride


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I was going to ride solo med or med fast group. Now i,ll probably be 2 up. Anybody see a problem with a 2 up rider in the med group.

I'd say slow group with 2-up, "maybe" medium. Depends on your lady, does she maintain her position or follow your lean when you dig into corners? 3 hours worth of hard cornering and floggin straights may prove to be hard on you, your bike, and your girl if you ride a group faster than you should.....not to mention the reduced flickability and increased braking time/distance.

If it were me, being that far from home and having a 2nd life in your hands.....play it safe bro

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I'd say slow group with 2-up, "maybe" medium. Depends on your lady, does she maintain her position or follow your lean when you dig into corners? 3 hours worth of hard cornering and floggin straights may prove to be hard on you, your bike, and your girl if you ride a group faster than you should.....not to mention the reduced flickability and increased braking time/distance.

If it were me, being that far from home and having a 2nd life in your hands.....play it safe bro

+1 I'm riding solo and I'm starting in the slow group. slow really means med, med really means fast, and fast is well fast. Don't let these guys fool you, a lot of these olde.... er... more expirenced gentlemen really scoot :)

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+1 I'm riding solo and I'm starting in the slow group. slow really means med, med really means fast, and fast is well fast. Don't let these guys fool you, a lot of these olde.... er... more experienced gentlemen really scoot :)

This can be the norm as well. I followed bmwnut on his big tourer last year in one of the slow groups, and there were a couple switchbacks that I would have blown if not for following his racey lines at times :D

Wife and I will start with the medium group, but pending how well she does with her new bike decides whether we stick with it or fall back to the slow group. She wont really want to wring her new bike to hard, still working on break-in. The recent rain and schedule conflicts have killed our plans to get it over 500 miles by now :(

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I'll be 2up on the FJR, slow group for sure. One week and two days to go.

One of the best bikes I have owned for 2up riding! Wife and I did a few longer trips (one to Orlando and back) when I owned mine. I loved that bike when she wanted to tag along.

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Weather pattern prediction all looking very very favourable, for once the big ride might just happen in excellent weather. Hoping to see all the old timers and meet lot of new faces. This is going to be an excellent day for the memories. :D



Now back to request again,

Hailwood- you have lead many many group rides and is very responsible. I wish you would vlntr to lead a fast- medium or spirited group

Jschaf- I know you would love to jump onto the UP fast band wagon and go vroom :) but i really appreciate you vlntring to lead, i am guessing NO hoping there wouldnt be many to go with a Fast group, but if there is you can lead the fast group if not is it okay to lead the Fast medium aka spirited group?

To new riders joining in the ride, i will keep repeating this till the day of the ride.

There are no egos on this day, It was sp great to see OR act responsibly the last two years. More than 90% of riders joined the med and slow group infact more than 75% were riding the slow comfortable pace and every body had a good time. Hopefully that trend keeps up esp since we are hitting 555

Nobody remembers who rode the fast group, but every one will remember who crashed.

Dont be mislead by the looks of the guys lining up to lead a group, last year UP fooled couple of people with that greyed out bearded look with big bag on the back of bike. things looked simple until the twisty part came :D I am sure few were thanking god that the ride ended early. So no more mistakes this time, join one group down from what you think you ride.

Edited by NinjaDoc
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Personally, I'm more interested in getting in with a group that has riders I've ridden with before. I haven't gone to the last two "Epic" rides, so not sure how it's going to work. Will there be a list on here to have your name added to? Or do you just show up and look for the group you plan to ride with?

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Personally, I'm more interested in getting in with a group that has riders I've ridden with before. I haven't gone to the last two "Epic" rides, so not sure how it's going to work. Will there be a list on here to have your name added to? Or do you just show up and look for the group you plan to ride with?

i know what you mean, people tend to gravitate to groups that has familiar faces in them and it just works out for some reason. Pre made list would have been awesome, but it is so hard to organize with so many unknown variables like who is gonna show up, who wont, what kind of weather etc. dont worry kent, you will see friends in a group and just jump on it if he was riding your preferred style in past group rides :D

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Nivin, If I ride in the fast group I will not be leading it. If I am leading it will be a medium-fast, or medium group. Just to clarify. I did not quite understand your post above.

haha sorry for confusing jargon of a post :D but what you said is exactly what i meant, and thank you. will update list of leads and sweeps.


Fast Uncle punk

Fast-medium- Jschaf

fast-Medium: Hailwood?


fiji-9-brother -medium fast

Bad324 -fast-medium/ medium

Nightrider- Medium

Pokey- Medium

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