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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/30/2013 in Posts

  1. This is why the iPhone is great with its little slider button that only allows calls from emergency contacts you set
    3 points
  2. If someone if willing to adopt her I will pay for the spade and first shots. That's my good deed for the week.
    2 points
  3. Or download the app Mr. Number and block their phone number so they don't call you... It's not rocket science
    2 points
  4. After last couple of years I don't think I will bother again. Only thing I saw was over priced junk and vendors that want to give you penny's on the dollar for your stuff.
    2 points
  5. It seems like the inability to address a simple problem like a phones location or the ringer volume is the bigger issue at hand. Maybe it's better that you don't donate blood . I wouldn't want anyone to contract your case of the tards
    2 points
  6. I don't do it for me. I do it to help someone else.
    2 points
  7. I understand. Just thought it was funny to stumble across the pic.
    1 point
  8. I wouldn't piss on either of your guns if they were on fire.
    1 point
  9. the CAUSE of the death in that case is a car accident, not marijuana. sure, its a marijuana RELATED death, and the drug use can be a contributing factor, but its not the CAUSE. pretty sure what he was trying to say is that you can't OD on it like you can pretty much everything else out there i thought the whole point here was that we dont want people wasting government assitance? the guy who proposed the law said "It is time that we recognize that many families are trying to survive in drug-induced poverty". but somehow alcohol induced poverty is OK? how is it a waste if someone buys a dime bag, but if they buy a case of beer and a carton of smokes it's not? just "because beer is legal" is a weak argument against it. the only people this will catch are people who smoke pot anyway. since it stays in your system for 30+ days, and the hard drugs, the ones that are truly dangerous and "poverty inducing" are out of your system in a day or three. so someone smokes a joint on a friday night, then three weeks later they get tested and boom, they are in trouble... three weeks later. but if you use meth, you're fine just as long as you dont use the day before your drug test. then you can go back to spending every dollar on tweaking out. how does that fix anything? if the true point was to HELP PEOPLE, then alcohol and tobacco would be included, as they cause much more harm to society than anyone smoking a joint. the real fact of the matter is that this isnt about helping people, and it's not about saving taxpayer money. first, its political play so this guy can say "hay look what i tried to do" and a bunch of people who are ignorant to the true facts about welfare drug use rates and testing costs will say "HAY U DID GREAT JOB!!!1". it plays off their prejudice that everyone on welfare is using drugs, when it's simply not true. the welfare drug use rate mirrors that of the general public. about 3%. every other state where this has been tried, has found that they spent more money on the testing than they saved by kicking 7 people off the programs. do you spend 30K to save 4K? second, its about MAKING money. who owns the drug testing company that this guy wants to use? how much did they donate to his campaign? is this something like florida where the governor pushed really hard for welfare drug testing, and then the company that won the contract to do the testing just happened to be OWNED by his wife? its definitely about money, but not saving taxpayer money. its more about putting money in the pocket of this guy and his buddies.
    1 point
  10. What you bitchin bout its like a free bump fire stock. Lol
    1 point
  11. Tax payer savings and tax payers shouldn't have to foot the bill for drug users are two completely different motivations for the legislation. I am ok with just eliminating the programs
    1 point
  12. it's ok to not understand context. that's just magdor 101.
    1 point
  13. does this include testing for alcohol or tobacco? why should people be drinking beer or smoking cigs while receiving benefits?
    1 point
  14. you know that the gateway drug theory has been largely discredited right? not to mention, post hoc ergo propter hoc... saying A occurred, then B occurred, therefore A caused B is a fallacy. its easy to see how silly this really is, and why it's a fallacy... 99% of herioin users drank milk when they were a child... therefore drinking milk leads to heroin use. makes sense right? correlation does not equal causation.
    1 point
  15. Fredonia general store off 661 & Sportsmanclub Rd, east of Johnstown just north of Granville has 90 octane no ethanol pure gas, it is $4.19/gallon. Just got 10 gallons this week, they only have it for spring and summer months.
    1 point
  16. Lol at weed being a gateway drug... I know plenty of fully functional members of society that smoke weed and pay taxes and aren't meth addicted welfare rats. That's just the bullshit they teach in schools trying to get kids to avoid a completely harmless drug. What else can they argue? Hey kids, don't smoke weed because it'll make you feel good and won't harm anyone at all. Right... Gateway drug... Smdh
    1 point
  17. can you believe he didn't at least el oh el at it? as if it wasn't bad enough that he constantly goes full magtard, and not understanding basic concepts in communication and indoctrination, he is also humorless to boot. think of tHE THATCHED ROOF COTTAGES, MAGDOOOOOR
    1 point
  18. Do I believe weed is a terrible drug and hurts society? No. Do I believe heroin is a terrible drug and hurts society? Yes. If a cop pulls someone over for having weed in the car, do I think they should be arrested? No. If a cop pulls someone over for having heroin in the car, do I think they should be arrested? Yes. Do I believe that marijuana will be legalized in the next 10 years? Yes, probably. Do I believe it will change anything? No, people who smoke pot, will still smoke pot, they'll just be even more open about it, but that doesn't change the fact that it's currently illegal. And if you are going to arrest someone who is carrying heroin, then you need to arrest or punish those who carry other illegal drugs as well and taxpayers shouldn't have to pay to those who commit illegal crimes as the law stands today. Let me ask you this though... do you want your kids smoking pot when they get older?? If the answer is no, then why? By legalizing pot, you are still going to get those who smoke pot to continue, and will even invite those who possibly wouldn't have, to do it as well. So do you really want to invite your children and friend's children to smoke pot, when they may have possibly not decided to do it in the past? Also remember that weed is a gateway drug. Arguments could be made to the addictiveness of the drug, but statistics show that it leads to other drug use.
    1 point
  19. Well I used to work in the ICU for children and ran a heart lung machine called ECMO. The pump alone can hold 2-4 units of packed red blood cells, Platelets and Albumin. Some babies can go through a lot of blood quickly. I'm always very thankful to the people that donate and we always made sure we didn't waste the blood we got. Also it doesn't last that long and always needs to be available. Just think, children that are receiving chemo may need blood transfusions or platelets every week or more and these are the healthy ones. The sick ones like the ones I used to see might receive blood two or three times a day. So for all those who donate I thank you and my last motorcycle accident I almost needed blood. My Hct was very low but I was asymptomatic. Lets just hope we have enough people that do donate and don't get pissy when they call. As far as the donation of blood and the red cross charging please.... Ever wonder how much it costs to draw it, separate the blood components, test it, store it, ship it, and to be insured. Those people in their white lab coats aren't cheap.
    1 point
  20. I stopped donating after they caused (temporary) nerve damage in my arm. The incompetence of their blood draw techs is beyond my level of tolerance.
    1 point
  21. I don't donate blood and get zero calls. I'm not damned at all
    1 point
  22. Yep, I won't donate to anyone/anywhere that solicits me. Mailings, phone calls, nothing, well except the ASPCA or animal things, I hate humans and figure the animals could use my cash more. Also I donate weekly at church, a pretty good amount, so a lot of times I just tell people that I give at church and that is all I am willin to do. Usually they still try to get me to give, but I just hangup. Actually, now that I think about it, I don't get those phone calls anymore or mailings. We do take a ton of household goods to Goodwill, and church when they collect certain things. Go to the dollar tree grab a ton of cleaning and bath kinda stuff and drop it off, especially around the holidays. I.E. Mitten trees, personal hygiene products, etc. But yea, don't be spending the money I donate to solicit me or pay someone to, F THAT.
    1 point
  23. Which would make sense if the red cross payed your charity forward and gave the shit out, but they profit millions of dollars from it. I'm all for altruism, but not when the middleman is taking a cut.
    1 point
  24. Wcol Blood drive for chickens, you get FREE raising Canes chicken!
    1 point
  25. Its a racket. You GIVE them your blood for FREE and they sell it to hospitals who mark it up and sell it to you. Ever had a transfusion? Costs hundreds of dollars for a pint of blood. I used to sell my plasma, $60 extra a week to sit and read with a needle in my arm for an hour. They then sell that same quart of plasma for like $1500.
    1 point
  26. I never would have donated to them in the first place but thats just me. I only donate to 2 things, dogs and boobies. well ok and pretty much any cancer because Fuck Cancer
    1 point
  27. 1 point
  28. There's some awfully mainstream movies being listed for a thread about movies I should not know about. Hey, anyone seen Star Wars? It's awesome it's about some whiny prick that runs away from home and shacks up with some old creeper.
    1 point
  29. I love Olivia too but her chiseled cheeks do kinda look like the praying mantis lol.
    1 point
  30. I never heard of sucker punch until recently, not sure if it flew under the radar or not but its got a bunch of hot chicks shooting guns in short skirts so I would recommend it. Interesting story line once you figure out what is happening.
    1 point
  31. We're veering out of the realm of movies you've never heard of...
    1 point
  32. Equilibrium- older Christian baile movie. Momento - a guy has no short term memory and is trying to figure out who murdered his wife.
    1 point
  33. 1 point
  34. She does not look like a praying mantis lol
    1 point
  35. What???? Negative on bug look at them eyes omg!!!
    1 point
  36. The Red Cross is a non-profit organization. They make zero profit off your blood. And yes I'm aware they pay their top executives an exorbitant amount of money, but I have no issues with people who run charitable organizations to be compensated well for their generosity.
    0 points
  37. Thanks for sparing us from your super aids
    0 points
  38. Considering I work 10p-6a 5 or 6 days a week, my sleep is already broken up from my daughters schedule, or from court or dealing with my wife's night shift schedule. So yeah when I receive multiple calls from then in a couple hours or couple days, yes I'm going do something. Apparently telling them on the phone doesn't work because they kept doing it. Send me you number so I can call you at the rate they did. I guarantee you call the cops for harassment or change your number.
    0 points
  39. wow a pissy facebook post. YOU SURE SHOWED THEM!!!!1 they call me all the time too, but i never cry about it. maybe you're just cranky bc they woke up you from your nappy nap? poor baby :'(
    0 points
  40. do they pay you? no one's gettin my shit without cash
    0 points
  41. Bad Taste. Snatch And Lock Stock are great movies. Army of Darkness and Evil Dead 2 are a couple of my favorites. Human centipeed was much better than I thought it would be. If you have not seen it I recomend it.
    -1 points
  42. I didn't see this posted yet. More shitbags have violated another human being. http://www.cnn.com/2013/08/28/justice/washington-torture-case/index.html?hpt=hp_t3 I'd say an eye for an eye retribution sounds about right.
    -1 points
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