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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/25/2014 in all areas

  1. Hey, everyone. My name is Jeremy (go by Jay to most), and I'm from Waynesville, OH. I have been in Columbus for over 7 years now, and currently own a 2012 WRX hatch and my wife bought a 2012 Mitsubishi Lancer Ralliart last year as well. We were hoping to autocross both of those cars at some point, and thought here would be a good place to meet some people, gather information and keep up on goings-on. Here are a couple of pics of the cars. No power mods on either currently, hope to change that in the next year. Hope to make it out a a few events to meet some folks this summer. http://i86.photobucket.com/albums/k118/jayp5150/2012%20WRX%20PBP%20Hatch/2013-08-16_19-54-05_965_zpse6e8cb3e.jpg http://i86.photobucket.com/albums/k118/jayp5150/2013-08-17_16-10-26_179_zps297cb99d.jpg http://i86.photobucket.com/albums/k118/jayp5150/2012%20WRX%20PBP%20Hatch/Faceoff4_zpsdq2pcks8.jpg
    4 points
  2. Coming from a man with one wife, I do not want two.
    4 points
  3. ahhh i wish i could see my rep. Is it possible for a online user profile to just burst into flames? its almost cool. I can post, and then go directly to my user CP and read hate comments!
    2 points
  4. As a CR in novice you should know what's going on in front of you and behind. If I'm in same situation I am making sure nobody trying follow me,and if they try I slow down and point they need get back to their group ,and then I proceed with what I need to do. Another question how come your group left without you at first place??
    2 points
  5. Imagine you and your wife trying to agree on something. Now imagine trying to agree with 2 wives, who probably disagree with each other except for the part where they both blame you. It would bring down braver men than you and I
    2 points
  6. Now he's going to be so pissed when he gets stuck he's going to be throwing hard parts into the woods.
    2 points
  7. If any of these nekkid people show up at my house I will give them my dogs clothes.
    2 points
  8. Per Red Barron's request here's my "How-to" for LED instalation. I ordered everything on Amazon aside from a toggle switch and priamary wire I picked up from walmart/autozone. The company I prefer to get my LEDs from is HitLights on Amazon, they have a great product at some awesome prices. A side note- when you order your LEDs from where ever you decide make sure they are 12v DC powered so you don't need any kind of inverter and also the weather proof LEDs will be slightly less bright as compared to te non weather proof due to the protective coating they put over them. Here's everything you will probably need for a basic install Yes the Monster is crucial to the sucess of your install The stuff - LED strip connectors - 5 meter strip of LED's of your color choice - 40ft of red/black primary 18ga wire - Electrical tape (you will need a lot of this if you want to hide the wire or you can get some heat shrink and Techflex) - Zip Ties - Crimper for the battery terminal connectors - Toggle switch of your choice MORE PICS! The connectors have a clip that you flip up to reveal the contact points You can keep them as one piece if you want to have a couple wired together but make sure you end up haveing the positive and negative leads right! ***FOR WEATHER PROOF ONLY*** Take a knife and cut through the weather coating so you can get to the contacts ***BE CAREFUL NOT TO CUT TO FAR AND CUT THE ACTUAL STRIP*** I did on a couple in this install Now you have positive and negative leads to wire up! Now it's up to you to figure out where you want to put the LEDs and how to run the wires. Just hook them up to the postive and negative on the battery and add a toggle switch on the positive wire. I currently have 2 RF remotes shipping to me to hook up to both of the bikes but they are taking there sweet ass time to get here so I wired up a toggle switch for now.
    1 point
  9. I recently purchased a 2014 Moto Guzzi Norge to replace/supplement my Honda ST1100. Who else has a Guzzi? What do you have?
    1 point
  10. 70 and partly cloudy. That's ride worthy. Thinking about either the Coshocton area or head South to McConnelsville area. Meet at KFC in Newark at 11. If anyone else wants to join, post up and we'll see if we can get a ride together.
    1 point
  11. https://soundcloud.com/97-1-the-fan/blue-jackets-crowd-reacts-to-ot-goal/s-0QTnL
    1 point
  12. I might be out Sunday. Just not that lame shit
    1 point
  13. 1 point
  14. He has vast automotive knowledge but doesn't know what exhaust shops around are good? Hit up Covert Tuning Dynamics. I heard they do great work*. Not to mention they have built a 2,000 hp lambo*. *indicates total bullshit
    1 point
  15. I've always said that was one of the most beautiful bikes I've ever seen.
    1 point
  16. I need a man wit a gun to come shoot this muthafukin dog hahaha, that shit never gets old. Yep that's the place.
    1 point
  17. Instagram? Are you a female?
    1 point
  18. Would I be considered squiddy if I got a Mohawk that wasn't fur? I understand what you mean though. Just throwing the option out there for anyone who doesn't have plans and are about that life lol. I'm going to try and go and hang toward the back see how it really is. Watch me be annoyed by them
    1 point
  19. you can't learn all this about me in a fluffy whore my car post. admit it. this is the best introduction thread ever. (ok, outta all the ones I'm allowed to read) maybe you are doing it wrong
    1 point
  20. Yeah I need a muthen fukkin bamulance at da muthen fukkin get, n go...lmao...
    1 point
  21. I know where all the major parts of some Kawasaki WSB ZX7RR's are stashed. I'd spend all 10K on liberating enough parts to build myself one as a track day toy. But that's just me and I'm biased toward green horsepower.
    1 point
  22. You shouldn't play with your food. But it's just cruel to make them pose in a tortilla shell
    1 point
  23. 1 point
  24. I probably would have beat him until he was unconscious or couldn't get up then called the cops.... I wonder what would happen to the respective parties if the skaters decided to shoot the guy with his own gun after they got it away from him..... Thoughts? Sent from my iPhone.
    1 point
  25. HAHA...that's why i love coming here. Everyone is entitled to their opinions. Just as long as we are all having fun, that's all it matters. It may be a POS to one person but Super Duper Awesome to another. I'm having a blast so far and it's alot of fun. I ordered plates for this car and hopefully it goes through: http://i60.tinypic.com/2efixjs.png WOOT WOOT! thanks everyone for comments, good or bad! -D
    1 point
  26. A couple pictures, I guess forum was messing with bubby and he couldn't upload pics from cell or some bs... sent using tappetalk!
    1 point
  27. Thanks! It's such a dynamic red. Almost orange at times. The running gag is I used to have a purple 1998 GTP, and she had a red 1994 Talon, which we called Grape and Cherry (old Brian Regan joke). We somehow ended up with that same thing 6 years later.
    1 point
  28. You are right in generally polygamy is not supported. But had it been a guy with 2 women, at most it would be a blerp. The fact that this makes good fodder for the people fighting marriage equality is the main point as to why this has gotten 95% of the media attention it has.
    1 point
  29. What you find when cleaning up an old hard drive...
    1 point
  30. Well, as a devout and practicing hetero - and a card-carrying asshole - I don't remember advocating polygamy. I don't have the financial resources or emotional energy for such a thing.
    1 point
  31. if this was reddit i'd buy you gold for that
    1 point
  32. Won't be happening for me, my brake parts haven't even left ILL yet. Looks like I wont even have them till Monday, I will never order from RidersNeeds again no matter how cheap the price. Have fun be sure to post a pic of the hole or holes Steve get stuck in ..LOL
    1 point
  33. Nice. He takes such good care of the bike that he puts less than a thousand miles per year on it.
    1 point
  34. Welcome from Canton'ish as well. Your bro sounds kinda like my bro, maybe we're brothers....
    1 point
  35. I would jump all over this if it makes it to the far west side, which I'm sure it won't. Time Warner can suck my smelly taint.
    1 point
  36. He was chasing the ever elusive ghost pussy.
    1 point
  37. I disagree, my cat understands me better than anyone. But he is a male. So would need gay cat marriage approved.
    1 point
  38. Marriage is at its core a legal proceeding. An ordained minister is simply a notary for a marriage license. yes, most people attach religion to it, but it's a govt sponsored legal contract. It's unique in that there aren't any other legal contracts that are also religious ceremonies, but you don't need a religious ceremony to get married. So there's your separation. People choose to mix religion in with their marriage but it's not required.
    1 point
  39. Cool read, didn't realize all those places were in Ohio.
    1 point
  40. I'm in! See all of you at compacc the morning of.
    1 point
  41. Every state is different, he needs to ask the WV BMV. I beleive for intra-state transfers, WV requires a quart of 'shine and two live chickens.
    1 point
  42. Do you mean D-Rod? A-Rod is a completely different moron.
    1 point
  43. Made a holster for my girlfriend and got her a new Volund gearworks belt. I should have washed the holster before taking pictures lol.
    1 point
  44. I'm down 21 pounds since I started caring about my health. I'm still a weaksuck with lifting, but I've improved a lot in that, too.
    1 point
  45. I plan on being there at the starting point, look forward to meeting everyone.
    1 point
  46. I am going to hunt some paper this weekend. Not sure, maybe. Size contrast with a Kel Tec
    1 point
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