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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/09/2014 in all areas

  1. Seriously, I think I just deleted Tim's post on accident when I was trying to give rep... Worst mod ever
    7 points
  2. Sorry Casper, but since I gave OSUMJ +Rep for deleting it, I have to give you neg rep for restoring it. Anything less would be hypocritical on my part.
    5 points
  3. Clearly my nozzle is longer than yours.
    3 points
  4. well of course more because of these:
    2 points
  5. Damn right, and in Cleveland the punishment for running from the cops is 100 bullets, then when you are dead the cops get to stand on the hood and pump some more into you. No trial, cops are judge, jury and executioner.
    2 points
  6. I remember seeing a couple people post that they were worrying about not having enough luggage. Now either I'm severely under packing, or I'm travel with a bunch of women that change your clothes 3 times a day.
    2 points
  7. 2 points
  8. Power hungry Mod Czar. It's people like you that are always keeping us down. Telling us what we can say, deleting what you don't like. Communist!
    2 points
  9. 2 points
  10. My Honda had one, fill was right front....pump was left rear. It was impossible to hit the fuel pump with even my extended length nozzle. Yet still they had one. Not sure why you folks are so intent on using the auto fill on a gas pump. God help you if it does not shut off and all that gas runs down on your hot engine and exhaust. I will be at the gas station across the street if you and I ever ride together and need gas.
    2 points
  11. Here is my run on Wayha Rd. when i was out by myself Friday. It was wet and lot of gravel so it kinda slow, but still a neat road.
    2 points
  12. Been riding over 40 years on July 2 2010 at 7:37 a young girl on a cell phone ran a stop sign from behind a tractor trailer 10 feet in front of me I T-bone her at 45mph I remember everything all I thought was dam this is going to hurt. The bike hit her right front wheel well I came off the bike over the right handle bar I had on a leather coat but the mirror cut thru the coat and ripped thru my stomach and broke off inside me my right hip hit her fender and drove the hip ball thru the socket I somersaulted over the car and landed on my left hip scattering it The girl panicked and stepped on the gas I got my hands up on her front bumper and she pushed me about 10 feet across the parking lot the only thing that stopped her from running me over was my bike it wedged under her car and lifted the wheels off the ground. After everything stopped moving I tried to get up but that was not happening Some people came over and asked if I was alright and I asked for my cell phone it had come out of the holder and was gone they asked why do you want the phone I replied to call 911 I told everyone not to touch me and played dead until the cops got there the first cop on the scene was my oldest son He thought I was in shock but I told him I was ok and what good would my panicking do or help I figured stay as still as possible until to paramedics’ got there To make a long story short my youngest son was getting married in 8 days and I made it to his wedding. Not the Drs orders but with lots of good drugs I made it. Now I’m back to 100% and loving every minute of riding don’t let fear stop you from doing something you love the first place I rode my new bike was thru the intersection where it happened
    2 points
  13. http://m.wimp.com/lumilorpaint/
    1 point
    1 point
  15. So, called up ol' Paul (Attackpainter) to see if he had time to paint an old man's 1199. He said he could get me in and I also had a buddy's ZX10R to have some paint done also. We dropped off Jason's ZX10R stuff first and considering Paul is the go to guy for Kawi Green and painting race plastics, it made sense. The results were awesome and spot on. I do not have any real pics of the bike finished, but we did a WSBK theme on his bike also and thanks to the same decal guy I use and Paul's seriously bad ass painting skills, it came out stellar. Who cares about the other guy. This is about MY bike! So, I drop off brand new Armor Plastics that had some paint lines masked off from the decal guy. Who is the decal guy I speak of? See below for contact info, but it is Scott at SR Sign Design. He is responsible for the layout and vision. Paul took the plastics and Scott's line work and made magic happen. I had my last year's set to use until I got the new stuff done. I was getting Ducati red and gloss black in key spots on the bike for the decals to work. Paul NAILED it! Timeline was perfect and to me before I needed them. I actually had to delay pick up due to my crazy schedule. But, i also dropped off some wheels and Paul got the plastics done first and I picked them up. I cannot wait to see the wheels and again... They are completed and done well within my hopes, but I am having issue getting together with Paul to pick up so, all on me. But, considering the results of the plastics, I cannot wait until I see the wheels. Price was crazy awesome. Call for a quote as he I am sure charges depending on what needs to be done, but the price he charged me was well worth it and honestly, cheaper than he should charge for the quality of work. My biggest concern was the color. He had stated that he's done a few Panigales and has the red right on target. But, as many may know, Ducati red is somewhat tough to hit. I had two tanks that were OEM red and was hoping fingers crossed that it matched. I didn't doubt Paul, but I was just wondering how well it came out. The pics below show the results. I couldn't be happier. No runs, no cracking after use, glossy as all get out and beautiful and DEEP colors. i am beyond thrilled and with the decals, the bike is literally one of the best ones I have had yet. I pride myself on making the bikes look as professional as possible and try hard to stay on budget. Scott and Paul worked some damn solid magic and th results speak for themselves. It honestly looks amazing in person as much as it does in pics and maybe even better. I tried a little low light photography this round and think it looks pretty good. I will be getting some action shots soon from Kyle Hunter, but these will do... And the bike... Thanks goes out to Paul from 614 Paintworx. AttackPainter on the forum and well worth contacting to get your bike painted. 614-394-2195 Also, Scott from SR Sign Designs. He does high profile racing graphics and is soooo reasonable that you can have a stellar result with little cash and he is one of th best customer service oriented guys i have worked with. Several choices out there and I have tried to use a few, but never got calls back, never got returned emails, etc. Scott is on it and has better quality results and uses high end materials. Best guy out there! Scott at 570-332-8227. www.srsigndesign.com There's a lot of people I need to thank, but in the interest of this thread, these guys made me look good. One of them is a forum sponsor and worth his weight in gold as to the service he provides. Get with Paul for your paint work. He's a good dude!!
    1 point
  16. Hate to say it but I am starting to believe this. I tried to buy a loaded F800S last week. There are sooo many known problems on that bike it's scary. Apparently the pistons aren't sized correctly on some years and the motor will start eating itself around 10k
    1 point
  17. I think I need a new sleeping bag.
    1 point
  18. I'm gonna start a new thread for that. It will include a link to my gps tracker so you can follow along in real time.
    1 point
  19. Have fun guys, please post pics so we can all drool. Be safe and enjoy it!
    1 point
  20. In the beginning you will ride sub 20 mph. After the 25 mile mile finish, you will ride a little faster. John and I were at the tail end last year, and rode around the speed limit after the bob evans stop. To the point where we almost blew a turn before Granville.
    1 point
  21. hmm... not sure which would be a bigger risk to break down during this event: me on a bicycle, or my bike at sub-20mph speeds for 100 miles.
    1 point
  22. Yup. Pretty maids all in a row.
    1 point
  23. What is that atrocity of a motorcycle that is in your flyer?
    1 point
  24. I'd love to do this. I have tire changing equipment... Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  25. me too. I'll bring a pack of water to distribute to the moto escorts too.
    1 point
  26. Red wings are just plain awful. Get 2 pairs of wolverines and alternate them. I get a year out of them that way. Usually about 60-70 a pair. Very comfortable and I'm on my feet 7-7 6 days a week 10 months out of the year. Also get dr. Schools insoles. Worth the extra 15 a pair.
    1 point
  27. Joel should have one from yesterday. We plastered those stickers all over his helmet and bike.
    1 point
  28. My first street crash was back in 1997. Wrecked a 1977 Honda CB750. High sided it after washing out the front end on a huge pile of stones mid corner. I hit the street face first and was unconscious in the middle of the road for close to a minute. It was also my first ride in an ambulance when people truly looked concerned. Lucky to have had a full face helmet and although not the greatest but at least some gear. Came out of it with a bad concussion and whiplash in my neck/shoulders, minor rash on my knees. Bike was totaled as it tumbled several times. Wish I still had the helmet, it broke the chin bar and visor and cracked the forehead back to almost the center of the top of the helmet. They cut it off me after they had me in the neck brace and strapped on the board. Been wearing high end full face lids ever since. I'm ugly enough as nature made me. Took about 2 years to get another bike and get back in the game. I've had several bikes since then but can't imagine giving up on riding at this point.
    1 point
  29. Since Carie handled it, it's as good as done. Ben however, well, he's ok at starting fires sometimes
    1 point
  30. I take mine off but, sometimes I put down the spatula most of the time I don't, just depends on the situation.
    1 point
  31. No problem. hope all is well. Keep me posted man! Hopefully he gets all fixed up and back on the road soon!
    1 point
  32. In the garage I put the bike in neutral, most other places I leave it in gear. It depends on the situation. Sometimes I start the bike while off the bike and gearing up, sometimes while I'm on it, putting on my gloves. It depends on the situation. I've fueled while sitting on the bike, but most of the time I do it off the bike because I need to "fold" the tank bag out of the way. Again, it depends on the situation. Sometimes I take my helmet off while having sex, sometimes I leave it on. It depends on the situation...
    1 point
  33. Great deal on great stands. The only reason I didn't pick up the remaining rear stand is that I already have an identical one. These things don't wear out so you would essentially be buying a new stand.
    1 point
  34. Want to give props to Granda & Dime, our boy Jeff crashed out about 5 miles from Fontana. Andy gave up his trailer spot to bring Jeff's bike home. He at the hospital getting probed and x rayed, more later.
    1 point
  35. Have you ridden your bike enough for it to actually need gas? Maybe that is why you haven't seen one.
    1 point
  36. she just needs to get a motorcycle and ride, then maybe her perspective on life would be much better. I wasn't unhappy before I got my bike, but riding has definitely made my life more enjoyable in some regard.
    1 point
  37. Are you trying to tell me that it's not a good idea to take away your ability to brake and steer while there are other motorists around? Next you're going to tell me that a headlight shining up in the air is less visible than one aimed down the road...
    1 point
  38. I know I've posted it before, but I've got to again after this comment. Lol
    1 point
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