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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/17/2014 in all areas

  1. she sent me a PM, this sounds like a cool build. looking forward to doing it
    3 points
  2. Welcome and gear up brother, boots, jacket and gloves at a minimum, dress for the crash not for the ride.
    2 points
  3. Putting this here because IP brought up Bengazi. Ok, now I am completely confused. When Bengazi happened Obama and his administration went around telling us it was a spontaneous riot caused by You Tube. And today they tell us the captured the mastermind behind the bengazi attack. Does that mean they captured the guy that made the You Tube video? Thats the only logical conclusion you can draw from all this BS.
    2 points
  4. You can buy a used large screen phone for next to nothing, then 33 bucks for the app I mentioned previously. Don't activate the phone, just use it on wifi to get the maps downloaded and to transfer your pre plotted routes. When the phone dies you just buy another and transfer the map app. Use half of the money to buy yourself hookers and blow. The other half you send to me and I will spend it on hookers and blow. Win, Win.
    2 points
  5. Racing at PIRC that weekend, I'll have more fun.
    2 points
  6. Max power and I use the cramp buster. Its nice when you need it and extremely simple. Takes a little getting use to and you'll accidentally goose it a few times though.
    2 points
  7. Craftsman Micro-Clicker Torque Wrench 1/2'’ Drive($39.99)http://www.sears.com/craftsman-micro-clicker-torque-wrench-1-2inch-drive/p-00931425000P Craftsman Micro-Clicker Torque Wrench 3/8" Drive ($39.99)http://www.sears.com/craftsman-micro-clicker-torque-wrench-3-8inch-drive/p-00931423000P Plus other good deals on torque wrenches: http://www.sears.com/search=torque%20wrenches&Sears?filter=storeOrigin&catalogId=12605&previousSort=ORIGINAL_SORT_ORDER&viewItems=50&storeId=10153&levels=Tools_Wrenches_Torque+Wrenches+%26+Sets
    1 point
  8. I sent the IBA the information concerning the lack of address on the last gas receipt. We should be OK. When forwarding the application to IBA, be sure to include a copy of the hotel receipt and an explanation of what happened. A printed off copy of your credit card charges from that day would also be beneficial. It would prove the location of the last gas stop.
    1 point
  9. Riders, is online, a sponsor here. For in store nearby I think Rousch in Medina has more stuff than State 8. If you want a road trip, Iron Pony in Columbus. Quite possibly the largest motorcycle retail store in the country.
    1 point
  10. Oh, and electric start is for pussies....and my starter solenoid is shot.
    1 point
  11. All the anecdotal evidence I've seen through the years over on the FJRforum indicates the IBA to be really reasonable when it comes to certifying SS1000s. Provide them with the proof you have and I bet all will be fine. I bet your hotel receipt will work along with the witness you used at the check in desk.
    1 point
  12. You think Carie makes sammiches? That's cute.
    1 point
  13. I have decided that if I start having a problem with conventional weights I will try the beads.
    1 point
  14. Get a hold of Carrie. Tell her to go on sammich making strike until Casper delivers mod rights to your hubby.
    1 point
  15. Well I still want one damnit. :-P I've lusted one for years
    1 point
  16. 1 point
  17. Steph/Ryan, Do you need a tech rider to give feedback on the suspension setup
    1 point
  18. My favorite is when people ask if I was riding passenger when I broke my shoulder riding motocross. Uhm, have you EVER seen ANYONE riding on the back of a dirt bike? Would it ever even occur to you to ask a guy if he was "riding the bike all by himself" when he crashed? Nope I'm just as capable of wrecking as a guy is, actually, all by myself lol. And yeah!! That sounds awesome! I'm totally there!
    1 point
  19. Where's Cleveland? Never heard of it. Here ya go, whippersnapper. Definitely do this. You won't have to take the skills test after you pass the Basic Riders Course. http://www.motorcycle.ohio.gov/ Nice bike, by the way. Be careful on it. There are plenty of MSF classes in your neck of the woods. You're probably going to need a Wed or Thu 6-10 pm free to go with the following Sat & Sun. Just a few examples: 7/23/2014 - 7/27/2014 Wednesday(7/23) 06:00 PM - 10:00 PM; Saturday(7/26) 07:30 AM - 01:30 PM; Sunday(7/27) 07:30 AM - 01:30 PM 7/24/2014 - 7/27/2014 Thursday(7/24) 06:00 PM - 10:00 PM; Saturday(7/26) 07:30 AM - 01:30 PM; Sunday(7/27) 07:30 AM - 01:30 PM .
    1 point
  20. By no means do I have any intention of violence. That is not the kind of person I am. You have assholes everywhere and I'd rather nip it in the bud here if by chance there is anyone like that watching. I'd rather befriend everyone I meet not make enemies.
    1 point
  21. Admitting you have a problem is the first step to correcting it.
    1 point
  22. Or click the corresponding letter tab on the left...
    1 point
  23. Well now you can't try to use this thread as evidence.
    1 point
  24. Read the reviews on the digital ones. Seems to be a lot of unhappy folks with those.
    1 point
  25. I always use torque wrenches on motorycles. Not so much on cars. Motorcycles use lots of light weight materials that can be prone to damage from over tightening.
    1 point
  26. And always remember, two threads are better than one.
    1 point
  27. I'm a firm believer in using the traditional German torque spec on my equipment. Gooduntight. When in a pinch, I'll use two stroke torque spec... Which requires the use of a powered impact tool. Brap brap!
    1 point
  28. I think mini me is almost ready for a 50.
    1 point
  29. Yep. That and a ECU reflash and I think ya got a killer naked for under $10k.
    1 point
  30. I am really curious to hear how the FZ-09 responds to these suspension upgrades.
    1 point
  31. At least you'll never go hungry in that household. With all those chicken strips you have there.
    1 point
  32. And your implication is that you do "actual riding?" ;-)
    1 point
  33. I'd look around for a used Garmin Street Pilot 2610 or 2720 (see: http://www.amazon.com/Garmin-StreetPilot-2720-Portable-Navigator/dp/B000A5T7AO/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1402996642&sr=8-1&keywords=garmin+2720) . These things were the shit a couple of years ago and still work very well. They're waterproof and unlike most newer Garmin products, they had most of the bugs worked out before Garmin released them. They were far from cheap when new. The screen isn't huge but it's easily readable when mounted on a bike. Touch screen is easy to use, too. I have two of them - one that I bought new and one that I bought used. Both still work great and you'll most likely get a copy of the mapping software with the unit. Map out your routes on a PC and then load into the unit. Or, you can map it out on the unit as well on the fly. Mount: I used RAM balls and arms. Cheap, vibration free and work great. See: http://www.rammount.com/Products/MotorcycleMounts/tabid/128/Default.aspx They even make a cradle specific for the Garmin 2720. I don't; use any bluetooth or speakers in my helmet - just pay attention. It's plenty bright enough to see in direct sunlight, so no worries there. Bets part is the price - at $50 or so, if you get 1-2 years out of it and it craps out; you're not out big $$. A lot of the new Garmin stuff seems to act like a beta version - it never works 100% right and has to be constantly updated. The slightly older units are proven to work well. They shouldn't have gotten rid of them.
    1 point
  34. what's fun is replacing the drive belt on my Harley, after 36,000 miles the drive pulley was worn and was pealing teeth off the belt, I've got a Performance Machine Phatail 240mm rear on this bike, PM rotors, pulley, calipers erc etc. priority #1 was to get pulley off the wheel and sent out to Arizona for rework as PM has discontinued this pulley This pulley is toast Soft aluminum, although PM says they heat treat their pulleys, they're still soft - against Kevlar belt $780.00 and 5 weeks later my pulley returned from Az with poly/Kevlar molded insert onto original pulley Then the fun begins, have to remove primary Simple to remember where each different length bolt goes if ya do this sigh lots of work to replace drive belt Gotta remove exhaust on my bike to get access to swing arm bolt Then ya can wiggle in the new $235 belt And reassemble http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj292/LimeNine9r/busted%20belt/null-22.jpg And bleed the brakes http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj292/LimeNine9r/busted%20belt/null-23.jpg Approaching the 41,000.0 mile odometer reading http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj292/LimeNine9r/Harley/null-3.jpg
    1 point
  35. I know a guy called Johnny no toes, who runs a towing business in Akron call P.O.S. Towing. 330-524-2110. He's a good dude and Has a flat bed.
    1 point
  36. Hard to argue with that ^
    1 point
  37. Over reaction? No it's the exact correct action. We protect our people period. It's what should have happened in Benghazi but didn't. Guess he figures he won't get away with letting a second embassy staff get slaughtered while he golfs.
    1 point
  38. I have about 30 hours of GoPro video to go thru and edit. I have to go back to work tomorrow so it will be a few days before I can get to it.
    1 point
  39. Here are all the pics i had on my camera, as usual I didn't take as many as i wanted to. The ones in The Bad Lands for the ones that dont know i had my camera round my neck while rideing and just picked it up and randomly clicked it, they came out better than i thought they would. http://s497.photobucket.com/user/2talltim/slideshow/SoreButtapalooza
    1 point
  40. this years novice leaders are not going out like that, we went to the Biggie school of racing. Podium or crash it trying. Well, maybe we are considering Biggies track record this season
    1 point
  41. Carie needs a 4whiller. I will trade you my wolverine for it, not because I need another street bike, but because we are friends I am willing to take a loss to help you out.
    1 point
  42. My personal perspective: For any off-road, the WR is a better bike. For on-road, the DRZ is better, especially for any long distances.
    1 point
  43. We did it. At hotel all its well. Casino next door....our trip planner is a genius. We celebrated at 85 mhp on the slab soon as we hit it. Lot of serving and high speed fist bumps.
    1 point
  44. The less Mexicans working in a chipotle is a direct correlation to the poor service time and quality. More Mexicans = better chipotle
    1 point
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