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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/11/2014 in all areas

  1. Now all those people who burned their LBJ jersey will have to buy them again….. hahaha!!
    3 points
  2. I wasn't referring to the music choice defensive dipshit. I was referring to labeling yourself for life with a tattoo of a band that you'll lose interest in and yet be stuck with on your skin. = poor life choice. Tattoos should have a deeper meaning as they are part of your body for life, not a dumb ass clown with a hatchet that's linked to two grown ass men that walk around in makeup and have followers that for the most part are addicts, junkies and delinquent gypsies. So if that makes me a discriminating asshole for pointing out that poor life choice, well go me!
    3 points
  3. Labeling yourself a juggalo just because you listen to icp music is the stupidest fucking thing I've heard.... Actually, grown adults calling themselves juggalos is just as outrageous.... But hey, it's America so do whatever you want lol.. Just don't be surprised when people label you.
    3 points
  4. It wasn't all bad. The weather was nice, and we got to see a lady get off the back of a bike on the side of 270 then fall flat on her face.
    2 points
  5. If we are going to roll like sportbikers we need to gear up like them. Thankfully Kmart has what we need on sale.
    2 points
  6. Jimmy buffet fans: Identify themselves as 'parrot heads' Wear Hawaiian shirts Drink copious amounts of tequila get DUI's (illegal activity) Not labeled a gang
    2 points
  7. Grateful dead fans: Called 'dead heads' wear clothing with band logo, get tattoos of band logo, Sell copious amounts of drugs Not labeled a gang.
    2 points
  8. 7/10/14 On my way back from Maritta on 550W at Amesville 329N toTrimble has new asphalt. ODOT was finishing the painting just one temporary traffic light lane restriction for a short 3 min wait. another note it was 78deg's and 26,800,256,536,550,78 were just 289 miles of fine Brian
    1 point
  9. I got an exhaust in the mail that I didn't order from a company in Italy... I tried to contact them about what to do with this thing and haven't heard back in a week. I don't know what it goes on, but I know it won't fit on my FJR so I have no need for it. If anybody knows what this would fit on and could use it, actually use it, not just sell it, I'd be happy to mail it to you for a donation of any size to the Be The Match bone cancer registry. Good group of people who link up bone cancer patients with suitable donors. Here is the info about the exhaust from the place that sent it to me. It came with all the hardware attachments and baffle and whatnot. I can measure things to see if it'll fit on your bike and answer any questions. Hope somebody can use this thing! (would put this in the for sale section but seeing as I'm new here, don't have enough posts...)
    1 point
  10. I was riding 536 yesterday and my handling was going away quickly. By the end I was sliding all over the road. I pulled over to inspect the bike and found a puncture in my rear tire. Rear PSI was down to 12 lbs. This 12v Slime mini compressor is bad ass. It weighs about 2 lbs and fits in a tank or tail bag. It will plug into a Battery Tender lead or clip onto battery terminals. It inflates a tire in about 3 minutes. I always travel with this compressor and a tire plug kit. I never had to use it until yesterday. It came in really handy, especially since I was 200 miles from home.
    1 point
  11. That shit was tight!!! Or not.
    1 point
  12. So if I ever say, let ride around Columbus on 270 doing 35 mph. "Its for a good cause." Just go ahead and slap the taste out of my mouth. Whats the slowness record around 270? I think it was set tonight at roughly 2 hours. Next time I will make a donation, eat and leave.
    1 point
  13. Does anyone have an opinion on a 2002 Katana 600 with only 3000 miles on it?
    1 point
  14. You just have to have the right commute...I live in Zanesville and ride 68 miles to Lewisville(Woodsfield area) for work each day.There are so many great roads between work and home that I feel like I'm getting paid to take a great ride every day.Two of my favorite commutes are...78 to 669 to 13 and a longer one 145 to 530 to 60 to 676 to 555 to 550 to 377 to 669.Those kind of commutes make the workday fly past!
    1 point
  15. They are an army and you don't fuck with an army.
    1 point
  16. I did after i posted this, and even though i HATE to admit this, it sounded very genuine and actual made me respect him.
    1 point
  17. This isn't directed only at you, because I know there are a lot of people who feel this way. When you posted this, had you read LeBron's letter? Have you read it now? I would strongly advise that everyone read what he had to say before making any further comments. I was of the mindset that LeBron does not deserve a welcome back - he left on bad terms, and at best I expected him to have to re-earn my admiration and support. After reading the letter, it appears as though he feels the same way I did. I respect his contrition, his candor, and the fact that he's not making grand promises. In short, the 25 yr old who left Cleveland has grown up a lot in Miami. If the letter is any indication, the boy who left is not the man who is returning.
    1 point
  18. I was a Cavs fan when our best player was Ron Harper...and Mark Price...and Tyrone Hill...and Ricky Davis...and big fat Shawn Kemp. The decision thouroughly pissed me off. I like the Cavs more than I dislike Lebron. Like it or not, if here wins a title here there will be a statue in front of the Q.
    1 point
  19. LOL, my kid took a gamble and bought season floor box seats last week.
    1 point
  20. So these are isolated incidents of 1 or 2 juggalos doing insane shit because they're clearly insane, not an organized criminal enterprise right?
    1 point
  21. Does this mean we can NEVER, EVER, EVER, have all this crap about him again in every aspect of the news? In all honesty, does it matter? It's Cleveland, someone will have a season ending injury in preseason, and they will bomb, like always. You heard it here first. Not to mention(no offense to OP, I'm a diehard CLE fan in every aspect) but honestly, who cares? It's pro sports, has zero bearing on any one of our true lives. Again, Chris, I don't mean that against you, just in general.
    1 point
  22. He is a cry baby, and if i was a Cleavland basketball fan i would be disappointed in this news!
    1 point
  23. His letter is actually classier than I expected from LeBron. Even if you didn't want him back it will be good for the city and the economy downtown.
    1 point
  24. I'm at 40 miles, almost on the nose. But I don't mind the suit under most circumstances. If I'm being honest, it's sort of like gearing up to ride - straightening my tie and putting on my jacket get me in the mindset to do serious work. I have the good fortune to really enjoy the vast majority of my job. Walking into an important trial is a feeling almost in the same ballpark as gridding up for a race. Almost.
    1 point
  25. Lots of tattoo haters here... let's see some links to news stories about juggalos carrying out all these violence crimes. Manson was a Beatles fan, should we then assume all Beatles fans are crazed murder cult leaders?
    1 point
  26. Tweak, I discovered a while back that OR isn't a place to come for harmony and understanding. Just let it go.
    1 point
  27. 1 point
  28. Riding in less than ideal conditions builds skill. Slow riding in city traffic and riding safely and authoritatively on the freeway is fun. Throw in some rain, fog, snow and/or wind and you have the makings for fun riding. Any fool can ride country roads on sunny 80 degree days - and most do.
    1 point
  29. I'm not trying to argue here either, I could give a shit less if you guys like or dislike ICP. I just don't think the government should be able to pull some shit like this.
    1 point
  30. You would have to do it as quickly as possible if you were coming from Taco Bell. That shit usually exits within 15 mintues for me.
    1 point
  31. I can't argue with that, but I can argue that the collision with the drunk pirate was entirely preventable if the on-site police were doing their jobs instead of collecting their overtime for the security gig.
    1 point
  32. You had me right up until that last sentence. Speaking strictly about the QSL crowd, when I watch hordes of cruiser riders hang out at the bar all night and get loaded, I find that statement dubious. Even worse, in my mind, is that they have to walk past a county sheriff at the door, then possibly ride past another sheriff at an exit, but for some reason they never get lit up for DUI. However, you find a sportbike with a questionable exhaust and it's cop open season. Again, this is just from my observations from the Columbus QSL bike night. YMMV, void where prohibited.
    1 point
  33. I guess it is just how you look at it I ride 52 miles one way to work every day this may sound crazy but I love moving thru heavy traffic (480) during rush hour it is my 2 favorite times of the day and the best stress relief I have found it also cuts 15 -20 minutes off my commute time each way. Even stop and go city traffic is ok with me I play a game that I call the slow race I try not to put my feet down ever and see how far I can get it all fun to me. Country riding is just a bonus.
    1 point
  34. I'd give Earache one of the track days just for the Welcome Back Kotter reference.
    1 point
  35. Less than some, more than many. Quality over quantity preferred here though.
    1 point
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