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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/17/2014 in all areas

  1. I would like to take this time to remind everyone that racism won't be tolerated on this website. Several comments in this thread have teetered the line and maybe even crossed it. Please, don't break this rule. I know emotions are running high in this case. Let's tone it down a notch though. I don't want to see people make enemies here because of this. Remember, we all ride. That's the common bond here. Politics will never be a common bond.
    3 points
  2. These are my personal notes for next time. These are not instructions. I am not a lawyer. I did not stay at a Holiday Inn Express. Your mileage may very. First I have to say the estimate of 45 minutes is complete BS. There's no way you could do this in 45 minutes. Maybe on a 675, but not the R. I hate that they don't tell you that they're not a perfect fit for the R. Due to the Brembo brakes, the bracket that comes with the Helibars is useless. It's for the non-R model. The R has a Brembo brake fluid reservoir which attaches with a vertical bolt. The non-R uses a horizontal bolt. The options are use a non-R fluid reservoir, or fabricate a bracket. I opted for the non-R fluid reservoir. I found a decent deal on the anodized black one from Triumph. This means draining the fluid. This means bleeding brakes. Be sure to bleed the master cylinder first or you'll be wasting a lot of time (thanks for pointing that out Shawn). As of now, Helibars hasn't responded to an email I sent asking about the bracket and the R's. That's kinda disappointing. Due to the angle of the new bars, the banjo bolts on the brake lever/master cylinder need to be loosened and adjusted so they don't hit the fork tube. The instructions say to use a 3mm hex to remove the bar ends. Don't do this. Search YouTube for how to remove Triumph bar ends. You peel the grip back and there are two notches. You push in and pull the whole assembly. On the throttle side, remove the switches and brake lever first, then slide the throttle assembly up to reveal the notches. This gives you better options to remove the bar ends. If you follow the instructions, you will almost certainly strip the screws. If you do, don't bother with easy-outs. They just tear up the screw more. Just drill the heads off and buy new if they strip. Sears Hardware has them for $0.70. M5x0.8x30. Use the air compressor trick for the clutch side grip. It's my favorite way to do it. Just use the sports needle. Slide it under the grip. Blow air and twist. You'll need a 1.5" socket for the stem nut. Be sure to place towels over the tank, carbon pieces, under bars, etc to keep from putting dents, dings, scratches in your bike. I read this somewhere else, and can't thank that person enough. I would've been yelling obscenities when the ratchet popped out and hit the tank if the towels hadn't been there. Have plenty of paper towels wrapped around the banjo bolts, fluid reservoir hose, bleeder valves, etc to avoid getting brake fluid on everything. Use a hose on the bleeder valves, but expect seeping. Better safe than sorry. I hate brake fluid. Don't try this within a year of quitting smoking. Don't try this without alcohol. So was it all worth it? Hell yes. My wrists are no longer at a funky angle which caused fatigue and pain on the outside of my wrists. It's much more comfortable now. Between this, the taller windscreen, and the Saddleman seat, the 675R is now a sweet sport-tourer, even for my tall ass. I'll post pictures later when I feel like it. Huge thanks to Shawn (Max Power) for helping me out. I couldn't have done it without the help.
    2 points
  3. You will have no data there period, you need wifi. Hence why it's mentioned
    2 points
  4. Smiddicks. I drank jack and water tonight along side some left hand nitro milk stout. Got the job done. Eagle rare or woodford reserve are great bourbons. The makers 46 is also really good if you like a very woody bourbon. beam devils cut is also surprisingly tasty, but very woody....I would say it's a scotch drinker's bourbon...worth trying. I'm drunk and going to bed. That is all.
    2 points
  5. I'm just going to leave this here...will have to get some more photos for a real update.
    2 points
  6. I'm telling you, it's a pos. The offer of trading you for my old mans sport bike still stands. My notes on this project: The two of us working on that beautiful machine is like letting monkeys work on a Ferrari, with sharp objects. It's a miracle the bike survived. Helibars instructions were written by monkeys with sharp objects. Just throw them away. Newton meters and newton inches are very different. 12 foot pounds is just a smudge more than finger tight. Torque numbers for a triumph vary greatly depending on who you ask. Sausage and onion pizza is delicious and gives me gas. / notes.
    2 points
  7. I vote for a shakedown ride, see if anything breaks or falls off. And some anal.
    2 points
  8. So, 5 years ago a guy in my neighborhood had a garage sale..there was a 1977 Suzuki GS750 for sale for $300..didn't run. I was on the fence then, but didn't end up buying it. It's been sitting in his driveway under a cover ever since, and everytime I pass it...it's been killing me. So, the wife organized a father's day / birthday gift of a project bike. Amazingly, changed oil / fluids, new battery, gassed it up, and after leaning on the starter for a while to pull fuel in the carbs...black smoke, and she fired up! A $275 investment, and I have a fun UJM to dick around with. Idle's a little low, still needs some other routine ignored maintenance, but very pleased.
    1 point
  9. http://www.grubstreet.com/2014/08/bacon-powered-motorcycle.html you are welcome.
    1 point
  10. umm, btw.... if electrical...those coils are fired by breaker points, if you haven't replaced them yet. Common failure point. "back-in-the-day", we used to carry spare points and plugs...
    1 point
  11. Very close to a deal on the Suzuki. I can't wait to venture into this off-road thing!
    1 point
  12. For those of us that still have work responsiblities and kids, yes we need connectivity. Also helps to source parts and arange meet ups.
    1 point
  13. Love Bulliet bourbon. My favorite winter four wheeling liquid. Keeps you warm.
    1 point
  14. Wolverine has a auto, belt gets wet in deep water holes when you get her deeper than the snorkle, but there is a drain plug. Pull the plug eat some trail snacks and replug, shez good to go. Myself and my boy wear muck boots on the trails and neither of us had any problems shifting his recon.
    1 point
  15. That was the exact idea with my CBR. After Helibars and a Ventura Rack, it's now the sportiest sport tourer I have ever ridden.
    1 point
  16. Spray poly defeats the purpose of poly. Shawn I have a reg poly and high build poly if you want to use either. Both are gloss
    1 point
  17. Fz1 for street, 675arrr for race. Scooter for the pussy. Bitches love scooters.
    1 point
  18. Typical CNN. They have edited the video above to narrate the story how they want it told without regard for truth. Putting out a video from someone that admits on the video that he saw nothing but is saying stupid things. In the link below there is more of the same video above where someone that actually saw what happened talks. It's very hard to tell what they are saying but it will most likely support the facts when they are officially released. http://www.brennerbrief.com/witness-michael-brown-bum-rushed-cop/ The stupid bitch friend of the family should be keeping her mouth shut. I wish the police were quicker in releasing information but they can't release their findings until they are facts, not speculation. Speculation has caused all of this trouble.
    1 point
  19. I got some two part epoxy at Sherwin Williams a few years ago. It worked great but I think it was $60 a gallon.
    1 point
  20. Fuck it, I'm gassing up and headed to 13/70. Hope to see somebody at that gas station about 11. I'm riding today.
    1 point
  21. 1 point
  22. I wear old work boots to ride my 400EX and Wolverine. Never been an issue. I don't like the automatics because they are heavier, much wider (like sitting on a horse) top heavy and much slower due to horsepower loss from the belt drive, auto trans, etc. Ask Bowdog what happens when the belt gets wet. The shifters are much more reliable.
    1 point
  23. It only sprinkled on the Lancaster bypass on the way home. Awesome father-son poker run with my boy Roley.
    1 point
  24. Picture it: you're sitting on the freeway in traffic with the windows open, and the deliciously unmistakeable scent of bacon comes wafting into your car. Traffic is bumper-to-bumper, so you can't even take the nearest exit and hunt for a 24-hour diner to satisfy your increasing desire for some crispy strips. How are you going to release your bacon frustration? Easy — call the 800 number of Hormel, because it's probably their fault. Hormel has manufactured the bike pictured above, which runs on biodiesel fuel derived from bacon grease and emits bacon-scented exhaust fumes. The bike will be featured in an upcoming documentary, Driven by Bacon, about a bacon-lovin' man who travels from Austin, Texas to San Diego, California. The doc will be presented to what is certain to be an enthusiastic crowd at the San Diego International Bacon Film Festival on August 29th. It might not be a Harley, but it reserves the right to be called a hog.
    1 point
  25. Read an interesting British article about what is about to change in the Middle East. Well written and very observant. Basically the old Sykes–Picot political borders of 1916 that split up the Ottoman Empire are about to go away. Countries in the middle East will self determine by religious and ethnic affiliation instead. People will be displaced from one place to another. End of the current warfare? Not in your wildest dreams. It will be only the beginning. It will also result in wide spread genocide, kidnapping and forced payment of tribute. A very primitive situation. Not one the modern world is equipped to deal with. My best guess is that the US and Europe should be close friends with Turkey, which was the Ottoman Empire before all this happened. They took care of it once, and could do it again. So could Iran, which was Persia. But Iran is part of the problem. Western intervention over Isis won’t prevent the break-up of Iraq
    1 point
  26. Only because you don't ride any more. It's raining because I'm having people over for BBQ.
    1 point
  27. I've been absent from this forum for more than a year for a variety of reasons, but I couldn't let this pass without comment... What part of this article do you not find serious? Being white, you experience positive profiling from law enforcement, i.e. you're white, you aren't dressed "like a gangster", thus you won't get much scrutiny. My girlfriend lives in Chicago. She's black (actually, a beautiful shade of brown). She has an advanced degree from a private school , earns well into the 6 figures, and is always dressed well. She gets followed in stores to this day. Believe it or not, but it's true. Not every store, obviously, but it does happen. She told me last night that she's so thankful she has a daughter instead of a son, and that her daughter has two girls, not boys. She knows what <could> happen to black men...she experiences racism as a black woman. If you don't believe that "white privilege" exisits, if you don't believe that law enforcement treats black people differently than white people, then you're kidding yourself.
    1 point
  28. The police version was that the officer gave chase and the final shots were fired at close range. The eyewitnesses version(s) were not clear to me on how far the officer was from Brown when the last shots were fired - does anyone have more information on that? I agree that even if he did try to grab the officer's gun, after he stopped trying to do that and ran away he is not a direct deadly threat any more. Not sure why the officer chose to shoot as he was running away - an action reserved only when allowing the person to escape would present an immediate danger to the public. The alleged grabbing of the gun has not been proven or refuted. That is simply a claim at this point. As is the "hands up" claim. Don't forget that in the Trayvon Martin killing, 3 different eyewitnesses stated that Zimmerman was the one pinning Martin down and that he shot downwards.
    1 point
  29. This is really all that matters. If the guy was 30 feet away and unarmed and shot, nothing he did previously can justify it. Even if he allegedly tried to grab the officer's gun beforehand, that situation was over. The potential robbery beforehand has nothing to do with it and any discussion of things before is just a distraction. If he was unarmed and not CURRENTLY a direct threat to the officer when shot to death, it was murder.
    1 point
  30. Unless I've got it wrong, they don't have to protect anyone. http://www.nytimes.com/2005/06/28/politics/28scotus.html
    1 point
  31. Umm, something is seriously WRONG with the Ferguson police department.
    1 point
  32. I call bullshit on this. Plenty of anger inducing things happen in suburbs and other areas, why is there no looting taking place in these areas?It's an excuse to act like animals and get shit for free. Well the looting part anyway. If you recall the Rodney King riots and looting, there is video footage of someone saying it's ok because it should be considered reparations. That shit is tired in my opinion
    1 point
  33. Black people are disproportionately incarcerated, but if you believe for a second it's because they commit more crime, you're pretty gullible.
    1 point
  34. Don't really need an explanation of how to either. You're missing the point. Showcase the product. Show the wrap, colors, designs, finished product. Show close ups that pause long enough to see detail. Cover warranty, care, durability and repair. Stuff like that. Show the product and let it sell it's self instead of trying to awe us with static, lights and whatever music you come up with.
    1 point
  35. You may have liked it, seems like only you liked it. The prob is you have seen the bike, the process, the product, the end result. So a flashy video to showcase what you've already seen may be cool and likable to you. To a perspective client base however, you accomplished nothing but wtf's, confusion, headaches and such. Not sure what you meant by "for sport bikes we liked the overproduced style" but that is just as wtf as the video was. Sport bike riders are well paid professional people too not all 18yo that like strobe lights. If I spend money on a product I want details first, there were no details in that video. You may want to look into a marketing class or atleast take the advice given in this thread that is pretty much unanimous that the video is poor at best.
    1 point
  36. Seriously? Well for starters police officers are sworn to uphold the law. Civilians are not. Police are afforded a good amount of authority, based on being sworn to uphold the law.
    1 point
  37. Some like to ride to Georgia for lunch.
    1 point
  38. If they wanted to shoot Mike Brown, I wish they would've started in Cincinnati.
    1 point
  39. if they tolerate stuff like that, then they aren't "good" LEOs. they are just as bad.
    1 point
  40. Likewise doesn't give a bird time to get in your way. Stop aiming for birds...
    1 point
  41. I heard they rioted a shoe store....stole everything except work boots.
    1 point
  42. Crazy....turn it to glass and start over.
    1 point
  43. They also attack small groups at a time and overwhelm. Intimidation works wonders... They're beheading children and putting their heads on spikes... Village of 200 mixed men women children vs a large group of ISIS who overrun towns and start killing before people even know they're coming... It's brutal savage genocide and the people of Iraq and Syria are not prepared to defend themselves When al qaeda cuts ties with them because they're too violent, you know there's a problem I'm all for minding our own business politically, but they are going to become a major world threat... This is the first time since 2001 that I feel we need to be involved... Send in 100k ground troops and just fucking slaughter them all and destroy every last bit of their infrastructure
    1 point
  44. I'd restore/preserve in stock form. Find a nice OEM seat, polish everything, maybe put some period correct mags on it and ride it. Hard to find on someone hasn't chopped up anymore.
    1 point
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