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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/10/2017 in all areas

  1. @RidersDiscount Thank you for dinner last night. @nebbish Thanks for picking up the tap. @Casper Thank you for setting all of this up! We are headed home. Great time with great peeps.
    6 points
  2. Wife and I took the BRP to Mount Mitchell today and had lunch at the highest point on the east coast together. Loved the scenery, and our maiden voyage on the BRP was a fun success
    3 points
  3. Ok looking at this thread just makes me envious lol. Looks like you all are having a great time.
    3 points
  4. @RidersDiscount rocks for sure wish you could be here with us Mike and company.
    3 points
  5. Come home Bubby. We love you. Fag.
    3 points
  6. Lakeshore trail was just OK. I wouldn't hike it again. I kept having bugs land in my eyes. So, I hopped on the Appalachian trail and followed it to the top where there's a sweet fire tower.
    3 points
  7. This is no bullshit. I am guilty of this on random things. Right now it's a replacement 9mm CCW gun. I probably could have bought something with the cash that I have spent visiting the local retailers. Make myself crazy over $50. On the other hand it does keep me occupied and out of trouble for the most part.
    2 points
  8. We made it home about 3pm, unloaded the bikes, unpacked, and kicking back to reflect on the epicness of the trip now. Nice to shake new hands again this year, and always great to catchup with the common crew too. Had a blast! Best weather EVER, and as always we enjoy the hilarity of the fireside evenings with everyone. Didn't drink too much this year so I didn't fall down once on the stagger back to our cabin. Witnessed our first P0rndoggin'....now I just wonder how long before the pictorial proof pops up here?
    2 points
  9. Still out. Hanging at my daughters in Sharpsburg Ga. Going to start home Monday. Got to ride with her yesterday. She has a Sportster. Went to the Pine Mountain area and FDR State Park.
    2 points
  10. 2 points
  11. Headed north this morning. Had a great time and it was good to meet some more board members. Was my first O.R. Trip down here and I'll be back next year. Have fun and be safe ish.
    2 points
  12. The pizza rocked, thanks Mike @RidersDiscount
    2 points
  13. 2 points
  14. Absolutely nothing but put gas in it and ride it. First day in a week I haven't tweaked, adjusted or filed something. While at Fontana had to fix brake linkage issues, pull the ignition cover and reseal it and make a dozen little adjustments. Not bad for leaving the day after I thought I was finished with the build and riding through a half dozen states. Seems pretty solid now after a 2,000 mile trip.
    1 point
  15. Inline 4 do require a different technique for operation than injection but I had outstanding performance on my thundercat after a clean and balance. I never worried about clogs as I rode regularly and ran techron a couple times a year. Last fall I resurrected a 90s virago with carbs and once clean and balanced it was straight too. Carbs aren't bad once you know their limits and how they behave.
    1 point
  16. Ah, thought it was a p0rndog....not a p0rnpickle
    1 point
  17. 1 point
  18. Awesome. Glad you all are having a good time!
    1 point
  19. Day 2 early on the Dragon Bridal Veil Falls Bald River Falls Cherohala Skyway
    1 point
  20. Just buy a damn bike already. This has gone on too long & your thread is starting to get on my nerves.
    1 point
  21. 1 point
  22. Flip a coin. There's 11 pages of people recommending things.
    1 point
  23. Added new grips and ram mount for my phone. Of course ordered one set of grips open ended and they sent a totally different color pair with closed ends. I being the impatient type already had the stock grips off and all surfaces ready for new grips so a little cutting and got them to fit so I can ride this weekend. Of course had to go for a spirited ride to make sure the grips would not bind on throttle side after the alteration.
    1 point
  24. It's for music, asshole ?
    1 point
  25. Shout out to RD team! Once again came through with the best service and prices. Sent me a Sena 20s to complete my helmet setup. Couldn't be happier with the service I receive every time I order from them.
    1 point
  26. So me, @nebbish and @Killer_kaw just blew the doors off a jag on 348. Apparently his manhood was negativity impacted because he tried to hang with us after we went around him. We turned it up and were gone.
    1 point
  27. Change of plan for me. I hiked about 2 miles down lakeshore trail and it was ok, but not great. The views were ok but the flies kept landing in my eye.... which is weird.... after 4 of these guys I decided it was time to turn around. So now I'm on the Appalachian trail heading to the top of Shuckstack mtn. I'm pretty close to the top and have cell signal. Should reach the top by 1:30 then I've got probably about an hour and a half back down hill. Mostly reporting in here because @timtheazn scared everyone away and I'm alone ...or everyone else came here to ride motrcycles. .. one of those.
    1 point
  28. Great day of riding, Ohio really invaded deals gap. Every where u go u meet some one Day started with meeting Andy @what around noon and then the rest of the day riding together passed @Hellmutt and @snot in dragon, just few minutes difference and we could have actually really met. Next time down at the store met @theroamr he went off solo hauling a ton of baggage down at other end of skyway passed @Connie14 and @JustinNck1 , again missed you guys by few minutes. At telico planes finally low and behold big brother hug @2talltim and @Namdum68 We been trying to come up with a plan to meet up and always fail, And on the way back up in 129 quite randomly ran across @durk in front of the dragon Pitt overall outstanding day, nice to meet and come across you folks, beautiful riding weather, roads remaining clean and fresh as always. Didn't stop much to take pics. If it was not raining would have tried to rent another day and meet some more of you ohianoids. Any ways I always thought a good day ride is when u get back home safe. Today I realized a better day ride is when u return the rental and clear the deposit after putting that bike through some pace till next year folks, ride safe come back to Ohio with your bike body and license okay now to fight the urge not to buy a striple hehe
    1 point
  29. Rode it the way it was designed to be ridden on my way home from work today. Incited road rage I imagine.
    1 point
  30. Hey kids, yeah it's really me. Casper hit me up the other day, checking to see if I was still alive and all. I can't make it again this year, big projects going on at house. Girlfriend will skin my ass if I ducked out for the weekend. New Life, new house lots of shit to do. A few of my boys will be down tomorrow. MPG will be represented, lol. I'll try and make a ride or two this year. Y'ALL ride safe and drink irresponsibly. Someone grab ass on those two hot little brunettes that come with the FZ1 group and tell em daddy misses them. ha-ha
    1 point
  31. rental paperwork aka sign over your soul done, riding out now.
    1 point
  32. And the winner is... @Isaac's Papa His first insult was perfect. Honorable mentions go to Wojo and the midget.
    1 point
  33. Been having issues with crank case fumes billowing out of the little cone filter I put directly on the calve cover breather lately and figured that was not a good look. Bought a few feet of 1/2 ID hose and relocated the breather back behind the motor hoping that the fumes would cool enough to not look like smoke. Did not work. Wondering if it would be kosher if I used a T fitting to tie that breather into the trans breather that then vents into the oil reservoir. Trans and crank case should be at the same pressure, shouldn't hurt, right? Oh, also I took a can of engine bright and a toothbrush to the motor cases below the carbs and hosed it down, so it doesn't have those super cool brown gasoline stains that let everyone know 'hey, I own a cool vintage bike'. Adios, street cred....
    1 point
  34. Changed the rear tire. I had just purchased a new tire this week anticipating the current one only had a few hundred miles left. Rolled the bike in the garage last night and noticed a nail sticking out of the tread So spent the evening mounting up the new tire. Only got 3000 miles on the Metzeler Sportec M7 on the rear of my DRZ. Seems awful short lifespan for such a light and low powered bike. Trying out a Power RS. The latest Power series comes in SM sizes and the DRZ OEM size is H rated which should warm up faster than the W rated models that most sportbike tires come in. The DRZ is not going to test the 168mph limit on a W rated tire
    -1 points
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