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Everything posted by TimTheAzn

  1. Them's fighting words! I have an RF1200, loved it for the street. Better than the Bell I had before that. I bought a Corsair V last year and loved it. Unfortunately I can no longer wear that helmet as it's hit the ground. I liked the Arai so much I gave Mike even more of my money for a Corsair X. Haven't ridden with it yet but I expect it to be just as good as it's predecessor if not better. What I did notice is that the fit was better for me (with the Arai.) I have a pretty flat face and the Shoei stuck out from my face a fair bit. The Arai's stay closer to the front of my face and I like that. Different strokes for different folks. Go to a place like Iron Pony and try a bunch of stuff on. That's probably the fastest way to find what you like and what fits you best. Some people have issues with trying something on at the Pony but buying somewhere else, I am not one of those people as I pretty much strictly use @RidersDiscount for anything and everything motorcycle related now. As for wind noise, I wear earplugs so its relatively negligible. No, its a problem.
  2. My buddy just got one. Got the sprayer off amazon but ordered chemical guys soap. It's important you don't have a shitty pressure washer. Worked so well that when I rode to work the next day it rained!
  3. Bring a towel to throw in the cooler for when you are off bike. Makes a world of difference. I prefer a hot track to a cold one!
  4. PIRC. A bunch of us will be there. What group do you run with N2? I know @F4iguy will be at Mid-O Monday.
  5. Theres so much custom stuff on this thing, everytime I do something to it theres always a surprise or something to be learned
  6. TimTheAzn


    I like the color. Really too much of a newb to comment on anything else as I'm not 100% sure of what I'm looking at haha.
  7. Thanks for finding me a house @Al Z. Heimer
  8. I saw that when I took it off, must have got bent in during re-installation. Dan, at this point you cant go anywhere, I'm forever going to have questions about how/what was done do this damn thing. I know better than to ask why.
  9. Took off the rear hugger/chain guard because it was rubbing on the tire after I changed the chain and sprockets. Not sure how re-installing it caused it to shift the way it did.
  10. Ben I've seen you ride, you're gonna have a fun time.
  11. Never ridden with STT, although I'd like to check out some of the tracks they go to. The entire time I was in N at Mid O last year I was stuck behind a CR. Until the session I was evaluated for a bump, then he let me go and watched, then he towed me around a bit (may have been the other way around.)
  12. I can't really say what happens after 2nd session in novice. But I didn't think they just let novices run around at their own pace. I thought each group of novices were led by an instructor who you couldn't pass. Hoping some Mid-O CR's chime in.
  13. Pretty sure Mid-O has revamped the school since 4 years ago. Novice groups dont run un-controlled anymore from my experience last year.
  14. @NinjaDoc I did have to remove my bar end mirror when I transported the daytona. Subsequently, it never went back on.
  15. I thought I was well within my limits both times I went down this season.....
  16. Shouldn't matter, just make sure there's good life (and they arent old as shit). As long as you are comfortable on the tires ya got on there right now you should be gravy. (Just my .02) When and where can we expect to see ya out there?
  17. Truth. The only way it gets better is a TRS.
  18. Even Kevin Durant's mama aint proud of him.
  19. I've personally never had any issues using my canyon dancers... I've used them a fair amount as well.
  20. Trying to think, if I buy them, how do I get them?
  21. So much want to put on the sv and ride around like my hair is on fire.
  22. FTFY I've decided to sell the 1k for an r6 or 675. I'm faster on a smaller bike.
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