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Everything posted by TimTheAzn

  1. Old pic old bike. Need some for the gsxr and sv.
  2. Harley makes exotic bikes?
  3. Hey every suzuki stand I've dealt with does that! Even when I got pulled over on my buddy's gsxr a few years back, damn bike fell ontop of me when I got off to talk to the officer. Went to the ground and took me with it. Probably why I didnt get a ticket Almost have dropped the SV a few times because the stand didnt go all the way out. And of course I'm blaming the bikes, user error isnt in my repertoire.
  4. Well, some people dont know the difference. Shouldve given you the benefit of the doubt. But I agree, drifting is not the fastest way around the track.
  5. Tell that to Marquez, Vinales, Rossi, pretty much everyone in the MotoGP paddock except Lorenzo lol. In my limited experience about getting the rear end loose,its happened to me under hard down shifting and letting out the clutch, the motor will slow the wheel enough for it to skid a second while the wheel speed and motor catch back up to each other. For me, its accidental and has only happened 1 or 2 times. For them, its part of their riding style. @hiro Slipper clutches are supposed to help this issue. I've never had one to play around with.
  6. His new bike will look very familiar.
  7. Price isn't always an indicator of quality. Personally I'd rather buy some reputable brand that's gently used than a brand new cycle gear branded jacket for example.
  8. Don't by cheap gear. Don't by cheap gear. Don't by cheap gear. Don't by cheap gear. Don't by cheap gear. Don't by cheap gear. Don't by cheap gear. Don't by cheap gear.
  9. You know after you said that, if it was like just that on a grey shirt and I centered the text, I'd wear it too . Just because it would make me laugh.
  10. He was always a hard ass on the show lets see how he does in prison.
  11. Thats @Isaac's Papa on Izzy. Sorry shoulda clarified.
  12. IF ONLY I had a portfolio of my MS paint work, it would deserve it's own thread
  13. I dont think Mid-O has tire service.
  14. I think what everyone is saying is that I should have designed the tshirt because it wouldve been fucking fabulous.
  15. Well, hes gonna know what it feels like soon if not already...
  16. Guatemalans cant mount tires for shit, everyone knows this.
  17. The sv needs a chain and sprockets and possibly a clutch. I'm hesitant to go on longer rides until then.
  18. I called it for myself. Weather for me is too iffy this early in the season for mid Ohio. Instead I'll be running PIRC the following weekend 5/20 and also doing N2's race license school.
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