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Everything posted by TimTheAzn

  1. haha I was gonna say, all you gotta do is plug that single monitor into your laptop and keep it open. You'll most likely want more screen real estate in the future if you are doing real work.
  2. Easy solution: Find another cheap monitor. http://www.newegg.com/ and keep your laptop open and use that as a screen in addition to the stand alone monitor. Does your existing dual monitor setup at work have a HDMI or VGA splitter? (1 to 2?) You'll probably need a splitter if you want dual stand alone monitors.
  3. Wow that back straight didnt take long... #leaderbike
  4. You caught me. I've got a v8 twin turbo explorer with 3000hp running meth and alcohol as my tow vehicle [emoji23] Sent from my iPhone.
  5. I was gonna ask how that went. I am glad you had a good 2 days. You think running a van on a racetrack is fun, just wait until you get into a car of somesort.
  6. Thats it, i dont want one anymore.
  7. Nope. Haha. I wished I was though. Morning was really foggy up where I work. Temps didn't get too warm. Idk if I was missing too much at mid-o. But a day at the track beats sitting in the office. Sent from my iPhone.
  8. I know exactly what I need A 675r and a vfr1200/fz1/ninja1k
  9. Is that when it's gonna get announced?
  10. 555 is ok imo. Are there better roads in ohio? Yes. But there are also worse ones.
  11. Put her back in street form to meet @Isaac's Papa for brunch. It was muy delicioso.
  12. That slide out is massive. @RHill I have the hardware now to set my trailer up for dos motorcycles. So whenever you get back down to bringing only one toy to the track again lemme know! haha.
  13. Perfect, an excuse to upgrade to a better tow vehicle.
  14. Dan and I were just talking about this on the way home from Summit. COTA is on my bucket list as well. But damn its not gonna be cheap.
  15. Bought the tent last for trip. Money well spent. Already had most all of the other camping gear (thank god). I know
  16. I'll be the guy running no warmers and Q3's for forevvaaaaaa.
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