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Everything posted by TimTheAzn

  1. Then you better edit out all the not so legal shit that happened before and after
  2. I think I am putting Ryan's bike on my trailer and taking them both down to where Dan lives. Loading up Dan's trailer, then we are heading out from there friday morning/early afternoon. Speaking of which, @Jester_ PM me your address when you got some time and we can work out the details. @RHill I picked up the hardware needed to swap my trailer over on sunday. Most likely gonna swap it after work today. I'll let you know.
  3. Every day is a motorcycle day!
  4. Changed the oil for next weekend. Sent from my iPhone.
  5. Brian's garage queen was sold to another member on this site.
  6. I have one for my street jacket. I am looking for one to go under my 1pc.
  7. You give me package deal! Next street bike will most likely be a ninja 1000, z1000, vfr 1200, fjr, or mayyyyyyyyyyybe a multi. Theres a theme in there somewhere.
  8. I'm eventually going to have to safety wire it, put track fairings on it.... or I could buy one that's already prepped with better brakes and suspension. lol We'll see how my winter boredness goes.
  9. If I ever get a dedicated track bike, my street bike will not be a super sport lol.
  10. You know you want to buy your old love back!
  11. I won't get anything out of my current one lol. It's got 31k. Runs like a top and was pretty much completely refreshed at the beginning of the season. But that's a big milage number for most people. Sent from my iPhone.
  12. Yaaaas. The moar daytona's the better. Is it bad that I've contemplated selling mine to buy Jinu's?
  13. I probably will need to mount the rear when it gets here. Just one less thing to take up space and worry about. I need to find someone to pawn off these track take offs on. LOL
  14. I dont think I'll ever own a better car. It was a blast and it was a comfy road trip car. I mean the thing was built to cruise triple digits for hundreds of miles haha. I had muffler delete and a tune on it. I shut it down at 160mph but it was still pulling. On a motorcycle note: I just got another rear and some new gloves for next weekend. *giddy*
  15. The e60 M5 is border line when they stopped being "drivers" cars and became more mainstream and everyone started being able to buy them. Still a great car but with even higher maintenance costs. I guess I loved the e39 M5 because it was a drivers car. You cant drive stick? Sorry, you have to either learn or you wont be driving this car because there's no other transmission option. It has 2 buttons, Traction control on and traction control completely off. Sport mode on, sport mode off. That's it, and I loved it. It was also one of the best behaved cars to get slidewayz, almost drove itself while sliding around. But the V10 sounds amazing with an exhaust too.
  16. Niceeeeeee. I am a car guy too. But I always gravitated back towards bikes. Had a done up civic will all the suspension under it that I could find (it was never going fast in a straight line so I built it so I rarely had to brake haha), a gutted e36 m3 track toy, and the latest car an e39 M5 (I'll probably never own a better car). I sold the M5 this summer and bought the trailer and explorer with the profit I made. I've only really missed having the m5 twice since I've sold it, last week when I went out to run some errands and just now talking about it.
  17. What kind of Z? 300zx? 350z? 370z? Buddy had a 700whp 300zx back when I was in highschool Boy that was fun to drive.
  18. Driving down to Dan's friday (most likely morning? Whenever is good for @Jester_ ) and loading up works for me.
  19. That video had a real asian tone to it no? I remember my trip to the bucket...
  20. Who's trailer are we taking? I could also drive to that person's house Friday morning and load up. That way I wont have to be dropped off somewhere after a long weekend. I can just load up and head out from that location. @Jester_ @RHill And who is this non-asian tim? We already have one of those here and he rides a c14.
  21. god damnit, idk why i expected to see what it looked like in this video.
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