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Everything posted by TimTheAzn

  1. Just make sure it puts me in the mood. Music that fits often enhances those kinds of videos. Maybe have some music for when you are going through the lot looking at bikes and such, and leave some sound for some of the riding clips?
  2. Wishing you kept your Tahoe? (I think it was a tahoe?)
  3. My smh10 wouldnt charge,and I sent it in to them. They replaced it with a new unit. I believe I was out of warranty as well.
  4. Registered for Saturday at NC and Monday at Summit Point. I took off the Friday before and the tuesday after so let me know how you guys want to work out logistics. I have an explorer and can carry people/gear if needed. My trailer is only set up for 1 bike currently.
  5. Ohh this is gasser's new toy eh!
  6. haha this is good to hear that mine shouldnt die anytime soon. A new one would cost as much as a.................................. track day.
  7. I have an smh10. When it dies, I'll by buying whatever the latest and greatest Sena has.
  8. Nope, looking to next weekend. Already have the time off. My wallet screamed at me right before I registered and I got temporary cold feet
  9. It's not like you'd ever do this on purpose right before some good twisties and leave others behind a damn dump truck.....
  10. Yea I posted a WTB credits in the N2 forum. Looking at past threads it looks like this one lady just keeps buying them up, a little ridiculous. You saying wait until this friday to register for NC and Summit? I dont think I am going to pull triggers on the elite this go around and wait for winter for the 12 day to come out.
  11. Yea I think I was planning on doing that so theres no point in me buying that separately at this point then.
  12. Does anyone know if the N2 elite membership on a calendar year basis? Like if i were to buy it today, it would expire 9/14/17 if I dont get 12 days in?
  13. I was thinking about signing up for a saturday at NC and monday at Summit... haha whos are resident rain master? @RHill I know I wont enjoy a wet day at the track, I have pretty much 0 confidence in the wet.
  14. God damn, this is getting more and more expensive by the second. I got into track riding to save money...
  15. So what happens if there is rain on either of the days I plan on riding? I am not a member this year, I'm I just out $200+ at that point?
  16. Just saying, if someone on a motorcycle did that to me, I'd call ahead to my buddy's house and pull up to his driveway as he and my buddies are walking out with shotguns, AR's and handguns. All of that and you still wouldnt know where I lived.
  17. Nope. I am 0/2 for riding gsxr 600's and dropping them. 750/1000 fine! But both gsxr600's I've ridden I've 0mph dropped.
  18. No, its Officer, "I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. Am I being detained or am I free to go?" Edit: Oh and yea, and most people suck.
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