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Everything posted by TimTheAzn

  1. @Tonik Edit: Damn someone beat me to it.
  2. What!? Hillbillies drive fords and chevy's! City boys drive taco's.
  3. My first choice was a taco, but the ferd fell in my lap. No payments are always better than payments. Very glad I didnt purchase a new tacoma right about now.
  4. Working then hopefully getting off early to prep everything to leave tomorrow for NC.
  5. Sometimes I wish I got more into network security. I guess its still not too late...
  6. I think most of us have made at least one "questionable" decision while riding. I myself have had a similar experience riding alone down to wooster to meet up with some people. Like in your situation, there was a line of 3+ cars, on 83 south in my case. Found a straight that I thought was long enough and clear enough to make a clean pass. Did not anticipate the person in front of the conga line see me and then hammer on the gas as I was attempting to pass. Obviously that made it take longer for me to pass, as a dump truck was coming the opposite direction. I cut that car off pretty hard and felt the wind gust from the truck as it wiz'd by. I estimate by only a few feet. I don't blame the car, I blame myself for thinking not knowing I had enough time.
  7. I lay awake at night because of the things I put on my credit card. jk.
  8. Damnit. This has been my favorite helmet for a while now.......... is there a lay away program?
  9. Looks like both of you guys (you and ryan) have some new toys to play with this weekend!
  10. hey @Casper did they tell you, you are being used as advertising?
  11. Looking forward to this weekend.
  12. Until he tries to serve you his breakfast sausage in the morning......
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