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Everything posted by TimTheAzn

  1. Way to assume gender Tony..... His wife is cool.
  2. I know someone that went racing out-of-state 4 days after their daughter was born. . How bad do you wanna ride Jacob?
  3. I can only hope this post goes through his mind every time he looks at that part of his tat.
  4. A Fellowship is the period of medical training, in the United States and Canada, that a physician, dentist, or veterinarian may undertake after completing a specialty training program (residency). During this time (usually more than one year), the physician is known as a Fellow. Do Dr.'s ever actually finish school Nivin? LOL
  5. TimTheAzn

    Check Ya Nuts

    Like goldmember? Is that a side effect?
  6. Coming from someone that drives a car and bike that are considered by the vast majority to be really good looking machines..........
  7. Oh I know my average burrito consumption rate..... idk why, but I do.
  8. Depends on the size. My average time to eat a Chipotle burrito is under 5 min. Around 4:45. Thats not rushing, that's just me eating.
  9. I can gas up in 6 min. Over the course of a long road trip I could be sitting at a charging station for a significant portion of time. Nope.
  10. There are lots of things uglier in this world than a burrito. But what if I have to pick those burritos up and they are 501 miles away?
  11. Breakfast burritos are my jam.
  12. Did this just turn into a track thread?
  13. weee oh weee oh weee Mrs. Officer....
  14. Maybe thats what I'm doing wrong. Still way too much effort for me to keep it updated like that. I work on computers and technology all day at work. I just want shit to work when I get home.
  15. Probably too track/ race oriented for a street rider . Eh @2talltim?
  16. I know AT&T has an app as well but it's strictly for mobile devices. I cant even share my phone's screen while watching it on there via my AppleTV.
  17. I consider myself pretty technologically capable but I've had a shitty experience with a jailbroken firestick. Buffers, and doesnt load. Just too many issues. Tried different versions, etc. Just too much effort to get it to work (sometimes). Typically the device itself isnt the one presenting you ads, its whatever service you are using.
  18. Wonder if the company paid for damages. I know I wouldn't be happy.
  19. OMG I see the Convo in the background ahhahaha
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