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Everything posted by TimTheAzn

  1. Harper probably has the most say out of anyone right now.
  2. Meal prepped last night, brought in all the stuff the make a fantastic healthy salad for lunch. Then my co-worker brings in doughnuts. Bastard.
  3. I had to buy my gigantic allen online.Sears nor any of the specialty tool stores that they pointed me to had one.
  4. Didn't do it right. Keep in mind that CR was probably falling asleep running those demo rides, even when you thought it got "sporty".
  5. Watson almost caught your ass!! My bench is pretty weak.
  6. All depends on the itch you want to scratch. The feeling of it being more risky may have been due to the people in your group. If the only day you did was a Novice track day, you need to give that another shot because Novice track days are a crap shoot more often than not. Huge difference in riding abilities. There's hardly anything better than rolling out of hot-pit with your buddies and chasing them around with your knees on the ground. I still get the butterflies when I'm taking my warmers off for a session. For @NinjaDoc, I think track riding is a great option. You can find a cheap track bike for cheap that will keep you more than entertained riding the hell out of it on the track. You wont feel bad about that sitting in your garage while you aren't riding it because it was cheap and you don't have to put insurance on it. Since the bike is cheap, you wont care when you drop it. You wont have a bike payment, or an insurance payment to pay when you aren't riding. The environment you ride in is safer than street riding although some in this thread may argue this. You can push yourself harder than you ever did on the street and feel better about doing it because of points 2 and 3. IF there were something to happen, medical professionals are closer than they ever would be on a SEO ride. Having a dedicated track bike as the only 2 wheeled vehicle in your garage may re-ignite your passion for riding because it's something new, you cant do it whenever you want so your riding is even more carefully planned than it is now, and there are completely different challenges. The only thing with Nivin is, you need sleep damnit! Don't pull a 12+hr no-sleep shift and show up to the track the next morning! You need to be sharp and on your A game for your safety and the safety of others.
  7. This. I've been forcing myself to get out lately, but I know as soon as I sell the street bike, I'll want to cruise around on the street again.
  8. You dont distill your brake fluid before you put it in!?
  9. That's not going back to the street ever lol.
  10. hahahaha. Not I, nor Timmy, or anyone else that rides Timmy's 750 for that matter. Edit: I use my rear on the street a bunch. I'll leave that open to interpretation.
  11. Got some free time eh? Hit me up old man!
  12. Directions do not call for any kind of lubricant so......
  13. I'm all over the place with wants right now..... I want a smaller track bike. (And maybe keep my 1k for those sessions I want to wheelie everywhere.) I want a larger street bike. (For street-cred.) I want to put a sound system in the truck. (Speakers are blown.) I want to buy that No-Mar Pauly is selling. (So I can swap tires on my own.) I want a new daily driver. (My 1999 accord with 266k on it wont last forever and damn driving the truck everyday.) I want money to grow on the trees in my backyard. (To fund all of the above.)
  14. I've crashed multiple times in my RST. And I believe @Jester_ went down in it once or twice before I even bought it. Still alive and kicking. Needs a good cleaning though.... that reminds me....
  15. You seem to know, why don't you drop some knowledge on us? I'm guessing the answers are as follows: less than America, went down compared to America, lower than America. I'm appalled at whats been happening in our country, I think most all of us can agree on that. I'm not opposed making it more difficult to get a firearm for law-abiding citizens within reason. What is your stance on this? What do you suggest happen to prevent tragedies like this from happening? I don't think you've stated that in here. Keep in mind: Criminals are going to be criminals. Suicidal people will still find ways to kill themselves. People are still going to commit homicides. The mentally ill are still going to be mentally ill.
  16. We should stop publicizing all these violent acts in the news and only show the good. I think that'd take away a lot of motivation from a lot of people (the attention they get). But it seems like the masses only want to see the blood and gore on the news. Been like that for decades.
  17. I was in your same position back in the day. I even started on a 1k as well. Just ride your own ride, no one cares if you can or cant keep up it's not a competition. My first ride with these guys shocked me about how smooth and silky these guys are when they ride, not to mention the pace they ride for 2-3 hundred miles at a time lol. Oh, and I had them waiting at every stop, I was so slow they took turns sweeping me . After tens of thousands of miles on twisty roads, I'd like to think that I have some sort of pace, although admittedly I've slowed down on the street since I've gone to the track. It motivated me to become a better rider so one day I could be like those guys. If you attend this ride I just ask you to do these things: Ride your own ride, you will not get left behind or laughed at for the pace you feel comfortable with. You have a great guy sweeping you, ask him the questions that you have. Listen to the advice that is given. These guys know what they are talking about and have tens of thousands of miles running at "the pace".
  18. What is everyone that isnt Tony suggesting? More gun control? Criminals will be criminals and will get firearms the same ways they always have regardless of the rules in place for law-abiding citizens.
  19. ..............................
  20. Still early, I've had teams start off slow but roll all they way to the playoffs.
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