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Everything posted by magifesq

  1. seariously? LOL, either you get the stupid power bug bite or you don't... I did
  2. One of these days I'm going to stuff a CR500 engine (with a lighting coil) on a sportbike frame and stomp the streets. One of these days...
  3. Kinda looks like the mouth of a kraken
  4. Moving on from fails - mother nature on the full hate for the next theme http://doroteos2.files.wordpress.com/2009/05/nyt_katrina_womanrubble-resized.jpg http://scrapetv.com/News/News%20Pages/usa/Images/hurricane-katrina-category-5.jpg http://earthscience.files.wordpress.com/2007/05/tornado.jpg
  5. I need help getting a rebuild kit for this Komatsu KTR110A turbo Any help would be appreciated
  6. I need help getting a rebuild kit for this Komatsu KTR110A turbo Any help would be appreciated
  7. I know Justin will give you best coverage our insurance will cover +1 rep for the prairie dog
  8. Perhaps the guys in the manual have dropped their bikes while changing the tire? LOL
  9. All good ideas - 1. What kind of bike do you have? yr / model 2. What kind of style are you going for on the 2-1? maybe we can find a used or budget priced new one for ya As far as hurting the engine, kinda depends on how you modify it. Short answer is if you do a 2-1 and restore original back pressure no harm done, if you reduce backpressure, depending on how much you reduce it, you'll run the risk of leaning out the fuel / air mix which could cause your bike to run hot and do internal damage over time, if off by a crazy amount it may damage it sooner. If you increase the back pressure then you lose power and richen up the fuel/air mix and run the risk of scoring the cylinder walls by having too much carbon build up.
  10. I have a clear titled XR200 Street legal frame in my name. I just bought an asian knock-off Do I #1. Sell the XR200 Frame with the bike and focus on one of my 1000 other projects going on or #2 Transfer everything from the Knock off to the XR200 and keep the Knock off frame to make a motard later on or #3 use the Knock off frame to house the turbo jet engine and build a bike around that lol. Decisions decisions...
  11. Lol, I hadn't yet seen that reps were on hold
  12. This looks like a comedy prop job but funny anyway: http://www.break.com/usercontent/2009/6/cat-fight-of-beauty-queens-781644.html
  13. Next topic - beauty pageant fail - get creative - looks, talent blunder, speech, judges, audience - I'll be giving reps for good entries
  14. Is that a snakehead coming out of the crocodile?
  15. For the next round - Epic nature fail http://failblog.files.wordpress.com/2009/09/epic-fail-costume-fail.jpg http://kevinrobinson.files.wordpress.com/2008/06/epic-fail2.jpg http://lh4.ggpht.com/SergioAlex76/SO-ZFAD4T5I/AAAAAAAAALY/bMPLI0dWUJM/fail-man-snake%5B2%5D.jpg http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://pix.motivatedphotos.com/2009/5/25/633788419783554835-EpicFail-t2.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.motivatedphotos.com/home.aspx%3Ftag%3Dice&usg=__N0fzpzdpO42ip_qTYm_ollIOZR4=&h=150&w=200&sz=7&hl=en&start=127&tbnid=RJJO0bBZVVDuSM:&tbnh=78&tbnw=104&prev=/images%3Fq%3Depic%2Bnature%2Bfail%26gbv%3D2%26ndsp%3D18%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26start%3D126
  16. We have about 10 parts for Vrods in stock, if you need any of the parts we have I'll give you my best price up front
  17. We own a Saturn SL1 not flashy or sporty but peppy and reliable, no major maintenance and about 180k on it (2nd owner since 55k miles)
  18. I get that stuff from time to time as well... its life. And to the guy who said busas are black men's bikes, statistically I see more ethnic african americans riding and calling for parts for Kawasakis, but after that its the Busas. On a somewhat unrelated note I read an interesting thought on a TL1000 site - British guy basically saying he's tired of submitting to random drug tests at work while the recipients of his taxes (i.e. welfare warriors) don't even have to submit to drug tests to receive the benefits ie gov't handouts.
  19. It basically acts like a slip-on pipe, take it to our shop and we can dyno tune it for a reasonable price. Stock guts take out all the sound, might as well be riding a sewing machine
  20. I used Allied Electric they're based in Texas, give me really thick catalogs and have a pretty user friendly website. I bought the hard to find items for my mad scientist stuff from them. http://www.alliedelec.com/
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