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Everything posted by ReconRat

  1. Stalker... And it's 5:13am on my computer. Must be that alternate universe thing. Or one of us is in a different time zone.
  2. A "hunting" idle is a symptom of a lean fuel condition. Or as Issac's Papa said, a vacuum leak. Same difference. Too much air or not enough fuel. A vacuum leak can quickly go to an engine stalls condition. edit: This might be something that goes away when it warms up outside. Or not... A too tight valve adjustment is similar, but it would also run a bit off at higher rpms, and not just at idle. And not likely in cold temperatures, it's usually a problem at higher temperatures.
  3. If it's not a fuse, then the circuit is open. Stalk switches are notorious for failure. I'd jump right to the steering column connector and check the variable resistance across the circuit for the stalk switch for the instrument panel lights. Yeah, you'll need an accurate wiring diagram. Other than that, I'd think of checking the instrument panel ground, since all are out. I'd hate to think that a simple light circuit ran through a control module. That would be a pain.
  4. I remember that New York started this type of "inspect them all" several years ago. So I looked it up. Here's how it went for them: Reducing Motorcycle Fatalities through Checkpoints and Education: The New York State Experience By Major David A. Salmon, Director of Traffic Services, New York State Police, Albany, New York And their results: Cliff's Notes:Your odds in New York MC checkpoint: 100% of having to stop 80% of being inspected 41% of receiving a traffic citation 16% of receiving citation for unapproved helmet 20% of being waved through 4% of "missing" the signs to stop 3% of receiving citation for illegal exhaust 1% of being "referred" for non conforming VINs For the record: There are safety checkpoints in Ohio during good weather. They inspect motorcycles also. I've actually tried to stop at some, and they just wave me on down the road. Zero inspections.
  5. Washington DC is just trying to help us poor ignorant people live our lives. Unfortunately the people in DC can be quite ignorant themselves. Same as other checkpoints, vehicles are stopped only when an officer is available. All others are waved past. It appears that in Utah, that trying to wave over one of a group of motorcycles caused all of the group to stop. Which is logical when traveling in a group of motorcycles. That unexpected reaction was unprepared for in terms of being able to handle the unexpected volume. Aggravated of course, by having both a large volume of motorcycles and groups of motorcycles that day at that location, because of the local event. Which of course was intentional, at the state level, to maximize results and get it done and over with and collect that federal cash for doing it. Which means the state was ignorant in their planning also. But they are just trying to help us poor ignorant people live our lives. This post is totally disregarding the fact that this is probably stimulus funding, that we will be paying back in taxes for many many years. note: I'm considering buying stock of motorcycle trailer manufacturers...
  6. That is probably the main reason Northland shopping mall closed. Groups of 20-30 kids would go in a store and all grab stuff at the same time and run. Back then there was about zero anyone could do against a juvenile, other than wait for them to turn 18.
  7. There's acid in the sweat on our hands, maybe we shouldn't touch our motorcycles... Calcium chloride salt is currently the road salt of choice. It used to be sodium chloride. If you've ever ridden a motorcycle on a road covered in sodium chloride, you'll never do it again.
  8. Salt will destroy a motorcycle in the most vicious ways. The red 919 isn't going to be out there, but if I repair the chain on the black 919 (or not), it can go out. It's a rat and has been out in salt before.
  9. Phone scamming has increased in the last few years. It's picked up on some of the successful internet scamming, and has applied both new and old techniques. As always, if they weren't making money, they wouldn't bother trying. Cold calls should never ask for anything they don't already know. Unfortunately, data on people is easily available in the internet age. I've started picking up the land line and not saying anything, and just waiting. After a bit, a tele sales person cuts over to the line and says "Hello? Hello?". I hang up. You can hear the room full of people on phones in the background noise. But they always call back in a day or two. Sometimes the line just disconnects. That's the computer giving up, when it didn't hear a voice. Stupid phones... edit: btw, there are 352 google results for "SPRINT 866-860-6241". (39 after duplicates.) None are good. There's a couple of results in forums, trying to impress that it's a valid sprint customer service number. It is not, and that shows a higher level of sophistication, scamming that interfaces with the internet.
  10. I'm so sorry, I park wherever I feel like it. Which is all of the above. Only once was there a problem. Which was on OSU campus where I was parking inside the landscaping shrubs where I was hidden and couldn't be seen. One parking ticket. And I went right ahead and continued to park there for years without a problem.
  11. Foam does not retain heat. It's a barrier to heat. It could possibly reflect heat or cause heat to build up in the metal parts faster. That only means that they had the wrong surface temperature when they coated. Still their fault. (Actually the foam might have gone to goo from the heat.) You do not have to pay twice to have work done correctly. You've already paid them once to do this correctly. It's up to them to comply, or refund your money. At this point they should refund the money and cut their losses. You'll be left with a botched powder coat you probably have to remove to try again.
  12. That's actually 70%. And comparing the two graphs of opposing questions, it appears equally balanced between yea and neigh. Which says basically that the population surveyed has no clue whatsoever and is only guessing the answer. At least a portion was gutsy and honest enough to say "I don't know".
  13. Fearful isn't good enough. A threat to life or safety of yourself or others is. Just ask "what are your intents", as you click your safety off...
  14. They changed the rules, no foreigners in the hash bars...
  15. hijacking... This was posted up a while back, about a MC ride position simulator (ergonomics) Enter your data and it shows the riding and flat foot position. Worth repeating... Motorcycle Ergonomics
  16. I went through basic at Ft Bragg, and got picked up by Special Forces to be a ...payroll clerk. If she's on with them, they should take care of every thing. At least that's the way it used to be. They like the smart ones, the ones that score top of their field. Lots of SF troops broke bones on jumps, I never saw one bounced out. It's part of the job.
  17. Firearms Tactical Institute Wound Ballistics http://www.firearmstactical.com/wound.htm US Dept of Justice FBI Handgun Wounding Factors and Effectiveness http://www.firearmstactical.com/hwfe.htm
  18. Very much like French humans, I would guess. I always though that swine/pigs were very close to human physiology. Closer than apes and chimps even.
  19. ReconRat

    Which one?

    Buy both and sell one of your choice in July for profit.
  20. ReconRat

    Which one?

    That did occur to me after hitting enter. Way easier/cheaper to change up just a cover. covers are ghey just kiddin
  21. ReconRat

    Which one?

    Everybody has a red one. But not everyone likes the graphics on the white one. I would get the best bike, regardless of the distance or price. Either could be changed up with new plastics if need be. Tanks are expensive, but can be covered up. I like the extra blacked out parts on the white one. JRM, well JRM wants to play 20 questions, and I don't have 20 answers. So I'm out... heh
  22. so far the halftime music sux'd, the halftime sound mixing sux'd, the commercials all sux'd... luckily the game has been good so far... edit: ok the volkswagen commercial was cute.. and Christina botched the National Anthem...
  23. Now I know. What models/years are the new lighter V7 block used on? nm... old heavy engine was back in the 70s.
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