I think the "bullet point" only type resume, is for feeding to a computer scan and auto sort by a computer for buzz words. It been that way with larger companies for a while. I also think it's odd that the computer program can't handle whatever it's given. So perhaps it's being input manually, and bullet points just make it sooo much easier for them. Almost everything is computer input and analysis anymore. And the old fashioned way, that cover letter rocks. HR would typically take the stack of resumes/covers, and toss them on the floor. Yes, No, and sometimes a Maybe. The No pile is really big. The Yes pile is small and where you want to be. Average time spent on each: way under 10 seconds... my opinion: yes, a resume should have a professional summary. And have a cover letter that rocks. I think the latest trend is no cover letter, and submit resume as data file only. Word doc preferred. All are reviewed on line by those that pick and hire. No one sees the paper anymore. Set your resume up with relevant buzz words. It's like playing the lottery.