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Everything posted by ReconRat

  1. I'm hating a Winter that has been 10F colder than normal, so far. I'm definitely ready for a couple of nice days, so I can get out and tour the snow and ice. I did that last year, it was 60-70F, dry roads, and still had snow and ice in the fields. It was wonderful.
  2. I didn't see the rider show ID. I think he got cuffed for no identification. Maybe.
  3. Dude found a 1912 Harley engine in a barn. He was going to make a lamp from it. These are worth $4000-$6000 if all parts complete. Time to search some old barns... Motorcycle USA blog post http://www.motorcycle-usa.com/photogallerys/hd_motor_2.jpg
  4. Sometimes I think these are built just because they know Jay Leno will buy one. This is the type of bike T.E. Lawrence rode. Lawrence of Arabia. All are custom made to fit the rider. Production runs are sold out for 2011 and 2012. About $250,000 each. Replicating the Brough Superior http://graphics8.nytimes.com/images/2011/01/18/automobiles/wheels-Brough-Superior-SS101/wheels-Brough-Superior-SS101-blog480.jpg yeah yeah, I know... it's probably a repost. And I probably posted the original...
  5. I'm bored... surfing news... Apparently 150mph in Louisiana will get you arrested right now. Video: http://www.2theadvocate.com/news/latest/114179709.html
  6. I've got a batch of color slides from the Mediterranean, early 50s. My Dad tried to throw them out. I took them away in a big paper bag full. I hate to see them wasted, thinking about throwing them all on line, like this guy did.
  7. In case of what. A fatal estrogen attack? Not worried here, if gender mutation strikes, I'm taking your credit card to the mall.
  8. Motorcycle Mama Katey Sagal wins Golden Globe for Sons of Anarchy http://www.clutchandchrome.com/images/stories/News/2011-01/59.jpg
  9. As a tribute through time, many other bands have done something similar to that intro. I came across a bunch when searching google. I also recognized where The Monkees did an acoustic intro like that for a song.
  10. Watched it... Best quotes: In response to the ten fold reduction in motor sport fatalities: "The pursuit of safety, now keeps pace with the need for speed." "I remember when motor sports was dangerous and sex was safe. Now it's the other way around. motor sports is safe, and sex is dangerous."
  11. It was indeed funny. You are forgiven for apparently searching "pea" and "cock". Or Katy Perry... whatever... (adding song to mp3 player just to be annoying...) 320kbps
  12. I thought there was a Pink Floyd with a clear "scratchy record" into. That was part of their music style of song intros. Guess the roots were in Alan's Psychedelic Breakfast, lol.
  13. lol, if you can sing it for my droidx... it will tell me what it is... But I know what you're talking about, but I can't remember either. I almost want to say Pink Floyd, Atom Heart Mother, Alan's Psychedelic Breakfast But that was just the sound of bacon frying...
  14. I think the "bullet point" only type resume, is for feeding to a computer scan and auto sort by a computer for buzz words. It been that way with larger companies for a while. I also think it's odd that the computer program can't handle whatever it's given. So perhaps it's being input manually, and bullet points just make it sooo much easier for them. Almost everything is computer input and analysis anymore. And the old fashioned way, that cover letter rocks. HR would typically take the stack of resumes/covers, and toss them on the floor. Yes, No, and sometimes a Maybe. The No pile is really big. The Yes pile is small and where you want to be. Average time spent on each: way under 10 seconds... my opinion: yes, a resume should have a professional summary. And have a cover letter that rocks. I think the latest trend is no cover letter, and submit resume as data file only. Word doc preferred. All are reviewed on line by those that pick and hire. No one sees the paper anymore. Set your resume up with relevant buzz words. It's like playing the lottery.
  15. yes, but there be hosing here, it's not a total loss...
  16. The real deal Samco hoses from Optimum Performance Products Inc - $175-200 http://www.oppracing.com/category/86-radiator-water-hose-kits/?page=3 plus $45-50 clamp kit GSG hoses from Wild Hair - $480 (plus $50 for CNC machined hose clamp) who knows what quality hoses from Webike! Japan - $255 plus shipping from Japan The Samco kit sounds good. Search the website carefully to find the right one. It is a somewhat confusing website for trying to find stuff... Me, I'd put some sort of armor overbraid or wrap over stock hoses and call it quits...
  17. haven't you ever been in a bar where they toss them with velcro onto the wall? It's sorta outlawed now....
  18. ok, I had to download the image and ENLARGE it, in order to be able to read a pic that was a country meter long.... That wild West thing, where we compare ourselves to all the shoot them up back in the day? That's a myth. It's only in the movies and books and legends of yore. The wild West wasn't so wild. When everyone had a gun and/or rifle and knew how to use it, there wasn't much shooting and rampaging going on. People tended to behave and mind their own business. Bandits? Sure, they had those, briefly. They didn't keep them around or give them second and third chances like we do now.
  19. I started using Rotella T.... but only for Winter storage...
  20. If he had both a Kaw and a Suzi, would he be Kawi Sue? (or Kawi Susie)
  21. MS forums say antivirus can interfere with chkdsk at boot. Remove or disable antivirus to run chkdsk at boot. Especially AVG. Also says can optionally run the chkdsk from your WINRE on the win7 install disk. This is where I switch to scanning from a boot of the hard drive manufacturer's diagnostics. I get better results with those, especially for a repair. Back up important files before doing any changes to the hard drive. Yes, slaving it USB to another computer is the easiest way. Don't forget the firefox bookmarks. You might have to do an html export of the firefox bookmarks first.
  22. I generally just plug the cat5 from the cable modem right into the problem computer and bypass the router. Quick answer that way.
  23. Back in 2008, Norton managed to do exactly this, break both browsers. The Norton had to be removed and re installed. There's a special removal tool for that, to do it right. It really is sounding like a firewall malfunction. If your Norton has firewall settings, try a reset to defaults (or shut it off to see what happens). There was an IE8 update this week, I'm starting to get suspicious of that. It's also a 3 day weekend, and new unknown attacks generally start on those long weekends. If it can be broken, I've done it.
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