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Everything posted by ReconRat

  1. There is one that rides into school at CSCC. Fairings gone, scratch built welded stays for headlight and instruments. Looks cool. I got some pics somewhere...
  2. Same chain RK GB520XSO @ indysuperbikes for 78.95 http://www.indysuperbikes.com/Isb1/RK_GB520XSO_Gold_Chain__RK_XWRing_Chain-p-107838.html they also have the plain RK 520XSO for 69.95 http://www.indysuperbikes.com/Isb1/RK_520_XSO_XRing_Chain__RK_Chain-p-107777.html they also have EK 520SRX for 63.95 http://www.indysuperbikes.com/Isb1/EK_520SRX_XRing_Sealed_Chain__EK_Chain-p-700062.html edit: when you get down to lowest prices, you have to add in shipping to see what really is cheapest. Free shipping is always a winner.
  3. Something I have noticed... If you power away from a light, to get away from traffic and have some space on the road. This disrupts the ordinary every day flow of traffic. If there are intersections ahead, drivers entering the roadway will not expect a bike or vehicle to be out front like that. They are accustomed to an ordinary flow of traffic, and will often turn onto the road in your path, causing evasive action. Hence the rule... smooth, ride smooth. At least in traffic and the city around other vehicles. Yes, it's happened to me many times. And it took a long time to figure out why it happens.
  4. ReconRat

    stupid cagers

    Indeed. Lots of vehicles have nasty left side blind spots, in addition to standard right side blind spots. I rented a Chrysler 300, and first thing noticed was a not fantastic view in the left mirror. Easy to miss an entire car back there. Years ago I got hit by a soccer mom van while driving a Pontiac along side on the left. She looked in her mirror, which viewed back over the top of my car without seeing it, and she turned left from the wrong lane. Hit me in the right rear wheel well and door. Can't say much for her peripheral vision, since all she had to do was look down from the mirror, and there was a car there. Hence the rule... don't pass cars in intersections. Hell, don't even be next to a car that slows down at an intersection. That signals confusion and intent to do something crazy. Some mornings on Broad Street going to work, I can see several cars/suvs turn right from two lanes over. I seldom drive down the right hand lane in car or bike. Extra rule: Maximum caution around hospitals. There's almost always someone driving out there on the road that is emotional or distraught or in a hurry. They will make mistakes.
  5. I keep thinking that both you and Zero like off road. Get junior his own off road bike and gear. It's what he really wants.
  6. ReconRat

    stupid cagers

    geez... dunno, I had shades on and it was still a bit dark. I couldn't see if driver was male or female. Probably male, driver had a hoodie up and covered most of the face. They just put a hand up like... hoping I wouldn't trash the mirror or door... I'm not that mean anymore. And the car I had been following appeared to be a Columbus policeman going to work...
  7. Sort of like the opposite of a face lift? A tail drop? ewww....
  8. Fast enough... still alive...
  9. English is Rusty's 4th major language, he speaks Checkoslavakian, German, Italian (I think) and English. He's working on it...
  10. We can't wait to ride with you. I figure any other Harleys we pass will just be even more confused if you're riding with UJMs.
  11. Favorite roads around there are 374, 180, 36, 56, 328, and 664. Roughly in that order is how most ride through and stop in Logan, and then return to the Lancaster or Columbus area. You might add a start by going to Clearport, and taking Clearcreek Road to 33, and then on to 374. 78 going East from Nelsonville is a great road all the way to PA and back. Check these websites: http://www.motorcycleroads.us/states/oh.html http://www.motorcycleroads.com/routes/MidWest/OH/OH_index.htm Watch for a ride posted up here soon, a group will probably be down there to ride. The roads in Hocking still have a bit too much sand on them for pleasant riding. As soon as it gets warm, there are hundreds of bikes down there. Always be careful, it is real easy to run off the road in any of these areas. Last year on this weekend: http://www.ohio-riders.com/showthread.php?t=23231&highlight=hocking+hills
  12. ReconRat

    stupid cagers

    Had a white mini van push me out of the lane into the turn lane on Friday morning. There's a terrible left side blind spot on some mini vans. But no excuse for the driver, I was right there next to the driver's door, they didn't physically turn their head and look. I moved over with, and rolled up right next to the driver and looked. It scared them more than me, so I just moved on. A minute later, a small car did the same thing to the van. I rolled up and looked at that one too. Totally oblivious, but at least wasn't on a phone. Yeah, I ride maximum defensive in morning traffic. Best to stay flexible in escape routes at all times.
  13. The Autozone near me has 4 or 5 of the popular motorcycle oils, but I swear they weren't there before. They are still hard to spot on that back wall of nothing but oil.
  14. ReconRat


    Did you know, you can open the gas cap and look and see? Not that anyone now days would ever do that, but... back-in-the-day... You know... before we had any gauges or indicators at all. The camping fuel bottles are 33oz for the largest ones I've looked at. Figure on 15 miles per bottle, on a bike that gets ~60mpg. Figure on 10 miles per bottle, on a bike that gets ~40mpg. There are other ADV cans that hold more, but are hard to find. (And harder to mount on the bike.)
  15. Yes. Serious (Sort of.). But it's more like small leans first, big leans later while trying to wave or one hand. More important, don't move your head or line of sight until you're comfortable with everything else. That's where it goes wrong and you wobble. Wobble in turn --> bad. Correct. Most Germans won't even play a radio while driving. Certainly when compared to us here. Nadda except driving. They all really serious about it. Won't see cell phones, books, maps, tvs, crap while driving... I'm surprised they use GPS navigation.
  16. blue skies? ... made me think of this... Atlanta 2009
  17. Dang, you know... I wave to people on the sidewalk, or on the porch watching traffic. If they are watching us go by, or even just me alone. I'll give a little wave and say hi. Actually, it's kinda fun when you're hitting a lean through a corner and manage to still wave like it was nothing to ride with one hand doing that. Not recommended for beginners. Practice first.
  18. Ha, that was my first wave of the year. First bike I saw. The only other bike I saw that day. Cold weather ride, South out of Marysville near Milford. I stood up and waved, lol. Every bike waves going into and back from work. I've seen most of them all before, many times. Well ok, the scooters don't always figure it out in time. Ok, the Ducatis often just look. Yeah ok, the BMWs won't take eyes off road. And yeah, Harleys are obviously busy on a mission, and can't spare the time. But sometimes they wave too...
  19. Tanks... lunch was good. And like seeing new faces.
  20. It's the end of the world! No, wait... it's a rear end collision waiting to happen...
  21. Me too, cold in the mornings, but worth it later. Got forced into the turn lane by a little van right next to me this morning. Scared them more than me. Use the turn signals! At least let me know what's up. Duh...
  22. geez.... like flies to honey... Recon checking in - ex-aerospace engineer w/ inactive A&P license I love Aerospace and Aviation Welcome!
  23. every day... 34F and up in the morning is good enough...
  24. not to mention that Ohio Rider posts make it right up there at the top of the list on a Google search... spooky, just spooky (go ahead, search for "spooky, just spooky" in a little bit....)
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