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jbot last won the day on December 13 2022

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About jbot

  • Birthday December 7

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    spicy pike
  • Vehicles(s)
    Diavel, SLK55, S long range, 3 Performance

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  1. Just cause I’m paranoid doesn’t mean they’re not all out to get me
  2. shadowbans?? people have been shadowbanned?
  3. Looks like weds is best for me
  4. lol I’ll find out if my cousin in law Bob will come with me since I think he works (or worked?) at your company.
  5. i'll be in columbus between xmas and new years if it works out that way.
  6. thanks, i had a pretty good birthday.
  7. The bills are either authentic or passable enough that the hookers and blow dealers won’t notice.
  8. Got my Monopoly money. Bike is sold. Thanks for the fun chat everyone. Feel free to close the thread.
  9. I’m hoping summer camp will accept my Monopoly money $100s just like I do for $5 handies
  10. coincidentally, he just messaged me to let me know he got cash instead and sent me a picture of 2K bundles. maybe this is really happening. i will finally be able to afford to pay for summer camp for my kids LOL
  11. maybe the person who messaged me on FB will be on here and i'll feel a little better about it, but someone is offering to come by tonight with a cashier's check and take my bike (in person). At this point, this person had not even looked at the bike in person yet. what should i do? do i go into this with blissful naivete and let him ride off into the literal sunset with my bike and me holding the potentially fraudulent cashier's check in one hand and my dick in the other?
  12. I have an electric kick scooter that goes about 40mph so my penchant for high risk for relatively low gain situations is still alive and kicking
  13. more like #stupidfinancialdecisionsishouldhavestoppedmakinginmy30s
  14. i only bought this bike to inflict pain and suffering on myself every time i look at it. actually riding it wasn't so bad. it's probably the only "cruiser" type bike I could tolerate at the time... oh well, i should probably just sack up and ride it every once in a while, but i really wanted to try to fit all 3 cars into my garage cause 2 of them need to share a charger. i did recently install a charger at my work so that might alleviate that, but not having to walk outside during winter time before getting in the car would be huge. i dunno, maybe i just need to move the bike and/or the mid-life crisis car to the shop when it's shitty out and that will alleviate my desire to make room in the garage.
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