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Everything posted by Artmageddon

  1. Nice. I guess I'll be in back by myself now.
  2. I've got a $5 gift card to IP as well. I've also got a Men's size medium Jacket, Highway One Intake. Only wore a few times, still nearly new. Good summer coat. http://www.ironpony.com/ironponydirect/productPagedetails.asp?ImageName=HIGHWAY-ONE-INTAKE-PERF.jpg&Brand=HIGHWAY%20ONE&Class2=Jackets%20and%20Vests&Class3=Leather%20Jackets&Class1=STREET%20PRODUCTS Don't need anything in return like the thread suggests, pickup preferred but will ship if you cover the charges.
  3. There's a carryout at King and Neil that has a pretty good selection, I think its called Viking???
  4. Moose, you drive. Unless Jagr wants to fit in the half seat of my truck. When we go to the bike show in Cleveland we should get a bunch of people, a van and make it a party bus.
  5. I'm game. I'll haul your ass around when you lose your chauffeur.
  6. I know. Carin and I were just making fun of you.

  7. still up? in the doghouse? :)

  8. Got one earlier on my phone, never thought to copy and paste it though.
  9. Open your eyes. Where do you hang out? I tend to hang out in Dublin, Polaris, Grove City and the Arena District. I see so many hot girls, if I didn't have any self control I would be doing the sex offender shuffle. If you have real trouble meeting girls, find a gay guy that is outgoing but not flaming and start hanging out with him. He will introduce to you more females than you can imagine because he has no inhibitions or fear of rejection. Seriously, it works. If you get real desperate, he may even help you out a bit.
  10. I'm fairly sure it isn't. I really wish it was. If this was the punishment for pedophiles and deviants, I bet there would be a lot less of them. They would think twice before being stupid. Touch a kid, have to do this video, and then get shanked in the back. Fitting. Now the guys that get sex offender labels for pissing in an alley(which I find ridiculous) or something should do a different video. Saying "hey, your kids are safe, I just get drunk and whip out my cock for back alley bums. " Do people that get picked up for soliciting get registered as sex offenders?
  11. I wish that was real, and if so could possibly be the most insane thing I've ever seen. What the hell kind of lawyer plea bargains to do a cheesy 80's rap video???? Ol' Sam Pound looked at it as his moment of fame, probably enticed 8 years with the video. "Look I'm on TV, it's okay to touch it."
  12. I'll probably be by around 6, need 2 tickets for sure, maybe 3.
  13. My male dog has 4 legs and squats to pee. I think he is gay, in more ways than that.
  14. There are 13 episodes, FX, like HBO does short seasons for quality rather than quantity. Yeah the show has problems, but what show doesn't? Not sure about the whole Opie thing either, but I think for the moment he put his anger aside to help Jax get get revenge for his mom, and knows that Clay will step down. He still loves the club and doesn't want to destroy it. Plus he's got a hot porn star girl now, BJ's and anal probably helped him forget his wife. They have gone a few charity runs. Is that what you guys really want to watch though? Plus, when people are trying to kill you, casual rides are usually the last thing on your mind. My biggest problem with last night is how fast they caught up to Cameron. Wasn't everyone way outside of Charming after Zoebel? They went back to Charming to the house, then magically caught up to him? Oh well. It's not real, it's not supposed to be real. It's an escape. If you want reality, watch the History channel or just look out the window. What the hell else is there to watch right now anyway? TV sucks, that's why I barely watch any right now. I want Rome and Buffy back, but Sons is pretty damn good too.
  15. I'm already 100% coming to Panini's Friday, to make 2 social activities in one day is beyond my realm of superpowers. Pretty hard for me to get downtown during the day anyway.
  16. I'm in no hurry unless you are, but I'll never make downtown in the day during the week. If you Saturday, that can be arranged.
  17. I'll take the cords and case. I've got a newer Mobo and CPU collecting dust, may as well build a system. I'll probably be running around this weekend, maybe pick them up then.
  18. I live and work near Sawmill, can I run over to meet you around 8 or 9 tomorrow? First free time I'll have. Or you can just pay since I'll be stealing your identity now anyway.
  19. Alright, I'll be there. Maybe with a few friends, give you a count tomorrow. They are worse about committing to things than I am if that's possible. Yota, I'll figure out some way to get you money Wed, what part of town are you in?
  20. So we do we have to do it as a pre-sale, or if a few friends and I show up will we be able to hang with the cool kids or are we forced to be part of the huddled masses? I suck at life and don't want to commit to any engagements and cancel again.
  21. I fail. That has been my motto lately. My life is a mess right now(ask Jagr, I bail on him constantly). I got super busy with work and school, getting a divorce, and other crap, just kinda put this aside and forgot. I have ADD too, if I don't take care of stuff right away, I just forget. My contact with the State Troopers was a friend of my ex's, but I think I can still get in touch with him. I'll try to get back on this.
  22. cool, I feel better now for ditching.

  23. I spent many nights at the old Panini's too. We always met more girls there than anywhere else.
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