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Everything posted by Artmageddon

  1. I saw this yesterday, thought it was pretty sweet.
  2. Nah, probably get a reason to start having dues; all that bandwidth has got to be costing Ben a pretty good chunk out of his pocket. I'd be cool with that.
  3. I would rock that. Is the Paypal donation link for the tickets, or it is just to donate? I know I'm not going to win and don't mind throwing some cash to a good cause, but I may as well grab some tickets too.
  4. I'm in for this 100%. Did we pick a hotel and crap yet?
  5. bump, he's moving up fast, vote again, if you feel like it.
  6. Nice. haven't seen these before. Would like to see it person. Wonder what they will cost and if they will be available here. Pretty unique.
  7. Kinda, but there are Mini and standards. The mini's are less than 11 lbs. The standards are usually above 16 lbs. If he was next to a standard, he still look like a tiny puppy. I never thought I would like a small dog until we got him, now he's my best friend.
  8. So my ex put our dog in a "Fabulous Pet Names" contest, I thought it was cool. He is a Miniature Dachshund, and I named him "Dozer Von Puppypants", you know, him being German and all. Anyway, I think it's a cool and unique name, and he's climbing fast. The person in the lead must have a bot running or something, But we figure if we can start spreading the link around, maybe we catch up or at least get in the top 10-20 for fun, maybe some other pet contest will see it or some crap like that. So if you can take 10 seconds and vote for him, I would appreciate it, and you can vote once a day, so if you think about it, keep it going. Thanks! http://www.brickfish.com/Pages/PhotosAlbums/PhotoView.aspx?qsi=28031363 Dozer says please....
  9. Be with family out of town. . Sorry, Dave.
  10. when were you there? I was there over the summer, most of it was nicer now than when I was there before Katrina. New Orleans is a unique city, if you like modern, up to date, hustle and bustle, yeah, I could see hating it. If you like history, old architecture, and a laid back atmosphere, it doesn't get any better. I will say if you go there and never leave the French Quarter, you are missing most of what the city has to offer.
  11. I think about moving, I love AZ/NM or New Orleans, but really, it's the same crap everywhere. Ohio is bland, parts of it are poor, it gets cold. I hate that. Would I be happier somewhere else? Sure, maybe for a while. Even the greatest place on earth gets boring once the monotony of everyday life sets in. I stay in Ohio because it is bland. No earthquakes, hurricanes, no real state dropping 60%, prices are fairly low compared to other areas, crime is decently low, access to quite a lot of activities. Now I'm speaking of Columbus. I grew up in Appalachian Ohio/ WV, if I'm going to live in Ohio, it will be Columbus. Living in Ohio also makes vacations to other places that much better. We also have a good accent. No southern twang(unless you are from Ironton), no Yankee drawl. Watching TV, everyone sounds like they are from Ohio.
  12. I'll give you my advice. I'm not sure what kind of pizza you do, but the trend in the Columbus area seems to favor being a Donato's clone. There are enough Donatos and the like, try something different. Right now the best pizza in Columbus to me is Romeo's. Good pricing, pizza is very tasty. Having said that, there is better pizza. I'm from eastern Ohio, and so are tons of other Columbus residents. We grew up on Dicarlo's, which is square pizza, flash baked, and usually the cheese and toppings are cold. This stuff like crack to anyone originally from Eastern Ohio/ WV Panhandle. Any time I go visit if I want to see anyone that moved way as well, I can find them at Dicarlos. If I go home for one day, I get it twice. There was a Dicarlo's in Columbus, it changed to avoid franchise fees though. There may still be one hilliard and the east side. Check it out, see if you can do something like that, I bet it goes well. It is also sold by the slice, so people can spend as much or as little as they like. This is really profitable if you are near a school that has an open lunch, the pizza joints next to my high school did most of thier business at lunchtime.
  13. I would like to make it, but that's too far for a lunch hour. If this is going to be a regular thing, maybe move it around town a bit? Do something in the NW and I'm in, I bet DGTL GRL and a few others would be too.
  14. Moose, sounds good to me, I would like to say bye to Dave. No band though, let's just hang out. We weren't really planning on playing until February anyway. I think I would rather wait until a bigger event anyway just because it's such a pain in the ass to set up.
  15. Yeah, that's pretty much how it goes when you get more than 2 people together. Moose and I talked about just saying here it is, pick a date, but I should never be in charge of organizing anything, I may not show up. Enthusiasm doesn't seem to great for a party at this time anyway.
  16. So have we got any opinions on this party or what? Our band is powerful enough to turn goat piss into gasoline. Not really, just sticking with BB crap.
  17. Sure am, need $5000 for the orphanage, Sister Mary is counting on us.
  18. We don't have to do the band. It was just suggested, and we're willing, but if people want to go to house, I'm more than willing to just drink and stand in the corner.
  19. Just talked to Moose, do we want to do a winter party at the KofC? If so what dates? Dec 30th, Jan 2nd, and Jan 9th or the 16th are available. Do guys want a band? Do you want it to be OR only, or do you want a bigger crowd? How many people would show up? I'm not going to drag the band gear out and set up for 10 people. 20-25, sure, plus who we bring. Do you want me to start a new thread with a poll? Do we just want to say hell with it and do nothing?
  20. Yeah, we could probably do a 2, maybe 3 hour set by then if anyone really wants us too. but I would need to know in the next few days, at least by Sunday. If that's the case, the 9th would for sure be better. Our bass player is working in Indy most of the next month. I can make it work though if it is wanted. Bring on the OR groupies.
  21. I'm game with whatever. New Years Eve is on a Thursday, and I'm sure there are tons of parties going on and people have plans; What if we did the OR party on Wed the 30th so more people can make it? I'm sure most people have the Thursday off. I'm cool with it at someone's house for sure; but it's always cool of Moose to offer up the KofC, and we should appreciate that we have access to such a place, and he usually steps and gets shit organized. I also don't mind spending a few bucks to help out an organization like the KofC. The KofC is becoming the OR Clubhouse I think, our next step is to make a big table with OR carved in it and figure out our next step against Zobelle and the Mayans. Whatever happens I'm cool. I just show up every once in the while when I'm told to. I can help out if anyone needs it though.
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