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Everything posted by Artmageddon

  1. Don't get me wrong, I would never wear it. Doesn't mean the nerd in me doesn't think its cool.
  2. Pretty cool.... more pics and info. http://www.walyou.com/blog/2009/10/07/boba-fett-motorcycle-helmet/
  3. Thanks, things will settle down soon, I hope anyways.

  4. I have a good friend that is a high level state trooper, he said you would be surprised at how much illegal MC gang activity there is in parts of Ohio. It's kept quiet. I'm sure it's worse in some other states. Last night was a good episode. Next week's looks pretty exciting.
  5. Nah, keep it. I like my colored bars and stars, especially after NinjaNick gives me rep. I think rep's biggest convenience is to send a quick message to the someone about a cool post they wrote, without sending a PM with details about it. I like that.
  6. Pretty much my plans too, except I'll keep it in the garage.
  7. He's working out, buffing up for the Guard. he's tired of taking shit. Nah, he's been around, just quiet.
  8. If you need it converted to vector send it here- http://vectordoctor.com/ He(Eric) is a good friend of mine, taught me a lot about design. He's in Cbus. Dirt cheap too. Tell him Art referred you. Regardless if it is printed or not, vector will always turn out better with more accurate reproduction, better colors, just plain easier to work with. Trust me, I do this for a living. Money well spent.
  9. I have a motorcycle jack if that will work, I live near Sawmill, close to Dave.
  10. Thanks for the input last night, being drunk and at 5:45 am, not bad. You'll be fine in your classes for sure. :) The whole class is pretty much unit testing and GUI. I'll try and suffer through it.

  11. balls-hellz yeah. bj:

  12. Just plain suck at it. Actually I'm fairly ok at going through and correcting code that I have a skeleton for. But to just write code from thin air, I'm screwed. My main problem is I have no interest in it, so I have a hard time sitting down to learn it. I was finally starting to get it a bit at the end of the intro class, took a long break, and have been clueless 3 weeks in to this class. I've been messing with the lab for the past few hours and some of the basics are coming back, and have it 38% complete, and could probably get about 70% on my own. I've got most of the objects constructed and tested, and I'm quitting for the night. Basically this is the problem(this is just the written description, there are 6 classes of code and too much post here): Purpose To assess your ability to apply the knowledge and skills developed in Module 1 and Module 2. Emphasis will be placed on interfaces and polymorphism. Introduction You have been contracted by Acme Manufacturing to develop the first phase of an inventory management system. The system will keep track of inventory lots. There are two different types of lots. One type of lot is a group of parts received from a supplier. The second type of lot is a group of products that have been manufactured at the same time. Parts are used to make products. Products are sold to customers. The system you are going to design and develop will help Acme Manufacturing keep track of the parts they have in their inventory. When parts are received from a supplier, a receiving clerk adds the parts to inventory in lots. Each lot has a lot number and contains only one type of part, but there may be multiple lots in inventory that contain the same type of part. When parts are used to manufacture products, a production clerk removes the parts from the lots. When all the parts have been used up, the empty lots are deleted from inventory. When products are manufactured, a production clerk adds the lots of products to inventory. A shipping clerk removes products from inventory as the products are shipped from the factory. Like parts, each lot contains only one type of product, but there may be multiple lots in inventory that contain the same type of product. When all the products in a certain lot have been sold, the lot is deleted from inventory. Production managers need to know what parts and products are in inventory before scheduling production. A production manager can display a lot or query the inventory status of a single part or product to see if more need to be ordered or manufactured. Functional Requirements Adding a Lot A lot is assigned a number, starting with 1, when it is added to inventory. Lot numbers are not reused. A maximum of 250 lots can be stored in inventory. The method to add a lot must return a Boolean value of true if the lot was successfully added. Otherwise the method must return false. Deleting a Lot The method to delete a lot takes the lot number of the lot to be deleted as a parameter and returns a Boolean value of true if the lot was successfully deleted and false if it was not deleted. Retrieving a Lot Given a lot number, a specific lot will be returned. If the lot does not exit, the method to retrieve the lot should return null. Querying the Inventory Given a part or product id, the total quantity on-hand will be returned. Note that the total may include parts or products from more than one lot. Removing Parts or Products Removing a quantity of parts or products from inventory reduces the quantity on-hand in one or more lots. Parts or products are removed from inventory only if the entire quantity is available in inventory. If removing the items from inventory reduces the quantity on-hand to zero, the lot should be deleted from inventory. The method to remove items from inventory takes the part or product number and the quantity as parameters. The method should return a Boolean value of true if the parts or products were successfully removed and false if they were not removed. Assignment Your job is to implement the methods specified in the interfaces in concrete classes. You must document and test all classes you implement. A careful study of the functional requirements and documentation in the provided interface classes will direct your efforts. You also may want to examine the javadoc supplied in the folder Lab01Student\doc. You may ask the customer (your professor) for clarification on any of the methods that are imprecisely defined. Any method containing the comment // TODO: Your code here should be modified to perform the task documented in the associated interface. You are responsible for creating any needed instance fields. You also must add comments and update all javadoc to fully and accurately document your implementation. You can create additional methods, as needed, to implement your classes. Note that some additional classes and interfaces are provided as part of the project. In particular, the Money interface and the concrete implementation Dollar are available for specifying the cost of an item. You can find the javadoc for these interfaces and classes in the folder Lab01Student\jardoc\doc.
  13. I thought it would be smart idea to get a second degree in web development, but found out I suck, and I mean suck big balls at Java. I am a right brained artist, my brain just does not work this way. I am taking a second level class right now, had a hard time getting motivated to even start the damn class, and now have a lab due tomorrow at midnight, and not sure how to go about completing it. I have some of the basics done, but it's about a year since I took the intro class. Anyone have a few hours tomorrow afternoon to explain to me some of what I need to do to get this shit done? Let me know if you think you can help out, We can go over details. Would like to get started no later than 2-3 pm, so I have time to get it done. If you're in C-bus and can meet with me, even better. I will owe you big time. Thanks! Art
  14. Years of brain rot from alcohol and drug abuse. Seriously though, most great artists are mentally ill. Whether it be depression, schizophrenia, Bipolar, etc. we have just learned to channel it into something creative rather than destructive. You will find that a high percentage of artists are left-handed and thinking with a different portion of the brain than 90% of the rest of the world. Some really great artists suffer from Synesthesia. That's kinda been my problem as an artist. I'm left-handed and fucked in the head, but not fucked enough to truly be great. Plus I'm lazy.
  15. I may be interested in this. Post up the final plans when you decide.
  16. Sharp looking bikes. Never ridden one, but Moose's bike is in the same family, he may be able to give you some input. At that price range, you may want to look at the Triumph Thunderbird as well. I checked one one, pretty sweet, still on my short list for a new bike if I decide to get one.
  17. I get tired. Friday night seems to be more for relaxing nowadays. I'm old.
  18. Are you wanting to go to the comic con with me tomorrow?

  19. I'm not even a sportbike guy and want one. purty.
  20. Wow, I didn't even look at the miles, I would listen to Earache and really re-plan your trip. 800 miles a day would suck in car, let alone a bike. I thought I could easily do 600 a day every day, but with fuel and rest stops, it's not that easy. Especially if you're not on a touring bike. Think about how bad your ass hurts after a few hour ride, and then multiply it by 4, and that is how it feel everyday for a week, sometimes even when you are not riding. .....And I ride a cruiser with an extra padded seat.
  21. Awesome, good luck and have fun. After just doing this solo(and I'm sure Casper, Earache and Shitty will agree with me since they did it too recently), I'll tell you a few things I discovered, that I'm sure you know already. 1. That is a lot of riding in a short period. Not sure if you have ever done anything like this before. You may want to throw in an extra day or two in case you get tired, hit bad weather( I hit a freakin' flood), mechanical issues, or you are just having fun and want to stay somewhere longer. I had issues with my inner thigh going numb from riding so much, I think Casper had problems too. 400-700 miles a day is a long day. Stop and rest plenty. I averaged about 400 per day over 10 days and it kicked my ass. I did 600 two days, I don't know how people iron butt. 2. Riding at night out west sucks. Visibility is nil, animals everywhere, crazy cagers. Be careful, try to ride in the day as much as possible. 3. Dress warm, and pack winter and rain gear. Even before the sun goes down, the temperature drops big time around 6-7. You will get wet. 4. It is ridiculously windy. Doing 80 in 40 mph crosswinds beats the shit out you and wears you out fast. Ride safe, and keep us updated on the trip.
  22. Yeah, the racial comments towards you were uncalled for. There may have been something else behind the anger and you may just have caught it. White males are about the only unprotected group at this time in our history, and it it socially acceptable to bash us(to a point) now. Look at TV nowadays, any type of humor based on stupidity are either white males, and to a lesser degree, black males that have what would be considered white traits. Who gives a fuck though, I guess the past 1000 years of thinking we were is over, anger over it is just wasted energy. Racism is still a serious problem throughout the world, the US sees a lot of it because of we have such a varied culture. Go the south one day, the racial divide that is still there amazes me. Ignorant fucking hillbillies. I don't care who you are, every single person is guilty of it at one time or another. I don't even think it's racism per say, but more xenophobia, because we lash out at what we don't understand. It will never change until humans are all a light mocha, which may not be that far off. I think the biggest thing that people need to do is try to give someone a chance before judging them. If someone is in your opinion an asshole, (which is more likely if they are of a different race or creed than you), fine, don't like them. Let them prove they are dicks first, and just not assume it because of a skin color. I grew up in small redneck town, but in a strangely diverse neighborhood. Ina town of 5000 people that was 90% white, I happened to have a few black and Asian kids in my neighborhood. I think when you are too young to see the differences opens up a person's mind and takes the strangeness of other cultures away when they become an adult. Maybe that's why I think the way I do. Saying that, I think in this day and age more minorities are racist(at least in this part of the country) than Caucasians. I think this is because of economics and education more than anything, and it is unfortunate that some minorities fit into this scenario . Most white racists would be fit in here as well. Maybe it is more of class thing than a race thing? Damn, I'm getting preachy with my posts tonight. WTF? I got way off the actual topic of this thread. Just give people the benefit of the doubt before judging is all I can say.
  23. Welcome! Take everything in stride when this thread gets going.
  24. Mid-Ohio Comic Con this Saturday & Sunday. http://midohiocon.blogspot.com/ I've been going the past few years, it can be cool. Sometimes there are some really cool Star Wars costumes and other crap like that. I like to see the original art, being a designer and all. Going Saturday if anyone is interested and wants to meet up. I go solo, no one I know is really into it.
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