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Everything posted by wrillo

  1. buy new hard drive. plug in new hard drive to secondary IDE/SATA connector boot off of clonezilla cd clone old hard drive to new hard drive take out old hard drive, then make new hard drive primary boot. fyi, if you can hear the hard drive making noises, you probably have very little time left
  2. I like the tags... everytime I hear jello though, all I hear is my friend singing "R, I, L, L, O... Its alive!"
  3. when did you add another M? I swear there was only one. When I first joined the forum I figured your name was Jeremy and you were trying to be clever
  4. I don't really care about the rest of your post, I just thought you should know there are three i's. JRMiii
  5. good to hear you're on your way to a fix, but fyi, 12.7V is a dead battery no question about it.
  6. how do you get away with murdering a black guy? let him ride your motorcycle How do you turn a motorcycle into scrap metal? See above^^ jkjkjk jkjk jklll :D :D (taking JRMiii's advice)
  7. Sunday rides last year were the bomb! I had a blast last year
  8. in kettering near Woodman and Patterson
  9. thanks.. was a good laugh to see this again... happier times I tell you, when I could RIDE
  10. Sorry to burst your bubble, but you were in line with a lot of sausage
  11. I didn't have to pay for shit! What kinda playa you think I am? Talk about a train though? I thought I saw you in line for the MJ meat and greet that night?
  12. whatever, jew bag... all I heard about was the bus
  13. Every time you see them behind you just ride a wheelie into the sunset and disappear! They can't read your plate if you're at 12 o'clock!
  14. Seriously! I met this tool at a meet and greet last year that rode in on an SV650, all he could talk about is how fast his busa is and that his bikes match in color
  15. Instead of racing to suck dicks, can we build a list of places that didn't charge the late fee? All I know for sure is that some places will charge you, some won't. So where did you guys that didn't get charged renew your plates?
  16. Relating to this thread: http://www.ohio-riders.com/showthread.php?t=41285 Summary: Ashley won a free set of tires from DucRX last summer in an OR raffle. Ashley moved before redeeming the tires and asked that someone buy him a rear tire in exchange for the tires from the raffle. I just wanted to say thank you to Ashley and Paul at DucRX for hooking me up with such a great deal. I don't know either of you personally, but I could have really been rolled on this and it took a bit of trust to go forward with this deal. It sounds like a scam, right? "Yeah, pay for his rear and you'll get a front and rear in the mail". Paul also did me a favor by shipping them for free, even after I offered to pay for them to be shipped. I'm glad there are honest people here on this forum. Its hard to find trustworthy people anywhere, especially the internet.
  17. Protip: If Craiglists ads pop up on your "New Posts", click on the New Posts link AGAIN. I dunno if its a bug or a feature, but it works
  18. bullshit. When I'm snowboarding and I launch my dumbass off a hill going 10 mph I don't even have time to think about what body part is going to hurt most
  19. Hey, you talk to NinjaNick recently? Sent him a PM a few days ago to see how he, the wife, and kids were doing.

  20. The only morons are the people who shop there, and buy the over priced shit. If you ever worked in IT though, you understand how stoopid people are when it comes to technology. I agree with others, you can't judge a chain or particular employee based on one store's performance.
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