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Everything posted by wrillo

  1. Welcome to the jungle, we got fun and games!
  2. assuming the repair is ~$100, where can I find a new suit for $300?
  3. http://forums.13x.com/showthread.php?t=234272 What do you guys think of those ^^? How much do you think it would cost to get the sleeve repaired? Is $200 a fair price, considering the damage?
  4. likewise, I've seen you over on SBN... I live here now, so I'm barely on SBN anymore. Welcome!

  5. I hope my (non-existent) five year old is this smart, calm, and collected http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P6cksmhtGWs
  6. thanks, just check their site. Its still $75 according to the website, nothing about boot rental. Zipper contact has to be 50% or more, my textile only has a zipper in the back that covers about 25%. That won't work, so looks like I need boots and $75 for a suit. $175 + boots... I'd like to do this, but it'll greatly depend on monies available at the time
  7. I've looked everywhere but I can't find my virginity. I know it didn't just walk off on its own
  8. Can anyone give me details on gear rental? I need a suit and boots, are both available for rental? I may be able to pick up some boots, because I need them anyway. What are price$?
  9. unidentified woman? clearly we know it was Mary http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-bFk9F5IwCE
  10. Tiger Woods Announces Return To Sex http://www.theonion.com/content/news/tiger_woods_announces_return_to?utm_source=onion_rss_daily
  11. he could have gone with 50% yellow, 50% red, and saved 100% of but it doesn't look too bad as is
  12. qft. the way I say it makes me feel better on my insides
  13. Exactly what I was thinking! Quit getting us off track though, someone died here... over taxes! I wonder if he ever actually said "over my dead body" when asked to pay his taxes
  14. its tomorrow, anyone want to go? I'm a small framed guy, so I think it'd be hilarious. I'd feel like a midget among giants or somethin'
  15. I just don't understand, why doesn't everyone love turtles?
  16. damn... he probably could have just sold the plane and paid his taxes with the $$
  17. wrillo

    F snow

    this thread is lulz
  18. I didn't know you worked there.. ma daddy helped build that office few years back. Seriously though, I live like 2 minutes from there. Ridin'! congrats mattttt
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