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Everything posted by wrillo

  1. Wrong. GTFO of America. Now. This is the type of bullshit I can't stand and the bullshit that ruins everything for everyone else. "Somebody just has to be at fault. Its not the riders fault... durr, dur". No offense In other news, did anyone see the launch made by the rider in the near lane? Fail is everything in this vid
  2. I think mailing firearms is a no no
  3. When I needed a ramp I used a good ladder, and put wood over the ladder its really handy with hover trucks
  4. I think he started a new thread.. there might be one or two others floating around out there. Last I knew he was doing okay, just sorting out the details. Did he get his car rigged up so he could drive? What did he do for work beforehand? Can he/is he working?
  5. I wouldn't worry about it. My bike isn't going to show any maintenance on carfax, other than a couple warranty repairs. I do it all myself
  6. Anyone know how Brian is doing?
  7. Whats up with the RC? Something happen to make you worry?
  8. self employed? mine is paying for me to move to Arizona this summer
  9. wrillo

    Photo Hunt

    a bright green 1 pixel square
  10. wrillo

    Photo Hunt

    someone wearing an OR shirt
  11. so you DO fuck small animals?
  12. they hit it right on the nail of the head IMO. When I look at it, I feel sick
  13. Just left Ashley a message this morning... I had to sort out details with Paul before I committed. Gonna give the dealership a call at 10a their time.
  14. wrillo


    I think its a picture of his wife or somebody giving the finger
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