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Uncle Punk

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Everything posted by Uncle Punk

  1. That will work. Okay Tarr it looks like the Speedway next to McDonalds on the southern end of Millersburg will be the pick up point we will make that our first stop. We should be there about 10:10 +/- a few. Armith we are only doing 300 miles we can get you back home before dark no problem. You don't have to go home though if you don't want to we won't tell. I don't mind if anyone joins in. If I didn't want to ride with people I wouldn't have posted and just called the people I wanted to ride with. If you haven't been on these roads you will enjoy them. Plus you will have the benefit of having a group of people around to support you. I learned these roads by joining in on rides others were putting together so come on let’s go riding and have some fun.
  2. You are a sick son of a bitch for posting that, fucking bastard. I fuck with the cruiser guys when they are the topic of discussion. I fuck with the v-twin sport bike guys when they are the topic of discussion. I fuck with the gixxer guys if they are the topic of discussion. No hating going on though.
  3. I won't be making it. My nephew and his wife are bringing their dogs over so we can watch them for the weekend and to show off their new baby.
  4. No detours on 83 get there anyway you want. I'm not comfortable trying the posted new group riding rules I'm thinking we should revert back to what's known to work. It appears we have picked up a few more brothers around here thanks to Harley.
  5. Yes the map posted is the intended route. You pick the spot; I don't think it makes a difference to anyone else. If you are flexible that would be great in case someone else wants to meet up in one of the two towns. If no one else chimes in it's up to you. We should be at the Speedway by McDonalds in Millersburg about 10:00 to 10:10 and we can make that our first stop if needed.
  6. 2009 Kawasaki ZX6R Monster, $7,100 plus your county taxes, no other fees. I love this bike.
  7. From my understanding of the case the Marine's father took them to court and lost so he has to pay their legal fees. I don't have a problem with this. I HATE what they are doing and would not accept it on my watch but they are protected by laws that are in place for all of us. The father’s money would have been better spent to pay the fines for assaulting every last one of the church fuckers. I would gladly help him assaulting the assholes or donate to that worthy cause. The 1st amendment is to protect us from the government; there are still consequences for you actions. There are laws to punish people who commit assault. I'm cool with both laws and willing to partake in both of them for the right cause. I’m not just thumping my chest here; there are very few cases where I could condone assaulting another person. I have a special respect for our service members and a considerable blind spot for Marines that would allow me to act out in a case like this.
  8. I like to wave at the cruiser guys leaned over in a corner. You can almost watch them thinking, do I wave back, I can't wave back I'm in a corner. It amuses me. I can only do this down south because cruiser guys up north are too cool to wave at sport bikes.
  9. I would guess 10:25 to 10:50 we have picked up riders in Coshocton before at the Marathon just south of the 541 exit. If we aren't picking anyone up in Millersburg we can make that our first gas stop. It's about 84 miles from our start point. If anyone wants to meet up in Millersburg the timing might change.
  10. As you should be. We don't need you anyway we will have a Buell on the ride anyway. We don't want too many of them hanging around.
  11. Can we see more pictures of the coolest bike on Ohio-Riders? Please, please, please.
  12. Yes, but before you were born probably. The M9 was issued the year I got out so I'm one of them 1911 old fucks.
  13. I don't care if you know about some of my firearms.
  14. We will be riding the part north of 78 Friday.
  15. 82 & 83 Circle K, we will start rolling at 9:00 AM so be gassed up and ready to ride then, 300 mile loop back to meeting place.
  16. I'm thinking a 300 mile loop from 82 & 83 starting at 10:00 AM. I.P. can go fuck himself if he doesn't like you being home late. (We can leave earlier if need be. I can get the bike to I.P. for you too if you need help.)
  17. So... I'm riding by myself then?
  18. I am now an official fan boy. Why is it so quite in the group? I started a thread to get the ball rolling.
  19. I'm here to take in all the awesomeness!
  20. Ha, haa, haaa...... Thanks for the post, so far funniest one today.
  21. I handle this two different ways. One is to get out of sight up front in a hurry so they don't ride over their heads. I still get to go for a ride and show them some good roads. They get to ride their pace. Two is I will slow down for people who want to learn and have a level head about them. I then talk to them at stops about what they are concerned about and pick a pace that tows them along. I really don't see how staying closer to someone keeps them from running up my butt.
  22. The tire tread trick is not always accurate. On one hand if you are getting off of your bike it is possible to leave a nice wide chicken strip and still keep pace with a fast group. On the other hand I have ridden with riders who have no chicken strips at all who should ride in the back of any group ride that doesn't include cruisers.
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