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Uncle Punk

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Everything posted by Uncle Punk

  1. Can you explain what this is? Cool, I can see maps in posts. How are you going about doing this?
  2. As soon as the dealership gets one in I will contact HER. If a deal is to be made it will include a clause that you can't ride it.
  3. Uncle Punk


    Whatever you're testing you have hidden it very well.
  4. You should change your gearing back to stock, I hear that helps tire life.
  5. You post whoring, Suzuki squid, liberal bastard now I hate you. Us folks is getting together to donkeypunch your white ass or do your girlfriend.
  6. I want him to come by and pray over my bike. That bug killing, tire eating bitch needs saved.
  7. The tone did change once it was moved here but I still don't understand why it was moved. It got ridiculous for a while but would not have it would have been left alone. I am missing where it went to bashing. I really don't think the mod that moved it read the whole thing. Not that I think it was going on but is cop bashing against the rules? There were enough level headed people involved in the discussion that it wouldn't have degraded without good counter points. Single post nonsense is usually ignored. If you say something stupid expect to be called out on it. To move a discussion simply because you don't like it's content when no rules are being violated is petty and not needed. It sets the tone of the board to reflect a mods sensibility and leaves no room for other view points if this same standard is applied to all threads. How boring would it be if all of the board’s discussions were just about one person’s interests? If I missed some rule breaking or bashing let me know I can deal with that. What do I know I'm just a post whore who likes conflict?
  8. Guns is bad. It convinced my son to point it at himself and pull the trigger, you can't trust them they have mind control powers. I don't know what I would do in that situation but I think I would have drawn down on him as soon as his hands came back into sight without the gun when he put it behind him in his waistband. The cop might have made some mistakes but his outcome ended up just fine for himself, I'm glad he got to go home that night. Plus one for the good guy. I still think moving this thread was uncalled for and served no good purpose. Were people complaining about it?
  9. http://www.woodtv.com/dpp/news/local/kalamazoo_and_battle_creek/Video-underscores-dangers-for-deputies
  10. I raced CCS in 2008 but was a mid pack amateur and would never be able to run a set of takeoffs on my street bike. You're the man if you have tire left running an expert pace. Only if there is some squid behind me on a twin. Or any southeast road containing three digits to describe it.
  11. You must ride smooth as silk; I guess it can be done. Can you come over and fondle my bike too? I haven’t even started riding this new 1K yet I am anticipating getting less than 1,800 out of a rear. You need to stop telling me this shit. Is your avatar picture of you? You ride expert?
  12. The first session at Mid-Ohio in the morning is useless because that track is so slick from dew. Sometimes the second session is too slick also. That track is a blast to ride but it has to be completely dry. I have never ridden with Nesba so I can't address their group break downs. I went to a twilight ride last year at Mid-Ohio thinking, great no slick track issues only to be met with two groups out on the track at the same time. Not ideal conditions so I think I might like the more strict structure.
  13. 100 race laps plus 4,000 miles!?!? Race laps or track day laps? I have heard the new ONEs could do 100 race laps but then add 4,000 miles? I don't accelerate hard from stops or brake much when riding with the exception of 255 & 536. I'm definitely doing something wrong.
  14. That site is bookmarked. I had to replace the power supply on a machine not to long ago that runs Windows 98. We dug through our old computers and found a matching one, plugged it in and BAM sparks everywhere. I forgot to switch it over to 220. I found one at a local computer store that has been in business for over 20 years. They had one in the back, new complete with the layer of dust holding the box together.
  15. No shit your friends don't believe that mileage. On an old under powered 2003 600 the best I ever got out of a rear from a Michelin pilot power 2ct or Pirelli Diablo corsa III was 2,100 miles and that was only once. All the rest of the rear tires were gone at 1,800 miles. I never do burn outs either. The op didn't state what mileage requirements he was trying to get along with several other things to consider when making a tire decision.
  16. I had a dog with big blue balls too bad I can't get my scanner to work because I would share a picture of them with you guys. My property taxes are insane.
  17. WTF, why does he get to keep his threads on topic?
  18. Internet sarcasm does not work well. Ar15 has 175,000 active members and has had 28,000 users online at one time, might be a little over kill. You're the one running this show I would go for the most stable least amount of babysitting approach.
  19. What software does AR15 , com use? They state they developed their own but was it based on something. They have a huge amount of traffic and seem to be able to handle it. If they can develop their own why don't you just do the same? You seem like a smart fellow.
  20. That term has had political correctness affect it, now it is "Afro Engineered"
  21. Obstructionism is a good thing if it can keep the government from causing harm. You seem to have an issue with it but the voters of Massachusetts apparently like it, at least the independents and republicans. Wouldn't you have liked the democrats to have obstructed that war in Iraq? Oh I forgot they were lied to and tricked into it the poor stupid spineless rubes. I really like that the republicans are blocking this proposed healthcare shit. If the proposed changes to healthcare were good for us everyone would be for it. When the folks in Washington figure that out then maybe they can get around to changing things.
  22. The schools are getting the same money as they always have it doesn't matter what property values are, just charge the homeowners more. Fucking thieves I tell you. The little Indian girl (feather) second from the last in the second row was my girlfriend in 6th grade. The first black kid in the third row had a twin sister that was hot in 9th grade. I can still remember about eight or nine of the kid’s names. Some I know are dead and the smiley kid was retarded.
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