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Uncle Punk

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Everything posted by Uncle Punk

  1. I understand that sentiment but don't you also pay more for your car and home owners insurance than you use? What is your point...just saying?
  2. Your 9mm idea is starting to sound better with 380 at that price! I have a 380 that sits for this very reason. I have seen none of it anywhere for over a year while at the same time have picked up close to 3,000 rounds of 9mm at local WalMarts. 100 rounds of 380 could buy you some pretty custom pink grips.
  3. Have you tried the shooting range you are going to be shooting at? They usually have it if you buy range time. I haven't seen any in over a year except at the range.
  4. I agree, the less regulations and laws these idiots can pass the less harm they can cause us. Compromise is a bad thing when government is part of the equation. The constitutional angle will be used if this stupid health care bill passes and with the current makeup of the court it will be defeated. This is why elections are important the judicial branch is just as political as the elected branches. This is why most cases are decided by split votes, laws and the interpretation of them are not absolutes. If Obama gets re-elected the make up of the court will most likely change. If this passes no one will have cause to challenge it because most of the harm won’t take effect until a few years from now. If the Republicans can’t outright defeat this bill they should make sure it is fully enacted now so that cause will take place so it can be challenged under the current court.
  5. Of course they have justification to oppose this legislation that is why they were elected as Republicans. I'm sure 90% of Republicans oppose this intrusion of the government into 25% of the economy; they are doing their jobs by opposing it.
  6. From what I remember reading Rossi was offered a ride on the monster but declined out of respect to Roberts. Edwards may have been offered also but I don't remember.
  7. Having spent time in the military I find it completely plausible that it is just plain old fashioned ineptitude. I would like to think that your theory is correct but I have too much experience to have any faith in it.
  8. ^^ They didn't like it so much when the bill was actually being read. I would have thought that was a good thing according to Mr Franken and Mr. Brown. http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/6d4a4774-eaad-11de-a9f5-00144feab49a.html
  9. http://www.videosift.com/video/Penn-Teller-Bullshit-Recycling
  10. This crazy fucker gives me hope. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/3036677/vp/34455431#34455431
  11. I remember reading an article about this event and hoping to see the video of it, thanks for posting it.
  12. http://chronicle.northcoastnow.com/2009/12/17/man-convicted-for-murder-asks-for-new-sentence-gets-12-extra-years/ When this judge is up for re-election he will be the first democrat I have ever voted for in my life.
  13. Uncle Punk

    2010 vfr

    My old CBR1100XX had a longer range than this new thing. I love that new transmission and can't wait until they put it in a sport bike, I'll be all over it. I think it's the best new technology to go mainstream on street bikes in a long, long time.
  14. The cost to campaign a 1000 will be cheaper because they are limiting the number of engines you can use for the year. In order to keep the performance of the bikes to the 800 standards they went back up to the 1000 so they weren’t such temperamental bitches and so they could make them last more than one race. These bikes have very little to do with production bikes and I highly doubt you will be seeing privateers that can last a whole season which is how they commit to the series. This is allowing Suzuki and Kawasaki to field a team in this current economy.
  15. Winner, in the handgun debate to eliminate the 22 for protection duty. They are an inexpensive way to shoot but I have never fired more than 50 rounds of 22 through a handgun without some sort of issue except for a single action revolver. The size of the round is not deficient but rim fire reliability as stated above. The difference between the 22 and 45 is less than a 1/4 inch. At 20 feet in a stressful situation I highly doubt most shots can be placed where desired plus or minus 1/4". The original poster should not have an issue finding a center fire handgun in his price range. I would steer clear of the 380 right now only because ammo is hard to find.
  16. Oracle money, chassis built in Kansas, body built in Poland in an old MIG plant.
  17. Hit the link. The chassis is billet. With a $4,500 book to show off the results. Beyond a chromed plastic body, this is a polished aluminum work of art.
  18. http://www.kirkhammotorsports.com/book_aoe/ Cubic dollars
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