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Uncle Punk

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Everything posted by Uncle Punk

  1. So now we are to think of the mods as official competent I'm here to help type of people.
  2. Might I suggest that Drama Queen post shouldn't be showing up while viewing the Live! feed.
  3. Is there an official list of these assholes or is it a mods only list?
  4. Likwid is a shit stirrer! Have we decided if he is smart enough to have done it on purpose or was he being stupid and didn't know any better?
  5. Man, you might have just stepped into starting shit again. I want to see all the liberals fighting it out about who is the smartest one. Just because Justin says he is doesn't make it so.
  6. Well if you are a dummy then you are safe from starting shit around here, only the smart kids can do that.
  7. It's so hard to understand them liberals I don't know how you do it. Besides who made him the king of all blacks that he can just decide you are black. I thought only confused future mods could do that.
  8. Wait, whoa, whoa don't call me a liberal. Just because I'm black don't be prejudice and assume I'm a liberal. That's racist.
  9. Not a problem, where all the white womens at? We can start one hoe at a time.
  10. I don't participate in forums that are modded more than this one. That was meant to be a joke. Would I like it to be less modded around here, yes. I don't understand why threads are moved to this section and then closed, that just doesn't make sense to me. I would love to find a gun board that isn’t modded like the CBR board.
  11. Says Coshocton's fan boy cheerleader, I love you too. The other black guy from Lorain county, Inya. That sums it up as efficient as possible. The same could take place here if we weren't modded to death. The sponsors would be running away though.
  12. I don't want to see Justin starting any shit because he's too smart to do it without knowing he is doing it. So it’s don't start no shit if you know you are about to but if it's an accident its okay? The CBR board is wide open for anything but it somehow has way less drama than this board does. You could never get sponsors for it though because topics are rarely PC. I like that board and it is the first and last board I check when I get on the internet. I have been on it since 2004 and have less than 200 posts. I got my ass handed to me the first week I was on it, you can act like a fool all you want over there but your ass will be beat down if you're being stupid. It is a way older crowd with way thicker skin over there, without the broad range of topics there are here. I like this place to meet up with others to ride. I never would have ridden the Coshocton area without being here and I really enjoy riding there. It helps that they have fan boy cheerleaders. I hate the fact that the two active local to me board members a sissy liberals though.
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tbrZgJayHqI
  14. http://www.antemedius.com/content/individual-mandate-unconstitutional-exercise-congressional-power
  15. I understand that sentiment but don't you also pay more for your car and home owners insurance than you use? What is your point...just saying?
  16. Your 9mm idea is starting to sound better with 380 at that price! I have a 380 that sits for this very reason. I have seen none of it anywhere for over a year while at the same time have picked up close to 3,000 rounds of 9mm at local WalMarts. 100 rounds of 380 could buy you some pretty custom pink grips.
  17. Have you tried the shooting range you are going to be shooting at? They usually have it if you buy range time. I haven't seen any in over a year except at the range.
  18. I agree, the less regulations and laws these idiots can pass the less harm they can cause us. Compromise is a bad thing when government is part of the equation. The constitutional angle will be used if this stupid health care bill passes and with the current makeup of the court it will be defeated. This is why elections are important the judicial branch is just as political as the elected branches. This is why most cases are decided by split votes, laws and the interpretation of them are not absolutes. If Obama gets re-elected the make up of the court will most likely change. If this passes no one will have cause to challenge it because most of the harm won’t take effect until a few years from now. If the Republicans can’t outright defeat this bill they should make sure it is fully enacted now so that cause will take place so it can be challenged under the current court.
  19. Of course they have justification to oppose this legislation that is why they were elected as Republicans. I'm sure 90% of Republicans oppose this intrusion of the government into 25% of the economy; they are doing their jobs by opposing it.
  20. From what I remember reading Rossi was offered a ride on the monster but declined out of respect to Roberts. Edwards may have been offered also but I don't remember.
  21. Having spent time in the military I find it completely plausible that it is just plain old fashioned ineptitude. I would like to think that your theory is correct but I have too much experience to have any faith in it.
  22. ^^ They didn't like it so much when the bill was actually being read. I would have thought that was a good thing according to Mr Franken and Mr. Brown. http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/6d4a4774-eaad-11de-a9f5-00144feab49a.html
  23. http://www.videosift.com/video/Penn-Teller-Bullshit-Recycling
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