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Uncle Punk

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Everything posted by Uncle Punk

  1. Is this the gayest sounding thread ever? It sounds like Casper is trying to convince his new found reluctant gay lovers. Likwid catches on. Time for some more sweet talk. I'll pass, the eight of you "guys" have a good time. Keep the pictures to yourselves.
  2. When you are a supreme ruler you get to keeps you threads on topic. That's not fair; I want to file a complaint with the person in charge.
  3. Jake was friends with my father, they worked together for a while before Jake went to work at GM. My mother also worked with Donna at one of the local hospitals I think. I haven't seen them in years but really like both of them. When you see them tell them Len's son Tod is sorry to hear about his dad.
  4. Is your wife related to Jake Herwig who grew up in N. Ridgeville and is married to Donna? I also know his cousin Don Herwig, he works out in Grafton.
  5. Hailwood, glad to see you back posting. Good to hear the damages weren't too bad and the bike could be made safely rideable if need. That is one beautiful bike so I understand wanting to make it pretty again. Cleve posted recently looking for some parts to finish his bike up.
  6. Does anyone use or know anything about the Sprint family locator service? I might be switching my phone service and this looks like a cool way to keep track of my weekend rides in real time for the folks back home. I am terrible about checking in when I am out and for whatever reason it's thought that riding with the lovely folks around here is dangerous, mostly because you guys ride too fast. Is there another service like this that is better or cheaper? The Sprint service is $5 a month for up to four phones.
  7. I decided against a nap, went out and shoveled instead. How did the skating game go?
  8. The lie detector results are in.....he was cheating
  9. The year before that the kids were there with the Red Bull cup the same weekend as the pros. Those little bastards ran three seconds faster than me on a 600.
  10. Yes, that was two years ago the year I tried to race. That picture was from the AMA amateur races in September.
  11. You should probably go back and read what you missed. The shop was concerned about safety and took the tires back. Plus there was a lot of credible information to support the safety issue. Economics played a part in the thread but not to the retailer’s detriment.
  12. The last time I was at Mid-Ohio I screamed off the track at the end of the back straight. That's why I don't have a track bike, the gravel trap destroyed it.
  13. Maury is on now, gotta find out who the baby daddy is. I should be shoveling snow but I feel a nap coming on.
  14. What are you doing watching hockey, Jerry Springer is on!
  15. Uncle Punk


    Every time I click that link I'm looking at the wow thread.
  16. I'm messing with you because you have a track bike and I'm jealous. How do you handle the superior power of your I4 track bike after riding that dog twin street bike?
  17. Watch who you're messing with or I will sneak up behind you and blindfold you with some dental floss.
  18. Listen you little black haired bastard show some respect for your elders.
  19. How do you know if you can or can't race a helicopter if you never try?
  20. Work started to slow down last week. I have had no work this week. I think I might have found the end of the internet. I need to learn another language to I can understand new internet territory.
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